Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 196: Chess pieces

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

In the land of rain.

The torrential rain in the sky has become much smaller at this time, and the gloomy dark clouds have gradually dissipated, slowly revealing the white sky.

In a dark forest.

"Crack!" "Crack!"...

Along with the heavy and light footsteps interlaced sounded here.

Two figures appeared under the tall trees.

"Should I call you Soyousuke...or lord...and I want to know you...what are your plans..."

I saw the burly adult ninja behind him asked hesitantly.

Hearing his words, the tall figure in front of him stopped.

I saw Soyousuke raised his mouth slightly on his handsome face, turned his head slightly, glanced at him with his glasses-wearing eyes, and said gently.

"Just call me Aizen, it might be more convenient."

"As for the plan... For the time being, the goal is to control the sand ninja..."

Speaking of this, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was telling a very interesting thing.

Hearing his words, the muscular man's face tightened, and he said a little ugly.

"That's Sand Ninja Village, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages...what you said...and...and..."

In this regard, Soyousuke interrupted him, smiling gently.

"Don't worry, I won't send you to harm your compatriots."

"It's just... I may need you to take the position of Kazekage... In this case, our plan will go much smoother. [Zero↑Nine△↓说△网】"

Hearing Soyousuke's words, Yan Tong was taken aback for a moment, then he stuttered in surprise with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Kaze... Kazekage!? How is it possible, this kind of thinking is too absurd..."

In this regard, Soyousuke just glanced at him slightly, and said softly.

"Absurd is a word used by incompetent people to justify their mediocrity."

Being looked at so lightly by Soyousuke, Tong Tong felt a slight coolness behind his back, couldn't help but stiffen his expression, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and didn't dare to move around at will.

Soyousuke continued to speak softly.

"Rainin Village is already under my control at this time, and the reconciliation it reached with Konoha not long ago was also created by me. Everything... is just because my plan needs these."

Hearing Soyousuke's words suddenly, Tong Tong's expression froze!

But in his heart, he couldn't restrain his horror like overwhelming the river!

"Are you saying that... it was... you... that contributed to the reconciliation between Konoha and Urenin...!?"

"And... and even Yuren Village is already under your control...!?"

I saw that Chi Dong was completely surprised by the news, and stammered like a knotted tongue.

Seeing the surprised and shocked look on his face, Soyousuke's emotions did not fluctuate, his face was still very calm, and he said softly.

"Don't be too surprised, these are just some of the most basic arrangements...after all...the enemy we face may be the entire ninja world.【Zero↑Nine△△↓说△网】"

"If you don't make sufficient preparations, it may be very difficult in the future."

Hearing Soyou Jie's calm words, I couldn't help but feel that I used to carefully make human puppets, and my experience of countless life-and-death battles was a joke in front of this person.

The patterns of the two are completely different.

He's only twenty years old...

I have already set the goal of subverting the entire ninja world and creating a new world....

At this age, I am afraid that I am still secretly studying human puppets, and I am even complacent about a little achievement...

Thinking about it secretly, he sighed inwardly.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, his expression froze, and he blurted out to ask.

"You said Urenin is already under your control, so is Hanzo...!"

Hearing his words, a smile appeared on Soyousuke's calm face, he glanced at him lightly, and said softly.

"As you guessed in your heart, Hanzo was solved by me personally."

With Soyousuke's personal acknowledgment, Yan Tong's pupils shrank suddenly, and his lips moved, but he didn't know what to say.

He even quietly eliminated the demigod of the ninja world...

Such a terrifying achievement has already been made at the age of less than twenty years old.....

He was speechless, but what followed was a blaze of fire in his eyes!

Following such an adult, it seems that creating a perfect new world is not empty talk, I... maybe I should firmly seize this opportunity!

Thinking of this, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said in a rough voice.

"I believe in you, and I am willing to contribute my humble efforts to your great ideal!"

Regarding this, Soyousuke said gently with a smile in his eyes.

"I chose you precisely because of the will you possess..."

"This world needs heroes, but not the kind of short-sighted guy..."

"Dong, give your all for our plan, you will become a hero that will forever be recorded in the history of the ninja world, a hero across the ages."

Hearing Soyousuke's words, his eyes flickered with incomparably fanatical fire!

He seemed to have seen the establishment of a new world, the happy expressions of the people in that world, and himself who was praised by countless people.

"Master Aizen!"

He suddenly half-kneeled in front of Zou Youjie, with a solemn expression and lowered his head, to show his allegiance.

Tong Tong's burly physique seemed very mighty, but at this time he half-kneeled in front of the slightly younger Yousuke, the scene was very strange.

Seeing this, Soyousuke's eyes flickered with a smile, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said warmly.

"Get up, Chidou, we will be companions, whether it is Jieren, Kinnara or you, your names will be engraved forever at the beginning of that epoch-making new world history."

Speaking of this, I saw Soyousuke walking slowly to the half-kneeling Yutong.

His slender white palm seemed to be flickering with a faint blue fluorescent light, and he slowly stroked it towards the top of Tong Tong's head, whispering in a bewitching voice.

"Now, I will give you enough power, so that you have enough ability to control sand ninja for me."

In this regard, Yan Dong had no intention of resisting at all, and his rough face was full of fanaticism.

In the forest, sporadic faint blue lights flickered lightly.

After a while, everything returned to darkness and silence again...


in a few days.

On a piece of land covered with yellow sand.

"Hoo hoo—"

After the wind and sand that seemed to howl like ghosts and wolves suddenly whizzed by, in the bleak world that covered the sky, a burly figure slowly appeared here.

I saw that burly figure slowly raised his head, and through the dark hood, a pair of terrifying pupils flashed away!

"Finally... are you back..."

"Don't worry... Aizen-sama... I will patiently wait for your order..."


As the dull voice of vicissitudes slowly sounded, when the voice said this, the figure slowly raised its head and looked in a direction.

His terrifying pupils slowly retracted, revealing a trace of tenderness.

As the yellow sand drifted by, his figure slowly disappeared in place.

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