Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 320: The Prelude to the War——The Collision of White Eyes, The Corrupt Clan

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Just when all the young Yannin were immersed in shock because of Nan Lihu's words.

In this stronghold, a young ninja who had been paying attention to Konoha's scene suddenly exclaimed.

"Master Nan Lihu, look quickly!"

Hearing his exclamation, all the young Iwanin also had serious eyes and looked over there vigilantly.

In this tall cave, there are several simple telescopes set up at the entrances of several holes specially used for exploration, from which everyone looked towards the Kingdom of Fire.

And Nan Lihu naturally occupied a telescope to look at the territory of the Land of Fire.

What came into view was a few Konoha ninjas wearing ninja combat costumes, standing on top of huge trees one by one, looking at this side from a long distance.

Just glanced roughly, Nan Lihu didn't care too much, just said softly.

"It's okay, it's just a few Konoha ninjas, maybe they're just observing the terrain here, and they can't find us."

However, when he was talking about this, he suddenly saw the eyes of one of the ninjas clearly, and his expression froze.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly adjusted the binoculars and looked at the other Konoha ninjas, his face suddenly turned ugly, and he said in a deep voice.

"not good!"

"Order the others, let's evacuate this stronghold as soon as possible!"

The group of young Yannin below saw Nan Lihu's complexion suddenly become extremely ugly, they couldn't help but feel a little worried and asked involuntarily.

"Master Nan Lihu, what happened, did the other party find us!?"

Hearing these words, Nan Lihu glanced at Yan Ren who was asking the question, and said in a deep voice.

"Even if we don't find it now, I'm afraid it will be discovered if we drag it on."

"The other party is Konoha's Hyuga Clan, with white eyes that can detect the flow of ninja chakra, so even across this mountain rock, the other party can have insight into our activities, and evacuate here as soon as possible!"

Hearing Nan Lihu's words, all the rock ninjas were shocked, and couldn't believe that there was such a pupil technique.

However, although they were extremely surprised, they hurriedly followed Nan Lihu's instructions and prepared to evacuate in an orderly manner.

at the same time.

Across the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire, in the lush forest in the distance, more than a dozen ninjas of the Hyuga clan are opening their eyes, looking at the land of the Land of Earth from a distance. Huge rocks eroded.

"Captain Zongsi, three strongholds have been discovered, and there are traces of ninja activities in them."

At this time, a ninja with veins in the corners of his eyes was staring seriously at the land of land in the distance, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing his words, a ninja with pale pupils on the tree trunk calmly glanced at the distance, and said in a cold voice.

"Too little, not enough. Continue to investigate. After finding out the hiding place of the other party, we will immediately start preparing for action."

Hearing his words, a ninja from the Hyuga clan below asked with an unnatural expression on his face.

"Captain Zongsi, do you want to talk to Yun Ren about this matter, after all..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hyuga Zongsi with an indifferent expression, who looked at him coldly and said indifferently.

"Zong Ji, remember, you only need to obey my orders, I don't need you to remind me what to do."

Hearing the words of Hinata Zongji, the young man named Hinata Munetsu froze, and then replied with an embarrassed expression.

"Hi, I see!"

The ninjas of the Hyuga Clan were already accustomed to this, and no one came forward to say anything.

The reason is very simple, the Hyuga chief heir is a member of the main family of the Hyuga clan, and the Hyuga clan's successors, including most of the ninjas of the Hyuga clan present, belong to the branch line.

Standing on a tall tree trunk, Souji Hyuga quietly looked at the mountains and rocks in the distance with a pair of pale eyes, thinking about something.

After a while, he said coldly.

"Have you checked everything out!?"

Hearing his words, the ninjas from several families said softly.

"It is almost possible to confirm the hidden strongholds of the seven rock ninjas and sand ninjas."

Obtaining this answer, Hyuga Zongsi was obviously not very satisfied, but he didn't say much, and said indifferently.

"Since Iwanin and Sand Ninja Village have chosen to launch this war, let them experience the strength of the Konoha Hyuga Clan. This time, we will remove these strongholds first, as a meeting gift from the Hyuga Clan. gone."

At this moment, his eyes turned slightly cold, and he turned his head to look at a thick tree behind him.

Seeing Hyuga Sosei's actions, the rest of the Hyuga clan's ninjas also looked there.

On top of the thick tree, a dark figure with a ninja knife on his back slowly emerged from it, with a few scars on his face, but he seemed to have not noticed the indifferent eyes of Hyuga Zongsi, He greeted himself with a hoarse voice.

"I also said why there are so many people missing in the camp. It seems that the members of the Hyuga clan gathered here and found something new!"

Hearing his words, Hyuga Zongsi said coldly with an indifferent face.

"Naimuyi, what is the purpose of you coming out with us, is it possible that you want to cause tension between Konoha and Yunnin Village?"

Hearing his words, Nemuyi shook his head lightly, with a slight smile on his face, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Captain Chief Heir, don't accuse me of such a serious crime, otherwise, Lord Lei Ying will definitely teach me a good lesson when I go back."

"I'm just curious about what so many of you are doing here. It seems that my guess is correct. The Chief Heir Captain must have discovered something."

Regarding this, Hyuga Zongsi said indifferently.

"It's just that I found a few strongholds of rock ninja and sand ninja. Why, Captain Nemuyi is interested?"

Hearing his words, Nemuyi's eyes lit up slightly, and he smiled lightly.

"I really envy the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan, who were able to detect the enemy's most secretive stronghold so easily. Should I say that they are worthy of the famous Konoha clan?"

Regarding these words, although he was very displeased with Nemuyi, he still nodded proudly when he heard what he said, and said coldly.

"It's just a little thing."

Nemuyi glanced at the mountains and rocks in the land of land in the distance, and said hoarsely.

"It seems that the chief heir captain is planning to make a move now, but as us who are united with Konoha, we should also contribute our own strength at this time, shouldn't we?"

In this regard, Hyuga Zongsi remained silent.

I wanted to use this opportunity to quickly wipe out several strongholds of Iwanin, so that the village could pay attention to the strength of the Hyuga clan.

I didn't expect to be discovered by Yun Nin halfway. If Yun Nin participated, no matter how great the achievements were, I'm afraid it would be greatly reduced.

However, judging from the current situation, I am afraid that even if he does not do it himself, Yun Nin will ask for information on Iwa Nin's stronghold, and then take advantage of the situation to do it.

Thinking of this, Hyuga Zongsi nodded slightly, and said coldly.

"Naturally, then Captain Nemuyi should hurry up and inform the ninjas of Cloud Ninja. If you don't act again, I'm afraid some vigilant mice may slip away at this time."

Hearing Hinata's answer, Nemuyi smiled and said in a hoarse voice.

"I see...."

After all, he saw a seal on his palm, and a clone suddenly appeared, and then disappeared here, rushing towards the camp of the Konoha and Yunin joint forces.

In a short time, a group of Yunnin ninjas in strange costumes rushed here. Hinata Zongsi glanced at it, and then handed over the map that had been drawn to Nemuyi, and said in a flat voice.

"Then, let's officially start the first cooperative operation of the joint forces."

Hearing his words, Nemuyi smiled and said hoarsely.

"I hope you can go well, preferably more strongholds than we destroyed."

As soon as the voice fell, he and a group of cloud ninjas disappeared in place.

There was a trace of anger hidden in Hyuga Zongsi's eyes, and he said indifferently.

"Let's start too, destroying as many strongholds as possible, this is related to the face of the Hyuga clan!"

Hearing his words, the ninjas of the Hyuga Clan below all looked at each other, then nodded slightly.

Just when a group of ninjas divided into two groups and crossed the boundary line between the land of earth and the land of fire, they rushed towards the territory of the land of earth.

However, a group of figures appeared on top of a tall and huge rock at some point, looking down at the two teams like black dots from a long distance.

"Oh, Konoha actually asked to cooperate with Yunin Village, it's really curious."

"Looking at this costume, it seems to be a ninja from the Hyuga clan, Minato, what do you want to do when you see them?"

There was a smile on the corner of the mouth of the tall figure headed by him, looking down at the figure below, his voice was full of magnetic gentleness.

Hearing his words, Jie Ren with a pair of pale eyes behind him calmed down and said respectfully.

"I implore Aizen-sama to let me leave for a moment, the members of that decadent family...should be completely destroyed."

In response, the corners of Aizen's mouth twitched slightly, his eyes flickered, and he smiled lightly.

"Let's go together, just let me see why Konoha made such a choice."

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