Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 309 Killing the Three Kazekages (3)

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

The third Kazekage who was bleeding blood on his chest in the distance was a little pale, panting in a rough voice, staring at Aizen solemnly, and said in a deep voice.

"When did you release the illusion..."

Hearing his question, Aizen's mouth twitched slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled lightly.

"From the moment we first met, you have fallen into my illusion, like a moth trapped in a spider's web, and the only thing waiting for you is the shortcut to death."

In this regard, Sandai Kazekage frowned tightly, thinking carefully about the scene when he met Aizen for the first time many years ago, recalling what was so weird about Aizen at that time.

At that time, this guy's strength didn't reach this was a fluke to escape from his hands...

Could it be...! !

Suddenly, Sandai Kazekage thought of the absurd guess that Jingbai said before, and couldn't help shrinking his pupils suddenly, and he didn't dare to believe it in a deep voice.

"Did you guys hide your strength from the beginning..."

Hearing Sandai Kazekage's words, Aizen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and a bright light flashed in his eyes, looked at him slowly, and said with a light smile.

"How did you discover this, Sandai Kazekage?"

Speaking of this, the smile in his eyes gradually became indifferent, and he said with a soft smile.

"At that time... in front of me were countless opportunities to kill you, but because the time did not come, I didn't make a move..."

"Now... it's time for you to die in peace..."

Hearing Aizen's words, Sandai Kazekage frowned, his face was ugly, and he said in a deep voice.

"You guys have been hiding your true strength since then, what exactly do you want to do!?"

"He actually wanted to start another war by killing me..."

When he said this, his eyes turned cold, he stared at Lan Ran coldly, and asked.

"Could it be... the Second Ninja World War was really caused by you!?"

Hearing Sandai Kazekage's words, Aizen's slightly narrowed eyes flashed with surprise, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

He looked at Sandai Kazekage, shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile.

"I really didn't expect you to be able to see through this. I underestimated you, Sandai Kazekage."

"As you said, the Second Ninja World War was started by me..."

"There is an indelible grudge and distrust among Shinobi villages. I just took advantage of this and easily magnified this conflict by erasing the lives of several daimyos."

"It sounds ridiculous, but.... this is the real situation. This dirty ninja world has distorted people's ideas..."

"It's time to completely remove the darkness between these people..."

Speaking of this, he smiled and looked at the seriously injured Sandai Kazekage, and chuckled lightly.

"In addition, Sand Ninja Village fell into my plan precisely because of this distrust. I don't know if you still have an impression, Sandai Kazekage."

Hearing Aizen's words, Sandai Kazekage felt a chill all over his body, and was even more taken aback at this moment, frowning tightly, thinking about what he was referring to?

Suddenly, a shock flashed in his mind, he couldn't believe it.

"You were the one who caused the Izuo Tsuru riot!?"

Hearing this, Aizen nodded with a chuckle and said softly.

"The power of the tailed beast is really shocking."

"But today's big countries don't seem to have a reasonable way to use the power of tailed beasts, which has caused this group of heavenly darlings to fall to such a point."

"I will accept these god-given things one by one, and truly exert the power they should show."

Speaking of this, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he said softly.

"At that time... I will become a god..."

Then he glanced lightly at Sandai Kazekage who had already fallen into a shocked expression, and said indifferently.

"It's not easy for you who are huddled in this desolate place to be able to judge my identity through some scattered information,"

"Even... I have considered whether to save your life... After all... As a senior shadow, if I penetrate into the enemy's hinterland, it will make my plan easier."

"Give me your answer, Sandai Kazekage, do you want to live or die here?"

Hearing Aizen's words, looking at the face with a confident smile in front of him, Sandai Kazekage couldn't help but feel deeply insulted after being shocked.

This guy in front of him has been hiding in the dark and planning an ulterior plan from the very beginning!

The Second Ninja World War, which lasted for nearly ten years...even tried in vain to touch the uncontrollable power of Tailed Beast...


He is too proud, he dares to look at the film so humblely!

It is... unforgivable! !

I saw Sandai Kazekage's face was gloomy, and his voice was hoarse and low.

"Aizen, no matter what your intentions are!?"

"Whether you want to destroy Ninja Village, or you want to take away the power of Tailed Beast!"

"But remember! Shadow's dignity cannot be humiliated!"

"I'm here today, even if I completely die here, I will do my best to bring you to hell together!"

After finishing speaking, he was staring at Lan Ran, and the murderous intent on his face could be clearly felt even hundreds of meters away.

In this regard, Aizen didn't seem to feel anything, with a slight smile still hanging on the corner of his mouth, he glanced at him lightly from the corner of his eyes, and said softly.

"Oh, in that case, it seems that you have already given your answer, what a pity..."

I saw his eyes slightly lowered, and said softly.

"It seems that a ninja like you said something similar to me last time. Because of my carelessness, I almost lost my life."

"So, Sandai Kazekage, let me take a look. Compared with the former half-god Hanzo, can your strength match your words?"

Hearing Aizen's words, Sandai Kazekage was startled, and his originally angry expression became a little gloomy.

The Hanzo of Urenin Village... was killed by this guy! !

Standing in the distance, Aizen calmly looked at the vigilant Sandai Kazekage, and said softly.

"Aren't you going to do it, Kazekage?"

"If you let me take the lead, maybe you won't have a chance to make a move."

Hearing Aizen's words, Sandai Kazekage's eyes turned cold, and then he waved his hand violently.


The black sand all over the sky has already evacuated from Daoshanjing's surroundings, and like the most loyal soldiers, the guards are tightly guarding Sandai Kazekage's side, guarding him tightly.

"Eh la la..."

A small hole slowly leaked from the side of the suspended black sand, and Kazekage stared at Aizen with his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Under such an absolute defense, your illusion attack will be meaningless. It's hard to say who will die next!"

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