Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 314 After the plan is made, the tranquility before the war

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

The huge rocks that have been eroded by wind and sand all year round have turned into rock pillars standing on the desolate land.

As far as the eye can see, a desolate aura of Gobi permeates the entire land.

On one of the huge red rock pillars, several figures are waiting here.

The leader's hair was raised up on his head, but his gray beard did not give him a kind feeling, because his eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

He is very short in stature, but he is wearing a suit of armor, obviously ready to fight at any time.

This person was the third generation of Tukage Onoki, and beside him, a group of Tukage guards, including the burly Huang Tu, also followed here, looking solemnly at a direction in the distance.

"Master Tukage, it's too risky to contact Aizen rashly this time, especially with so few guards... Well, anyway, if the advisors knew about your actions, they would definitely say Your."

At this time, Huangtu on the side looked helplessly at Onoki with a dignified expression, but the strong man muttered in a low voice.

Hearing Huang Tu's words, Onoki frowned, and glanced at him, feeling uneasy.

"This old man's status as Tuying naturally has my own considerations, do you think it is useful to rely on the persuasion of the consultants!?"

"If you don't even dare to take this risk, and hide in Yanren Village all day long, then what can this Tukage, who is the old man, bring to Yanren!"

Facing Onoki's angry scolding, Huang Tu shrank his head behind him, but still insisted.

"Then you also have to consider the identity of the other party. You know Aizen's strength. Even... the disappearance of Sandai Kazekage this time may have something to do with him... After all, he openly said that he would let Eliminate A man from the age of ninjas."

Hearing this, Onoki, who was in front of him, swallowed back what he was about to reprimand, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"This kind of thing doesn't need you, a junior, to talk about it, and it's not something you need to consider."

After finishing speaking, he turned around with his hands behind his back, no one could see his expression clearly, only Ohnogi's voice was slightly hoarse.

"Huang Tu, it's all you need to do to improve your own strength."

"Remember, old man, no matter whether the disappearance of Sandai Kazekage is because of Aizen or not, it is because his strength is not strong enough!"

"The disappearance of the third Kazekage this time gave Iwanin and Sandin an opportunity. This is what we need to pay attention to! As for who caused his disappearance, it is no longer important."

Speaking of this, his back seemed to be slightly heavy, he hesitated, and his voice was complicated.

"No one knows what the outcome of the third ninja war will be, but only in the midst of risks can there be amazing hope!"

"This old man is willing to bet on his life. If he wins, Iwanin will break through the current stalemate. If he loses the bet...the old man may die too..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at Huangtu, his eyes were extremely serious, and he said in a deep voice.

"And you, Huangtu, as the son of this old man, will shoulder the mission and responsibility of this old man, and revive Iwanin! Even in the face of the chaotic battle situation at that time, you must revitalize Iwanin!"

"Do you understand it...."

Hearing Onoki's words and seeing his extremely solemn eyes, Huangtu's body shook slightly, a little surprised by his father's words, but he still clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

"I see, Father!"

Hearing Huang Tu's answer, Ohnoki's sharp eyes seemed to have a flash of relief, and it disappeared for a moment, then he turned his head away, his voice was much gentler, and he said softly.

"It's good that you understand..."

Speaking of this, he murmured softly to himself.

"If that day really comes, don't blame me as a father...after are the eldest son of this old man...this is the responsibility you have to bear."

At this moment, the Iwanin guard, who was closely observing the surrounding scene, suddenly exclaimed.

"Master Tukage, someone has appeared over there!"

Hearing his words, the expressions of the people present immediately became cautious and vigilant, and Onoki and Huangtu also narrowed their eyes, looking over there solemnly.

On a piece of desolate Gobi sand, four figures slowly emerged from the dust.

Seeing the leading man in a black and white uniform with a faint smile on his lips, Onogi's eyes became slightly heavy, and he murmured.

"Aizen... Sousuke..."

Almost at the same time when he was stared at, Aizen who was in the distance raised his head slightly, and his gaze met Onogi's gaze from a long distance away.

A smile flashed in his eyes, and he smiled softly.

"Let's go, the scavenger who carried out the plan for us has appeared."

Hearing Aizen's words, Ulquiorra and the others behind him also raised their heads to look at where Tsuchikage and the others were.

After a while, Aizen and others appeared on the huge red rock pillar, and walked slowly in front of Tuying and others.

Onoki's eyes were still as sharp as before, and his eyes swept from Aizen to Ulquiorra and the others behind him in turn, and said in a deep voice.

"Long time no see, Aizen Soyousuke."

Hearing Onoki's words, Aizen had a slight smile on his face, and said softly.

"Long time no see, Onoki."

Regarding this, Onogi lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"I don't think there is any need to talk about the old days. Let's talk about what Xu Yegong can do to assist Iwanin in the next battle against Konoha."

Hearing his words, Aizen smiled slightly and said softly.

"As you wish, but you should know what kind of strength the Xuye Palace with me can show..."

"I think it's more appropriate to talk about the remuneration first."

In response, Onogi's eyes sank, he raised his eyes to look at Aizen, and said solemnly.

"what do you want?"

The smile on Ai Ran's face remained unchanged, as if she was opening her mouth to ask for Chinese cabbage, she said softly.

"There should be a tailed beast in Yanin Village. If you want to get the assistance of Xuye Palace in the next war, using the tailed beast as a reward should be regarded as an equivalent exchange."

Hearing Aizen's words, Iwanin present all stared and their faces became tense.

Onoki frowned tightly, and said in a low voice.

"You actually have an attempt on the tailed beast!?"

Aizen didn't reply to this, but quietly looked at Onoki with a smile on the corner of his mouth, waiting for his answer.

On the other hand, the guards of Iwanin were silently watched by the expressionless Ulquiorra, Jieren, and Xie, not daring to act rashly.

Onogi thought for a moment, and finally his eyes sank, he thought about it, and said in a deep voice.

"Iwanin Village can agree to hand over the five tails to you, but this must be done after Xu Yegong participates in the war."

Hearing his words, Aizen didn't continue to bargain, but nodded slightly, and said with a light smile.

"Of course."

Next, the two continued to talk about the start time of the war, and some ways about how the Void Night Palace will participate in the war.

Time passed quickly, and gradually, the setting sun in the sky had come down to the sky, and the red sun shone on the earth.

After the talks.

"In this case, let's end here. I hope we can cooperate happily!"

Onoki glanced at Aizen, Ulquiola and the others, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Onoki's words, Aizen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"Of course, I also wish the battle between Yan Ninja and Konoha a smooth success."

After finishing speaking, I saw him turn around slowly and leave outside.

Ulquiorra and the others behind him also turned and left.

At this moment, Onoki in the distance frowned, hesitated for a long time, and asked in a deep voice.

"Aizen, does the disappearance of Sandai Kazekage have anything to do with you!?"

Hearing this, Aizen stopped his pace, turned his head slightly, and said softly with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth.

"This should have nothing to do with Ohnoki's plan. Even, to some extent, the disappearance of Sandai Kazekage has promoted your plan to advance."

"Compared to such boring things, shouldn't you pay more attention to whether Konoha has the rest of the power that can resist both of us?"

"After all... the Onoki I remember is doing all kinds of tricks in order to complete the plan in his heart."

After speaking, he continued to walk out.

Ulquiorra and the others followed in Aizen's footsteps.

Under the setting sun, the figures of the four people illuminated by the red light were glowing red, as if they were bathed in blood, walking towards the edge of hell.

Onoki frowned and looked at their figures, and suddenly, heaved a deep sigh.

Huangtu on the side said hurriedly.


Onoki waved his hand lightly, a sharp edge reappeared in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Let's go too, Huangtu, Iwanin's next battle plan against Konoha is the most important thing!"

Hearing Onoki's words, Huang Tu was slightly taken aback, then nodded heavily.

As for the missing Three Generations of Kazekage, as long as it can play a role in promoting the start of this battle, isn't it enough...

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