Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 336 The Tenth Blade

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Bailegang stared at Lan Ran, his muddy eyes were filled with resentment, and he growled in a low voice.

"Ai Ran, you actually played tricks on the old man again!"

In this regard, Aizen smiled faintly, not caring about Balegon's anger at all, looked at Ulquiola lightly, and said softly.

"Do it, Ulquiorra. For a hound full of thoughts that go against its master's will, it is also a kindness to grant him death."

Hearing Aizen's words, Ulquiola nodded respectfully, then turned to look at Balegon with cold eyes.


In the sight of Balegon, Ulquiola's figure instantly disappeared from the spot!


When he had no time to react, a terrifying heavy punch hit him in the abdomen, but his burly torso was powerless to resist at this time, and could only be like a sandbag, being crushed by the extremely fast Ulquio. Pull wanton abuse.


His body flew into the air uncontrollably, and then, Ulquiola, who appeared behind him one after another, kicked him off, and he fell heavily to the ground.

The terrifying impact instantly shattered the masonry on the ground, forming a semicircular depression on the ground in an instant, densely covered with spider-like cracks.


Bailegang, who coughed up a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, opened his eyes slightly, looking weak, but the expression on his face was still unruly. He panted heavily, and his cloudy eyes fixedly stared at Ur, who was falling rapidly. Kiora said angrily.

"Damn it! It's just an inferior dog under the old man's rule, how dare it be so rampant!!"

After all, he waved his big hand violently, and a ray of black mist suddenly appeared around him, shooting towards Ulquiola who was falling rapidly!


Like a long snake waiting for an opportunity to shoot out, the pitch-black mist rushed towards Ulquiorra.

However, the next moment!


In Bailegang's astonished eyes, Ulquiorra, who was shot rapidly by the black smoke, suddenly turned into a cloud of rising white smoke!

This is.....! ?

Before Bailegang could react, a black figure suddenly appeared on the other side, staring at him with green eyes without any emotion.

At this time, Ulquiola, who looked like a cold boy, pointed his fingers at Balegon, above his fingertips.


As a sharp sound suddenly sounded, a brilliant green light suddenly gathered together, condensing into a ball of dark green terror.

"False flash!"

Ulquiola lightly spat out a cold word, and the next moment, a green light ball that seemed to gather terrifying energy shot out from his fingertips and shot towards Bailegang who was lying on the ground.


A terrifying explosion sounded immediately, the bricks on the ground were instantly shattered and flew, and a terrifying wave of air suddenly spread towards the surroundings!

Among them, Bailegang's painful and angry shouts were also annihilated in the flames that shot up instantly.

In this regard, Aizen on the side just watched quietly, with a smile full of light in his eyes.

The violent explosion that happened here also instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the Xuye Palace. A flash of light flashed in everyone's eyes, but after opening their white eyes and looking into the depths of the Xuye Palace, there was a worried look on their faces. Fleeting.

The scorpion at the side glanced at him, and also calmed down slightly.

In another palace, the three of Yahiko looked at the direction of Xuye Palace with some worry.

"Hey... Do you think there is something wrong... This is the first time that there has been such a big commotion in Xuye Palace."

Yahiko glanced at Konan and Nagato beside him, and said worriedly.

Hearing his words, Nagato closed his eyes slightly, as if feeling something, after a while, he slowly opened his eyes and said softly.

"Don't worry, Aizen-sama's aura is very calm, there shouldn't be any problems, maybe... just some small mistakes..."

In this regard, Yahiko and Xiaonan are slightly relieved, but there is still a little worry hidden in their eyes.

In the palace at the deepest part of Xuye Palace, the site was in a mess at this time, and there were broken stones and broken bricks everywhere on the devastated ground.

In the center of the field, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated with the heat created by the hot air waves, and Bailegang was lying on the ground covered in bruises.

His body was covered with horrific burns and scalds, which looked shocking, and the surrounding ground was still red hot under the scorching heat.

However, his chest was still heaving, obviously not dead.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"...

At this time, a peaceful footstep sounded slowly on the extremely hot ground beside him.

Hearing this voice, Balegon's scorched brows trembled slightly, and he opened his eyes slightly as if exhausting all his strength, looking at the person coming.

"Ahem...I didn't expect to be defeated by you...Old...Old man is really unconvinced...I am...the king of the virtual be defeated by you... kind...."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ulquiorra who came to him.

"What I just used was just a method used by the power of this world... With the body of a human in this world, releasing such a move does not pose too much pressure on me."

Hearing Ulquiorra's words, Balegon frowned, even though he was seriously injured, he was still rebellious.

"Is that so....It's just a cover-up...Do you think it's possible for a human body to surpass Hollow..."

"Ahem... If the old man was in his heyday, this kind of move would be just a ridiculous farce in front of the old man..."

Regarding Balegon's words, Ulquiorra stood tall, his green eyes slanted slightly, and he glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, and said calmly.

"The heyday?"

"From the moment Master Aizen set foot in the virtual circle, your era has become history."

"Under Aizen-sama's ability, we have broken the boundary of the virtual, and successfully obtained the ability to return to the blade. We have gained unimaginable weight...and you...have successfully obtained the name of the twentieth blade. Bailegang was actually defeated by those gods of death in the soul world..."

"You like this... really brought an indelible shame to Aizen-sama..."

Hearing Ulquiorra's words, Balegon recalled the memory of being calculated to death by those gods of death in the Soul Realm because of his carelessness. He felt angry. He propped up his seriously injured body, and said in a slightly embarrassing voice .

"How dare you scold the old man!?"

"It's just the fortieth blade, how dare you question the strength of this old man!?"

Regarding this, Ulquiola glanced at him coldly, and said in a calm but indifferent voice.

"Fourth? Ridiculous rhetoric... If it wasn't because I entrusted my hope to you, how could I have been defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo..."

"For me, I'm afraid the worst thing to do is to hand everything over to you group of...incompetent people!"

"I have already obtained the second-stage return to the blade ability...I am the existence that you trash all look up to..."

"In this life...I will regain my weight...and have a reason to choose whether to continue to be loyal to Lord Aizen to make up for your past sins...or to die at my hands... .”

Hearing Ulquiola's words, Balegon's face changed slightly, and he said in a surprised voice.

"Two...two steps back to the is it possible...even the old man has never done it! How can such an inferior Xu of yours get to that step!"

Ulquiola ignored his words.

I saw him standing in front of Bailegang, slowly stretching out his fingers, on the white fingertips, gradually violent chakra surged from his body and gathered on it!


A bright ball of light that was much bigger than before suddenly appeared at his fingertips, and it was still growing.

Seeing this scene, Bailegang's face was extremely ugly. If he was hit by this trick again at this time, he would definitely die!

Just when he looked hesitant.


Blown by the violent airflow condensed by that terrifying ball of light, the uniform on Ulquiola's upper body was blown away suddenly, revealing a muscular and textured body.

And when Balegon saw the number on Ulquiola's chest, he suddenly seemed to understand something!

His face struggled for a moment, and finally, under the flash of Ulquiorra's hand, he chose to surrender again.

No..For him...this is just a moment of forbearance...As the king of the virtual circle...he will attack again sooner or later...

And on Ulquiola's chest, there is only a solitary black Arabic numeral "1".

It symbolizes the name of the tenth blade.

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