Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 189 The Joy of Existence

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Within the territory of the Kingdom of Fire. 【Zero↑Nine△Small↓Shuo△Net】

In that stretch of endless lush forest.

Konoha Village, which seems to symbolize warmth, is located in the middle of the forest.

At this time, in the Hokage building.

In a large conference hall, a group of people were waiting anxiously.

Among them, several high-level Konohas were also included, and they were all sitting there with serious and calm expressions at this time, waiting for the news to come back from the battlefield.


A black shadow appeared here.

He half-kneeled respectfully, and immediately handed over the secret letter, which recorded in detail the situation of the Land of Rain battle the day before!

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun stepped forward to pick it up, his eyes swept across the paper, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes immediately!

"Sandai, take a quick look, that kid Soyousuke... is amazing..."

Hearing her words, the third generation's face remained unchanged, and he took the letter paper with a heavy heart, scanning his eyes seriously.

After seeing the content clearly, he couldn't help but relax his shoulders slightly, looked at the people present, and said in a deep voice.

"Information says that under the command of Soyousuke, Konoha connected six strongholds of Shasha Ninja within one day."

Speaking of this, he pondered for a while.

"Counting yesterday's incident, Konoha has already wiped out ten strongholds in the Land of Rain."

Hearing the third generation say this in person, the Konoha executives who have been waiting here all this time, just to learn the news earlier, all showed surprise expressions.

"Ten strongholds!? According to previous calculations, I am afraid that these are the only strongholds Sand Ninja can place in Urenin!"

A Konoha executive seemed to suddenly think of something and exclaimed.

Hearing his words, other people also reacted one after another, and couldn't help but look at Sandai in surprise.

Facing the child who almost grew up in their ears, I felt extremely shocked in my heart!

Is this the horror of "Konoha Son" Soyousuke! !

And the Third Hokage listened to their words, couldn't help showing a smile on his already vicissitudes face, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, judging from the current situation, Soyousuke has almost wiped out Sand Ninja's influence in Urenin Village in just a few days."

Speaking of this, he slightly lowered his head to look at the information, and said in a very gentle voice.

"That child is really amazing....It is worthy of being the 'Konoha's Son'."

Hearing Sandai's words, whether it was Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan who were beside him, or a group of high-level Konoha executives beside him, they were all stunned for a moment.

There was a moment of silence in the conference hall!

The third generation didn't care about this, but just lowered their heads and quietly looked at the information, the corners of their eyes were slightly relieved, as if they were thinking about something.

It's great that Konoha has you young generation...  

Sensei.....can you see...Konoha's outstanding generation....

Where the leaves dance.....the fire will burn.....the fire will light up the village.....

And the leaves will sprout again....

Teacher....This village already has more and more people who are carrying it.....

Inside the conference hall.

The eyes of the three generations were reminiscent of the vicissitudes of life, but a group of high-ranking Konohas below were still deeply stuck in his previous words and couldn't extricate themselves.

Three...Three generations have personally recognized the "Konoha's Son", doesn't it...that means...

Some people are already secretly restless in their hearts at this moment, and have a little thought.


At this time, within the territory of the Land of Rain.

A Konoha stronghold where ninjas come and go.

Located in the center of a tent.

The huge map was spread out and hung high in the tent, like a huge ripple.

Soyousuke looked at the map with a positive expression and calmly at this time, and lightly circled dots on it, and beside him, a group of ninjas were holding notebooks seriously and recording.

"This is the territory of the Kingdom of Wind. Don't consider it in terms of the conditions of the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Rain. In this country covered by wind and sand, adequate water sources must be prepared."

"And our battle line should not be too long, otherwise, if we go deep into the hinterland, we will undoubtedly have too great a disadvantage in fighting in the sand ninja terrain."

I saw Soyousuke standing, calmly explaining to the group of ninjas.

On the side, a pretty figure walked in, but he didn't bother Yousuke, just hugged his hands, and looked at him with a pair of beautiful eyes that were extremely gentle.

"Captain Soyousuke, according to your previous analysis, Konoha has almost wiped out all of Sand Shinobi's strongholds."

"In this way, most of Sand Ninja's combat power has been weakened, why are you still so worried and hesitant to advance at this time?"

At this time, I saw a ninja with a slightly immature face pinching his chin, thinking for a while and then whispering.

Hearing his words, Soyousuke glanced at him, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and explained softly with a gentle look in his eyes.

"Nara Shinose, right? The question you raised is very valuable."

Hearing that Soyousuke was able to call out his name, Nara Shinase, who was a little immature, was slightly startled and acted a little at a loss.

Seeing this scene, Soyousuke smiled gently at him and said softly.

"Don't be nervous, before I answer your question, I want to ask you a question."

Hearing Soyousuke's words, Nara Shinose was taken aback for a moment, and then said respectfully and politely.

"Please tell me."

Soyousuke looked at him and said softly.

"Konoha has already formed an alliance with Urenin Village. If Sand Ninja Village is defeated again, will Konoha's power become stronger?"

Hearing Soyousuke's words, Nara Shinose thought about it and nodded slightly.

Certainly, judging from the current situation of Konoha and Sand Shinobu, there is no doubt that Konoha will definitely win...wait...! !

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Nara Shinase suddenly raised his head and said in a deep voice.

"I mean...Iwa Ninja Village!"

After hearing his words, Soyousuke showed a smile of appreciation, and the other ninjas present also suddenly realized and responded one after another.

That's right, if Konoha will rashly invade Sand Ninja Village at this time, Iwanin will take a cold breath in the middle, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

Maybe it is not impossible to destroy all the existing victories in one move!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help looking at Soyousuke with deep reverence again!

And Xinze looked at Soyousuke with admiration, as if he regarded him as a military god.

"Let's stop here for today's tactical discussion class. Next, I will explain the strategic offensive against sand ninja while arranging actual combat. Everyone is more like Xinze, and thinking a lot is the best way to truly understand this process. Way."

Soyousuke clapped his hands, looked at the gentle smiles on everyone's faces, and said softly.

Hearing his words, although the crowd was a little bit reluctant, they all got up one after another, bowed respectfully and then retreated.

At this time, Tsunade walked in, looking at Soyousuke with beautiful eyes without any scruples, and said in a pretty voice.

"Soyousuke, you look so handsome as a teacher..."

Hearing her words, Soyousuke couldn't help but smiled, stretched out his hand lightly and flicked her on the head, and said softly.

"Isn't it because you took such a task for me? Is it not good for Shi Ye to do this kind of thing? His analysis of the war is not inferior to mine."

After being hit by Soyousuke, Tsunade couldn't help touching his forehead, and said angrily.

"You bastard, don't hit me, this kind of thing... But I finally applied to the teacher..."

"Do you think anyone can be the teacher of this kind of Konoha tactics class... That guy Tono is from the Uchiha clan..."

In this regard, Soyousuke smiled helplessly, and said softly.

"Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work."

Hearing his words, Tsunade smiled slightly, showing a hint of happiness.

Even though she didn't open the window paper with Soyousuke, the days when she was together every day at this time made her feel a joy that she had never had before...

How long can this happiness last........No one knows......

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