Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 299: In front of us, we are absolutely invincible

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

The gloomy dark clouds piled up more and more on the sky, and a dazzling thunder flashed in the thick clouds from time to time.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying sound of thunder resounded through the sky.


Intensive torrential rain followed one after another, and it suddenly fell on the ground, causing countless rain vapors to rise.

And in the huge palace deep in the cliff.

The atmosphere was not gloomy and oppressive like the outside world, but rather relaxed and comfortable.

Because, the adult sitting on the stone chair is here, and the spiritual beliefs of everyone in Xuye Palace are here, and nothing can make everyone present feel intimidated.

Nagato in the main hall also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

It seems that Master Aizen didn't intend to pursue that matter.

Xiaonan who was beside him also relaxed a little, no longer worrying about disappointing Lord Aizen because of that incident.

But what worried her more was that Yahiko next to her seemed to be immersed in a state of eagerness after hearing Ulquiola's speech, and Xiao Nan couldn't help but feel a little worried because of the fighting spirit in his eyes.

She thought to herself, she must tell Yahiko about Ulquiola's terrifying strength later, lest he do stupid things out of control on impulse.

At this moment.

After Ulquiola finished introducing himself, Aizen looked at everyone on the field, a smile flashed in his eyes, and said softly.

"This time, besides introducing Ulquiorra, I have brought you here to announce something."

Hearing Aizen's words, everyone concentrated their attention and listened carefully to what Aizen was going to say next.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Lan Ran's eyes flashed brightly, and he said softly.

"Three years, the ninja world seems to have calmed down for too long...but...this is just like the history of the ninja world..."

"Ninja villages are accumulating strength...preparing for the next's like a boring cycle after's nothing more than a change of identity between the fighting parties..."

"I will set off the third ninja war, end the ninja era in this turbulent ninja war, and usher in our new era!"

Hearing Lan Ran's words, everyone present was taken aback for a moment, and then a bright light burst out in their eyes! it time to start...

Nagato's small face was tense, his Samsara eyes were full of complex expressions, and he thought to himself.

Beside him, Xiao Nan's eyes were all focused on Lan Ran's body, her little hands were tightly clenched, and she thought secretly.

No matter long as it is matter how weak my strength is...I will definitely give it all for you...

Yahiko's face was a little excited, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he thought to himself.

At last...the time has end this age of war....

The frivolous smile on Jinnara's face was slightly restrained, he turned his head slightly, glanced at the extremely gloomy sky, and murmured in his heart.

Father...Mother...forgive me...

It's not just Aminin village...I want to see that era come...the hope of people...even if it costs my life....

After hearing Aizen's words, Naoki's face was a bit complicated, but it was replaced by a firm expression immediately.

Sister....I am here to truly fulfill Grandpa's long-cherished wish...

Grandfather wants an era where people live in peace... After all, it can only be realized according to what Big Brother Aizen said...

Beside him, Kakuto had no expression on his face, but his slightly rapid breathing and twinkling oil-green eyes revealed his inner unrest.

Other than money....will the time when people trust each other really come...I...want to trust again....

Seeing the excited expressions on everyone's faces, Lan Ran had a confident smile on his lips.

He slowly stood up from the stone chair, and his tall figure stood upright in front of everyone, meeting their trusting eyes.

I saw Lan Ran glanced lightly at everyone's faces, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"The prelude to the third Ninja World War is about to begin from the Land of Wind. When Kazekage withers, the war led by me will begin."

"The cruelty of this war will affect the entire ninja world, and the turbulent ninja world will be our paradise."

"The destruction of the old ninja era will give birth to the new generation of our new era, and all the demons will eventually crawl under our feet."

"Look at the sky, everything that covers us like a haze will eventually dissipate, and the place where the sun shines is our pure land."

Speaking of this, Lan Ran slowly raised his head to look at the sky full of rain and dark clouds, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Everyone on the field was slightly taken aback, looking at his actions in puzzlement, and didn't understand why Lord Aizen would say that.

At this time, I saw Lan Ran slowly raised her white palm, through the hall with only a barrier but no zenith, aimed at the extremely thick and gloomy dark cloud.

"Dragon bones dotted across the sky, dragon eyes, god bones, wind beards, bandits of the gale robbing all beings, thunder, burning fire, piercing thunderous chariots galloping across the sky, the thunder and lightning that gave my name shattered the darkness!"

With a soft moan full of magnetism, I saw a slight smile on the corner of Lan Ran's mouth, looking at the dark clouds above his head, and said softly.

"The Eighty-Eighth of Breaking the Way. Flying Dragon Attacks Thieves and Shocks Thunder Cannon!"

When the last voice fell.

Suddenly, a terrifying blazing blue light gathered in Lan Ran's palm in an instant. The dazzling blue light almost made it difficult for everyone present to look directly at them, and they squinted their eyes slightly.

next moment!


With the sound of violent thunder and galloping, the blazing blue thunder that was several meters thick suddenly shot straight into the depths of the dark clouds like a line connecting the sky and the earth!


The wind is howling, and the air waves are churning!

"Zi la z la -"

The terrifying sound of thunder and lightning resounded above the main hall, and the air waves were churning, making everyone have to raise their hands to block the blowing wind.

I saw the dense black clouds gathered in the sky, and a dazzling straight thunder shot straight into them.



The terrifying roar resounded through the sky, as if the sky was shattered!

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying explosion flashed from the sky, and the blazing blue thunder continued to radiate to the surroundings, and the violently surging air waves caused the dark clouds to disperse immediately!

After a while, the sky cleared up.

The dark clouds that had been accumulating over the sky of the Land of Rain all this time disappeared, revealing the long-lost sunshine.

The bright sunlight shone on the ceiling of Xuye Palace, penetrated into the palace, and reflected the pale palace very brightly.

In the hall, everyone looked at this scene in a daze.

Especially Kinnaro, even murmured in his mouth.

"Master Aizen... really... changed the sky in the Land of Rain..."

Everyone on the field looked at the figure standing in the palace with a faint smile on his mouth, and their eyes were full of infinite reverence!

Lan Ran slowly withdrew her palm, her eyes slowly glanced at everyone on the field, the corner of her mouth raised, and she said softly.

"As you can see, the haze has dissipated and the sun is shining on us."

Having said that, he slowly returned to his seat, raised his right arm to gently support his chin, looked at everyone present and smiled.

"Next, it's time to explain the future plan to everyone."

"As you can imagine, our enemy is the entire ninja world, so we can't be careless, but there's no need to panic."

"You all go back to your respective rooms and act as usual."

"Nagato, Nakoki, Konan, and Yahiko, grow up as soon as possible, and the next one may be the moment when you all emerge."

"The rest of you, just wait quietly for my order."

"Although the enemy is the entire ninja world, you don't need to worry, no matter what happens, just advance and retreat with me."

Speaking of this, Lan Ran, who was sitting on the stone chair, raised his head slightly, and glanced at the people in the hall, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he said confidently.

"Remember, we are invincible in front of us!"

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