Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 296 Dialogue in Mist Ninja Village

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

In the land of water, in Mist Ninja Village.

In a tall building shrouded in thick fog, in a dark corner of the office, Uchiha Tokino slowly withdrew his fearful gaze.

For some reason, just now he felt his heart beating violently.

This indescribable feeling instantly made him vigilant, and he stared defensively at the direction from which the feeling came.

That feeling only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared, which also made Uchiha Tono wonder if it was an illusion caused by his being too nervous.

His face was slightly cold, and his eyes thought carefully for a while, but he couldn't explain the reason for this situation.

"In the end... what is the reason... Is it just my illusion..."

In the darkness, Tokino murmured to himself.


At this moment, the door of the room was gently pushed open, Shi Ye's eyes turned cold, and he looked towards the visitor.

I saw a young man with purple eyes sneaking into the room quietly.

He was wearing a light green robe and had brown hair. For some reason, he was sneaky, and after entering the room, he looked around cautiously.

Occasionally, a hint of vigilance would flash in his eyes.

In the dark room, he walked in quietly, as if he was afraid of disturbing the people in the room, he tiptoed lightly, not daring to make a sound.

Just then.


In the dark room, a hoarse cough suddenly sounded.

This sudden cough almost frightened the purple-eyed boy half to death. He turned his head abruptly, looking at the place where the sound came from with a pale face.

"Chi la..."

A flame suddenly ignited in the room, and then, the bright candle flame instantly illuminated the whole room.

Under the Yingying firelight, everything in the room was illuminated very clearly.

At the desk in the office, a middle-aged man slowly withdrew his hand to light the candle, and asked with a kind smile on his face as he looked at the bewildered teenager standing in front of the desk.

"It's Yakura..."

"You came to me so late, what's the matter?"

For some reason, although the smile on the middle-aged man's face is very kind, it always gives people an indescribable feeling.

It's like...the way people make up after they die...

There was a sense of disobedience in that stiff smile, and even against the bright candlelight, one couldn't help feeling creepy.

The boy in front of him could feel his strangeness deeply.

Cold sweat dripped on his forehead involuntarily, and he took a step back quietly.

He didn't even dare to look directly at the middle-aged man sitting on the main seat, with a stiff smile on his pale face, he said tremblingly.

"It's nothing, Mizukage-sama three generations."

"I... I just want... I want to come to you and ask you about how to deal with Sanwei..."

"After all, since you suppressed Sanwei, that guy's activities have been very active all the time. Do you need to seal him in Jinchuriki's body like other ninja villages, and use it as a strategic weapon in the village?"

After hearing Yagura's words, the smile on Mizukage Mizukage's face in the seat became even more intense.

His eyes flickered, and he looked at Yakura lightly, but Yakura just lowered his head, his body was tense, but he didn't dare to make any unusual moves rashly.

At this time, Sandai Mizukage did not answer his words directly, but asked in a kind voice.

"Yakura, what do you think of the ability of Suikayama puffer ghost?"

Hearing Mizukage's question suddenly, Yagura was slightly taken aback, and after thinking carefully for a while, he said in a childish voice.

"Compared to other ninjas in Mist Ninja Village, Puffer Ghost's ability is recognized by everyone...but...his character is a bit too cruel..."

The third Mizukage did not comment on this, but continued to ask.

"So which ninja in Wunin Village do you think you admire?"

Hearing this, Yagura's small face showed a maturity that was completely unsuitable for his age, and he frowned slightly, trying to analyze Mizukage Mizukage and ask what the purpose of these words was.

After thinking carefully for a moment, he couldn't figure out what the reason was, so he could only answer honestly.

"Ghost Lamp...Full Moon...he who can skillfully use the seven ninja swords is considered an outstanding ninja of the younger generation of Kamigi Ninja Village..."

After receiving Yakura's answer, Mizukage Mizukage showed a strange smile on his face, and said softly.

"Actually, Yakura, you are no worse than them. In my eyes, your ability is stronger than them."

Hearing Mizukage Mizukage's words, Yakura was slightly taken aback, and his immature, child-like face suddenly became very vigilant.

Sandai Mizukage seemed not to notice the vigilance on Yagura's face, and continued with a smile.

"Seal the three tails in Jinchuriki's body... You made a good suggestion... Yakura."

Hearing Sandai Mizukage's words, Yakura's small face became even slightly darker, and he remained silent.

Mizukage Mizukage's eyes flickered, and finally smiled slowly.

"I'll think about it carefully. You go down first. Thank you very much for coming here so late to help the village share the burden."

"Be careful on the way back, Yakura. After all, if Mist Ninja Village is going to participate in the war on the mainland, the village may not be as safe as before..."

As Mizukage Mizukage's kind words slowly fell, Yakura's small face was tense, he nodded slightly, and bowed.

"Then I'll take my leave first, Mizukage-sama..."

Mizukage Mizukage, who was in front of the table, always had a kind smile on his face, watching Yagura slowly open the door, leave the room, and then close the door gently.

"Chi la..."

In the room, the flames of the candles were instantly extinguished as the door closed...

After a long time, a cold murmur sounded in the room.

"Jinjuriki...that's a good idea..."

"Yakura, Ghost Lantern Full Moon, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost... If you want to solve this village, let's destroy you one by one..."


Wunin Village is surrounded by thick fog.


Yagura's figure suddenly flashed on a tall tree trunk, his purple eyes cautiously glanced behind him.

After making sure that no other ninjas were following him, standing on the tree trunk, he breathed a sigh of relief, then murmured to himself.

"Is it my illusion...why...the behavior of the third generation of Mizukage-sama is getting more and more strange..."

Thinking of the words Mizukage asked him today, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

" seems...I said something I shouldn't have said..."

At this moment, Yakura standing on the tree trunk frowned slightly, feeling the abnormality below, he glanced down.

I saw a blue-skinned young man with his upper body bare, under the pale moonlight, in a remote place in the dense fog forest, desperately cultivating.

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