Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 306: Scorpion's Yearning, Aizen's Disgust

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Under the leadership of all people, the three came to the edge of Sand Ninja Village.

In the diffuse yellow sand, two figures, one tall and one short, gradually came into the eyes of the three of them.

Tong Tong watched carefully with eyes the size of a doorbell, for fear of missing a certain detail. Gradually, the figure gradually became clearer.

When Lan Ran's figure clearly appeared in the eyes of Yan Tong, his rough face instantly became excited, and he shouted respectfully.

"Master Aizen!"

And not far away, Lan Ran had a slight smile on his lips, looked at Tong Dong peacefully, and said softly.

"It's been a long time, Tong Tong. Since everyone agrees with your preparation, you must have done a good job."

Hearing these words, Yan Dong looked excited and said roughly.

"Since it is Master Aizen's order, I will naturally do my best to complete it, and I will definitely not disappoint Master Aizen."

In response, Aizen nodded with a light smile.

Then his eyes slowly shifted to the silent Xie who followed him, and the corner of his mouth curled slightly.

Beside Aizen, Ulquiola's expression was indifferent, and he looked at Qidong and Xie calmly, thinking about something.

Sensing Aizen's gaze, Xie gently raised his head, his immature face was expressionless, and he looked at Aizen calmly.

Looking at Aizen's deep smiling eyes, Xie couldn't help thinking.

This is... the Aizen-sama that the teacher said... It doesn't seem to have any special appearance...

Seeing Lan Ran cast his eyes on Xie, the man beside him couldn't help feeling a little nervous, for fear that Lan Ran would be dissatisfied with Xie.

He couldn't help hesitating a little, and then explained nervously.

"Master Aizen, this is Xie...a disciple I have cultivated in the past few years..."

"Please forgive his impoliteness, he has completely transformed his body into a puppet, so it will look weird."

Speaking of this, he then turned his head to look at Xie, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help scolding in a low voice.

"Scorpion, have you forgotten what I told you before!?"

Hearing what Chi Dong said, even though Xie had become a puppet, there still seemed to be a hint of helplessness in those calm eyes.

He looked at Aizen blankly and said in a childish voice.

"Master Lanran, hello, I'm Xie, and I'm a disciple of Teacher Yandong."

Regarding this, Aizen didn't care about his attitude, but looked at him with interest and said softly.

"Hello, Scorpio, it's our first time meeting, but I really surprised me..."

Hearing Aizen's words, Xie was taken aback for a moment, then fell into silence.

This guy...why say that?

All the people on the side and Yan Dong were stunned for a moment because of Aizen's words.

It's really great that Master Aizen is very interested in Scorpion.

I saw Lan Ran looking at the scorpion in front of him, a pair of deep eyes flickered slightly, as if he could see through his body.

The corner of his mouth hooked slightly, and said softly.

"Did you choose to completely make your body into a puppet?"

"In this way, you who have thrown away your pain points and human perceptions must be able to display your own strength 100%. If you break through this layer of shackles, you will perform better than your teacher."

Hearing Aizen's words, Xie was taken aback for a moment, surprised that Aizen in front of him could see through the fact that he was a puppet at this moment with just one glance.

On the other hand, the big rough face of Yan Dong was also slightly ashamed, but also with a hint of pride.

Although his achievements in puppetry were not able to break through that layer of shackles, his disciples have completely grasped the ultimate core of a real human puppet.

For him as a teacher, this is undoubtedly something to be proud of.

Scorpion was silent for a while, then asked softly.

"Although asking this may make the teacher more distressed, I still want to ask, do you think it is better to spend energy to launch a ninja war and then build an ideal world for the world than to pursue personal eternity?" Is the kingdom too worthless."

Speaking of this, his calm eyes lowered slightly, and he said softly.

"Just like making a puppet, the ideal country you want to build may also need to go through a series of rigorous steps. Any mistake in any link may lead to the failure of the overall plan."

"With so much effort and fighting against the entire ninja world, maybe a small mistake will lead to failure in the end."

"Compared to this... the pursuit of eternal existence, isn't it easier to observe the changes of the times independently of the world..."

Scorpion's calm words slowly fell into the ears of everyone on the field.

Everyone on the field narrowed their eyes slightly after hearing his words, and even Ulquiola looked at the immature scorpion with calm eyes, as if he only waited for Aizen's order, and then turned the man who dared to despise Aizen Grown-up guy destroys.

This was even more so for the man beside him. The proud smile on his face had faded and was replaced by a deep seriousness. He stared at Xie and said in a deep voice.


"how dare you...."

Before he finished speaking, Lan Ran stopped him with a wave of his hand. There was a smile on the corner of Lan Ran's mouth, and he looked at Xie with a smile in his eyes, and said softly.

"It doesn't have to be like that, I like Scorpion's speech very much."

Hearing Ai Ran's words, the people on the side slowly restrained their nervous expressions, Xie was also taken aback, raised his head slightly, and looked at Ai Ran who said these words.

The corner of Lanran's mouth raised slightly, and said softly.

"It's interesting to compare our series of plans to making puppets, Scorpion."

"As you said, any error in any link may lead to the failure of the plan..."

Speaking of this, his eyes flickered slightly, and he continued.

"However... because of my existence, the occurrence of this situation will be infinitely close to zero."

"I have already written the script of the ninja world, and the story will only be staged according to the script. Any plot that dares to deviate from this plot will be destroyed by thunder."

"This is based on the recognition of my own strength and the trust in my followers."

"Can you understand such an explanation, Scorpion?"

Hearing Aizen's words, Xie was silent for a while, then raised his head and said softly.

"I made myself a puppet, almost achieving an eternal effect. In this way, I can be independent of reincarnation and watch the changes in this world."

"I am not moved by your plan like this."

"For the sake of Teacher Tong, I will help you implement the plan for this link, but after that, I will choose my own path."

Hearing Xie's words, Tong Tong widened his eyes and said angrily.


In this regard, Xie slowly turned his head, looked at Tong Dong calmly, and said softly.

"The time I spent with Teacher Tong Tong is very precious to me, but compared to that almost infinite time, I think these will eventually turn into mottled and fragmented memories and settle in a corner of my heart."

"So, I chose to pursue my own path, sorry."

Hearing Xie's words, Tong Tong's eyes were slightly absent-minded, hesitant to speak, hesitantly wondering how to refute Xie's point of view.

There's nothing wrong with chasing eternal existence, isn't it...

At this time, Lan Ran looked at Xie calmly and said softly.

"Do you think it really makes sense to incarnate as an eternal being, Scorpion?"

Hearing this, Xie was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why Aizen would ask such a question.

Ai Ran's eyes flashed a complex look of nostalgia, and said softly.

"Eternity... means losing... everything..."

"Emotions, desires, everything you can think of is eventually thrown away...and then transformed into a disgusting existence."

Speaking of this, Ai Ran's eyes flashed a bright light, and said softly.

"Do you think there is any point in being alive like that?"

Regarding this, Scorpion's eyes froze slightly, and said softly.

"How did you know that being eternal means incarnating into that being..."

Hearing Xie's words, Aizen didn't answer, but said softly.

"Recall, your precious memories, if you really want to choose to become eternal, those are things you will inevitably discard."

Hearing Lan Ran's words, Xie was slightly stunned with a stiff expression.

He couldn't help thinking of the scene hidden deep in his heart.

A man and a woman are walking on the street, with joyful smiles on their faces, holding a little red-haired boy in the middle of them holding hands.

The little red-haired boy also had a happy and bright smile on his face, and his red-brown eyes looked at the scene on the street curiously.

Suddenly, his gaze was involuntarily attracted by an object as crystal clear as amber.

Noticing the little boy's gaze, a man and a woman hugging him chuckled.

"Haha, does Xie want to eat sticky candy? What a cute child."

After finishing speaking, I saw the man walking towards the store, and after a while, he came back with a bag of crystal sticky candy.

Seeing this, Scorpion, who was still a little boy, couldn't help showing an excited smile, and shouted in a childish voice.

"Mom... Mom, I want... I want to eat."

Hearing his words, the woman holding him showed a gentle smile, gently put a piece of sticky candy next to Xie's small mouth, and said softly.

"Children are not allowed to eat too much, Scorpio."

Hearing this, Xie fixed his eyes on the sticky candy in front of him, and replied obediently.


Then swallow it in one gulp.

The sweet taste filled Scorpion's mouth in an instant, and a happy smile appeared on his little face.

He raised his small face, looked with big eyes at the smiles of his mother and father who were more satisfied than him, and this scene was deeply engraved in his mind.


When Xie was in a dazed state, Aizen's words came right after.

"A puppet is a dead thing without emotion. However, you who live in a puppet does not mean that you have to be like a puppet."

"Compared with pursuing the so-called eternity, what I prefer is a more powerful force."

"With this power, even if I have never been in contact with puppetry at all, I can endow the human soul with it, making it glow with wonderful vitality, instead of being like a piece of decayed dead things put together. "

"The acquisition of this power also means that there will be no obstacles to overturning the ninja era and establishing an ideal country."

Hearing Aizen's words, Xie's body trembled slightly.

After being silent for a long time, Xie slowly raised his head, looked at Aizen, and said softly.

"If you can, please accept me, I... want to create a puppet that can have a soul... for this, I am willing to dedicate all of me to you..."

Hearing Xie's words, Lan Ran raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said softly.

"In that case, I accept you, Scorpio..."

"Like your teacher, if I am satisfied, I will give you this power... a power that is more valuable than the so-called eternity..."

In this regard, Xie's originally calm eyes glowed with a strong desire, and said in a childish voice.

"I understand, Aizen-sama."

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