Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 354: Thoughts of Orochimaru

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

at the same time.

Just when Iwanin was about to attack Konoha completely because of the disappearance of the Nantu troops.

At this time, Konoha Village, located in the Land of Fire, is also in full swing with a serious meeting going on.

In the Hokage Building in the center of Konoha Village, many high-level Konoha leaders gathered in the conference hall at this time, and they were listening to the important information stolen by Sannin who sneaked into Iwanin Village with solemn expressions.

"The content of the intelligence is roughly like this. Soyousuke has already participated in this war, and led an organization called Xuya Palace to reach a certain cooperation agreement with Iwanin."

In the conference hall, Dashemaru stood there with a calm face and said hoarsely.

After Sannin returned to the village, he hurriedly conveyed this important information to the village.

However, since Jiraiya was seriously injured, Tsunade was in no condition to tell this information at all, so this kind of matter was handed over to Orochimaru.

At this time, in the conference hall, listening to Orochimaru's words, the Konoha executives present frowned.

"Oshemaru, you mentioned before that the three of you met Soyousuke, how did you escape from him?"

At this time, a slightly discordant voice appeared in the conference hall.

It was an elder of the Uchiha clan who raised the question. His expression was serious, but his eyes were fixed on the expression of Orochimaru, as if he wanted to carefully examine what was abnormal.

Hearing his words, everyone present was also slightly taken aback, reacting to this matter.

With Soyousuke's strength at this time, I am afraid that Sannin, who is seriously injured, has little hope of successfully escaping when he encounters him.

In this regard, Orochimaru's expression did not change, but a pair of snake eyes calmly looked at the elder of the Uchiha clan, and said hoarsely.

"I can't answer you about this kind of thing. If you want to know the answer, I'm afraid you need to talk to Yousuke in person. After all, I don't know what purpose he has in his heart."

"Oh... By the way, there is one thing I almost forgot. The current Soyousuke calls himself Aizen. If Elder Wunan encounters it, it's best not to remember it wrong."

The faint disdain in Orochimaru's words made Uchiha Yaminan very angry. He stared at Orochimaru and said in a deep voice.

"Oshemaru, if you don't make this matter clear, I'm sorry I can't confirm the authenticity of this information. Presumably, Patriarch Maya will not choose to let the Uchiha clan join the battle because of this unclear information. .”

What Uchiha Yaminan said was also for the three generations of Hokage present.

After all, the Uchiha clan has independent governance rights in Konoha, and is not within the command scope of the Third Hokage.

Hearing his words, Orochimaru's eyes narrowed slightly, and a pair of snake pupils looked at him coldly.

This group of guys...even at this time, they still don't forget to fight for power...It's ridiculous...

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, but in his mind he remembered what Ai Ran had said to him when he parted with Ai Ran.

" are the same kind of person as I am...Konoha is not suitable for you...In such an environment, your ability cannot be displayed at all, and the pursuit you want will never be achieved, Come on.... The Void Night Palace is always open to you..."

I can't fulfill my quest in Konoha.... Soyousuke... Do you think so.....

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's expression turned ugly.

"The information I want to convey is these. As for whether you are willing to believe this information, the choice is in your hands."

Orochimaru glanced at everyone present, and said in a deep voice.

Afterwards, he glanced at Sarutobi who was sitting on the main seat with a dignified face, and said in a deep voice.

"Master Hokage, I think my task has been completed, and I don't need to be present for the next meeting."

After speaking, he ignored everyone present and walked out straight away.

Seeing this scene, Zhuanxiaochun and Mitomenyan on the field froze, trying to call him back, but after glancing at the silent Sandai, they didn't move.

At this time, Danzo, who had installed a prosthetic limb, squinted his eyes slightly, looking at Orochimaru who was leaving, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

The atmosphere on the field was a bit cold, and no one including Uchiha Yanan thought that Orochimaru would do this.

After all, this seems to be too disrespectful to the third Hokage, but Sarutobi just had a solemn expression, and no one knew what he was thinking.

At this moment, Sarutobi spoke suddenly, with a complex and heavy voice.

"Soyousuke...after all, he chose to be an enemy of Konoha..."

Speaking of this, he raised his head slightly, glanced at the people present, and said in a deep voice

"What do you think about this matter?"

Hearing Sarutobi's words, the people present looked at each other in dismay. Obviously, Sarutobi's words had already defined the authenticity of this information.

If it is said that Uchiha Yanan wanted to use this incident to connect the Sannin with the traitor Soyousuke and pour some sewage on the Sannin.

Sarutobi cleared this point with plain words.

Uchiha Yanan's face was a little ugly, but he didn't say anything more.

After all, Orochimaru left because of him. If he continues to do too much, I am afraid that the third Hokage will not tolerate him anymore, even if he is the elder of the Uchiha clan.

"I have heard of the Void Night Palace organization. It is a very secretive organization established in recent years, and their rewards are very strange. They are not asking for money, but using some strange things in exchange for tasks."

At this time, a high-ranking Konoha said with a serious expression.

Hearing his words, all the people present were taken aback, obviously they didn't know about this.

Sarutobi said in a deep voice with a solemn expression.

"As far as Soyousuke's character is concerned, he will not do something meaningless. Since he chose to provoke this war behind the scenes, he must be plotting something... This is what I am most worried about. ..”

"You know, the child's thoughts are the most worrisome...trying to destroy the entire ninja world..."

Hearing Sarutobi's words, everyone present tensed up.

Recalling the day when Soyousuke rebelled against Konoha, I couldn't help being very pessimistic about the prospect of this war. After all... A few years have passed, and Soyousuke's strength at this time may have become even more terrifying than before.


The dazzling sunlight shone slightly on the ground, and the whole Konoha was in a peaceful atmosphere.

Orochimaru, who walked out of the Hokage Building, looked at the villagers with happy smiles on the bustling streets, and couldn't help but look slightly sullen.

The vibe didn't suit him...he knew it.

In this way, Orochimaru walked quietly on the street, and unknowingly arrived at a remote place.

Glancing slightly out of the corner of his eye, he saw the sign on the wall, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"A pedantic family, even in this situation, they only want to fight for power...This group of guys...have unimaginable ninja talent...It's a kind of irony..."

I saw him muttering hoarsely.

At this moment, he saw a woman wearing a ninja costume walking out of this family, her snake eyes narrowed slightly.

This is...that girl from back then... Uchiha Tokino's younger sister...

Seeing her walking towards the outside of the village, for some reason, Dashewan suddenly had a flash of inspiration this time.

Since all the people who died back then were actually by Soyousuke's side, what about Uchiha Tokino who was against him everywhere.

In the end, Uchiha Tokino, who chose to stay in Sand Ninja Village with Soyousuke, really died like that?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help narrowing his snake eyes slightly, looked at Sakuya Uchiha who was walking out, and followed quietly.

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