Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 333: The God of the Void Circle

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Hearing Aizen's words, Ulquiola's calm face froze for a moment, as if he hesitated about the emotions that arose in his heart at this time.

The corner of Lan Ran's mouth slightly raised, and spoke softly to Jie Ren.

"Let's go back to Xuye Palace."

"This time, Xuye Palace will welcome a new companion again."

As his words fell, he turned around first, and walked away without hesitation.

The expressions of the people behind him who heard his words were different. Ulquiola had a somewhat melancholy expression, but judging from his appearance, he didn't seem to care about the companion who was about to appear.

But Xie and Jieren watched Ulquiola silently, especially Jieren, with a trace of curiosity in his pale eyes.

After all, as Aizen said, the one who will appear next is probably the same existence as Ulquiorra.

The person in charge of handling all this is very clear that he has been collecting all kinds of information in the dark underground of the ninja world, among which the most worthy of his concern is the information about the tailed beast that Aizen-sama once ordered.

That's why, when he learned that Shigeaki Nanao had appeared near Taki Ninja Village, he immediately conveyed this information to Aizen at the time.

As a result, Aizen rushed to Taki Ninja Village, and subdued Nanao Shigeaki with ease.

But to everyone's surprise, for some reason, Aizen did not seal Shigeaki Nanao in Jinchuriki's body, but extracted Shigeaki Nanao's yin attribute chakra in a very strange way.

Afterwards, Shigeaki Nanao was returned to the forest.

Although for them, even half of the chakra of the tailed beast with the majestic chakra is enough to use, everyone still has some doubts why Aizen didn't extract all the chakra of the seven tails.

Of course, this is just a slight curiosity. Regarding the decision made by Aizen, everyone has always implemented it, because in his heart, Aizen's decision must have a deep meaning.

After that, under the observation of everyone, the huge tailed beast chakra suddenly disappeared one day inexplicably.

However, in the land of the rain, a huge palace that could hardly be built by human beings appeared quietly, and became Aizen's subordinate palace.

I remember the first time Aizan took him there, it was hard for Jieren to hide the shock on his face.

After all, this majestic palace is really majestic!

And among them, Jieren also saw the somewhat weird and indifferent young man for the first time. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at Ulquiorra who looked calm, and thought to himself.

I'm afraid...something amazing will appear this time...

Is it the former companion you mentioned... Ulquiorra...


In the land of rain.

Adjacent to the lush forest, a deep, high and wide cliff stands out. The smooth rock surface, as if cut by a knife, is like a mirror, reflecting the bright sun in the sky.

At the bottom of the cliff, a huge pale and mottled palace like a ruin sits at the bottom of the cliff.

No building can show such a vigorous and majestic momentum like it!

At this time in Xuye Palace, Jieren and others were waiting in an empty hall, their eyes were calm but there was a trace of curiosity hidden.

However, Ulquiorra was not here, he was following Aizen in a silent corridor.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"...

Following the sound of gentle footsteps with a clear rhythm in the empty environment, I saw Lan Ran walking in the corridor calmly with a smile on his face.

Behind him, Ulquiola carried the five-tailed Hanzhulihan on his shoulders. Although Han was much taller than him, it seemed weightless to Ulquiola, like nothing.


With a heavy sound, a tall stone door slowly opened in front of the two of them, and a wide, pitch-black space appeared in their eyes.

This is a very wide and vast space. Although it is located inside the Xuye Palace, it is actually a passage that connects the entire cliff.

As if it was the hinterland inside the entire cliff, the terrain in the wide space sank slightly. Under Aizen's signal, Ulquiola threw Han on the sunken ground.

Aizen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, glanced at Ulquiola, and said softly.

"Ulquiola, do you know what kind of existence is sealed inside this guy?"

Hearing Aizen's question, Ulquiola thought for a while and replied respectfully.

"If it is the five-tailed Jinchuriki you requested, it should be one of the nine tailed beasts recorded in this world. From the information you gave me, it seems that there are creatures born with great power in this world. monsters, I think what you need should be one of these monsters."

In response, Lan Ran narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a light smile.

"You're right, the five-tailed Mu Wang, one of the nine-tailed beasts, does exist in this guy..."

Having said that, he said softly.

"The power of the tailed beast is very powerful, especially...for Beng Yu, using the yin attribute chakra of the tailed beast can accomplish many unbelievable things..."

He glanced at Ulquiorra, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"For example... summoned you from the boundless darkness to this world...."

Hearing Aizen's words, Ulquiorra's expression was also slightly shocked, and he didn't dare to believe it.

"Such ability... Even Wang Jian, who was created with one hundred thousand souls in Karakura Town, can hardly do this..."

Hearing this, Aizen smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"Wang Jian just found the key to that fellow Ling Wang. Compared with Beng Yu at this time, the two are not at the same level at all..."

Speaking of this, his eyes glowed slightly, and he said softly.

"After all... Beng Yu's growth rate is too amazing... Even those existences that have survived for tens of thousands of years, in front of Beng Yu, the ancient years are more like a joke... ..”

"In this life, the existence of Beng Yu and the Tailed Beast are a natural match. I am looking forward to what kind of development Beng Yu can grow..."

Immediately afterwards, I saw Lan Ran glance at Han below, and said softly.

"Bengyu, let's do it. Remember the same as last time. It is enough to only devour the negative Chakra you need for the time being. Store that part of Chakra in this guy's body first."

Hearing his words, Ulquiola stood aside respectfully, watching with some curiosity in her green eyes.

As Aizen's words fell, a faint blue light appeared from his body, and then instantly turned into a beam of light that was the same size as him and connected to the unconscious Han's body.

"Gulu Gulu—"

At this time, as if he felt a great threat, he saw a chakra that seemed to be burning like burning slowly surged out from the unconscious Han's body.

However, this violent chakra was attracted by the blazing blue beam of light the moment it gushed out.

At this time, Han was floating in the air, with an extremely painful expression on his face, and a thick chakra thin coat wrapped him, but he was helpless.

Because even the thin layer of Chakra clothing is strongly attracted by the blazing blue beam of light, and it is almost difficult to maintain the shape of the coat, just like a bottomless black hole, the blazing blue beam of light greedily devours Han and surges And out of the chakra.

Nothing was left to him.

The amount of Chakra of the Tailed Beast is unimaginably huge, and the entire extraction process lasted for almost a day.

In Xuye Palace, Jieren and the others didn't feel the slightest bit of impatience, they all waited for Aizen's appearance with peace of mind.

A day later, in the vast palace where Aizen and Ulquiorra lived, an old but arrogant voice sounded slowly.

"Who...woke up the old man from the the god of the virtual circle...the old man will give you a gift..."

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