Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 373 Former Residence, Aizen's Answer (Subscribe)

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The moon gradually rose and hung in the dark night sky.

The bright moonlight shines on Muye Village like a milky white bath light.

At this time, in the bustling Muye Village, the lights are still very bright, and the lively nightlife has just begun.

The villagers had happy smiles on their faces, and some of them went to the store to drink a few sips of wine in their spare time after a hard day's work.

Some took their children to play in the lively flower street, and bought some mouth-watering snacks for them, which was some compensation for the children.

However, to their surprise, Yile Ramen, which had always been busy with business, closed early today, which is puzzling.

It is different from the lively and prosperous scene in the center of the village.

At this moment, on a secluded street, several figures slowly appeared here.

"Slap the boss, may I ask where are you taking us?"

Among the few people, Jiu Xinnai, who was a little anxious, was the first to ask. She stared at the white figure in front of her with wide eyes and slightly puffed up small mouth.

Hearing her words, Minato, who was at the side, was slightly embarrassed to ask her not to ask such a straightforward question, but he didn't know how to speak.

Tsunade and Jiraiya, who had woken up from the drunkenness, had a twinkle in their eyes, and they both quietly looked at the back of the hand, wanting to know his answer.

And at the very front, Teta, who was dressed in a white kimono, narrowed his eyes slightly, as if with a tireless smile, he chuckled lightly.

"Miss Jiushina, please be patient for a while, that place is coming soon."

After speaking, he continued to walk forward quietly.

Jiu Xinnai exchanged glances with the people behind him, and followed him helplessly.

But at this moment, Jiraiya and Tsunade felt a little familiarity with the buildings around them, but they didn't know where this feeling came from.

Several people walked through the dark street and came to a somewhat special house.


Looking at it with his hands, a nostalgic smile appeared on his young face, and he said softly.

Hearing his words, the people behind him stopped in their tracks and looked at the room in front of them in surprise.

The house is very simple and unpretentious, and it can even be said that it is a bit out of place with the surrounding buildings...because...its style is very old.

You know, after the Iwanin attack a few years ago, more than half of the houses in Konoha Village were destroyed.

The newly built houses naturally adopted a more novel and spacious style, and there are very few old houses like this one in Muye Village.

Both Kushina and Minato were slightly puzzled, not understanding how the house in front of them could prove Soyousuke's true thoughts.

Jiraiya and Tsunade, who were on the side, shrank their eyes after seeing this house, and they looked at each other slightly, expressing a hint of disbelief.

Naturally, they are not unfamiliar with the house in front of them, because it once belonged to a person, and that was their companion——Souyousuke

I saw them carefully looking at the surrounding houses, but there was a trace of doubt in their eyes.

Although the memory is very blurred, they vaguely remember that the surroundings of the house where Soyousuke is is not like this.

Just when they were about to ask, the hand standing in front of the room with his back to them seemed to understand their thoughts, and chuckled.

"Are you wondering why Brother Soyousuke's house still exists, even though everything around has changed..."

Jiraiya and Tsunade were slightly taken aback, and nodded slightly.

I saw the hands facing away from several people slowly turned his head, with a slight smile on his face, narrowed his eyes, and said softly.

"Because... I was the one who rebuilt Brother Soyousuke's former residence bit by bit here."

Hearing the words of hand beating, the people behind were all taken aback.

Tsunade's pretty eyes widened slightly, staring at him with distrust in her eyes, said in a deep voice.

"What's your purpose in doing this kind of thing, hand beating."

Sensing Tsunade's alertness, Teta waved his hand lightly, and said softly.

"Please don't get me wrong, the reason I did this is because... Soyousuke-san carries my dream of becoming a ninja..."

Hearing his words, several people were slightly taken aback, unable to believe their ears.

The owner of Yile Ramen Shop has a dream of becoming a ninja! ?

Seeing everyone's expressions, he gave a wry smile when he slapped himself, but he still said softly.

"Go in and talk, after all, this house belongs to me now."

After speaking, he turned around, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing this, the people behind hesitated for a moment, and finally followed closely behind.


at the same time.

On a quiet street.

The light on the street lamps on the street suddenly flickered slightly, and the moths kept fluttering and flickering, struggling to bump into it.

In the middle of the street, the calm space suddenly rippled slightly, and a dark gap slowly appeared on the street.


With a slight sound, the pitch-black crack gradually grew larger, and it did not stabilize until it expanded to the size of a person. Then, several figures slowly stepped out of it.

After the three figures stood firmly, the black hole dissipated slowly, and the flickering streetlight also stabilized.

Under the reflection of the street lamps, the faces of the three people gradually became clear, and it was Aizen and the others who had disappeared from the forest.

All of them looked at the surrounding houses and streets with complicated eyes, and murmured softly.

"If you count it carefully, it seems that you haven't set foot on this land for many years."

Hearing his words, Sheng Shu's eyes darkened slightly, but he turned firm and said softly.

"We are trying to change this war-torn world. No matter where we are, the moment when the world truly ushers in peace is the moment when we really have a place to live."

Hearing this, there was a faint smile on everyone's calm face.

And Aizen twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said softly.

"That's good, but there's one thing that's inappropriate. We're not trying to change the world, Rope Tree."

I saw Aizen's deep eyes flickering slightly, and said with a light smile.

"The world has already changed in our hands, all we need to do is to lead more people to meet that world."

Hearing Aizen's words, Nakoki's eyes lit up.

Thinking of everything that has happened in the ninja world for so many years, and everything Xu Yegong has done, he can't help empathizing, and said slightly excitedly.

"I understand, Big Brother Aizen."

Lan Ran smiled, and he glanced at the scene around him, a trace of complexity flashed across his expression, and he said softly.

"Let's go, Konoha will undergo great changes after tonight, I want to go to some places while taking advantage of this time."

After that, he walked forward slowly.

Sheng Shu and Jieren were slightly stunned, and followed closely without saying anything.


The narrow room is not very spacious, but the things are arranged in an orderly manner.

Tsunade, Kushina and others carefully took off their shoes, stepped on the floor and entered Aizen's former house.

Handa walked in the front, pointing at everything in the room, with a downcast face, and said softly.

"Actually, in that earthquake, all the supporting structures of the house were destroyed, and what you see now is only what I rebuilt."

"However, fortunately, most of the items in the house have been preserved in good condition. In addition, I have been to Brother Soyousuke's room many times, so I can try my best to restore it now."

Speaking of this, he gently picked up a glued cup and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"As for the damaged ones, I tried my best to repair them, although it seems that they can no longer be used."

Tsunade and the others looked at everything in front of them in shock, and couldn't believe it.

"Why...why did you do hand?"

Tsunade's pretty face was a little lonely, and she said in a low voice.

Hearing her words, the smile on the hand-slapped face subsided slightly, his eyes widened slightly, with serious eyes flashing, and he said softly.

"Because... I always believe that Brother Soyousuke didn't mean to defect from the village..."

"Or... Brother Soyousuke's vision has never been in the village..."

Tsunade and Jiraiya were also slightly shocked when they heard the hand-slapping words.

They have heard these words more than once...not... from Aizen. However, they seem to have never thought carefully about the meaning of this sentence.

But at this time, such words came out again from Slapped's mouth.

"Why do you say that, hand beat..."

Ji Lai also looked at the hand playing seriously, and said in a deep voice.

Only by understanding all this from here can we truly understand why Aizen left the village! !

After hearing Jiraiya's words, I saw a flash of nostalgia in his eyes, and said softly.

"If you want to say why, maybe it should be said that it is the feeling of growing up with Big Brother Soyousuke since childhood."

Speaking of this, I saw him slowly sitting on the floor, gently stroking a sliding door, and said softly.

"Because I'm a neighbor, every time I was scolded by my father, I would always run away to Brother Soyousuke to hide. At that time, Brother Soyousuke would show me a very warm smile every time, and then put me Set it up here."

"Sometimes I wonder why Soyousuke didn't live with his parents. I didn't understand this until I grew up."

"At that time, in my impression, Brother Soyousuke had been working hard to practice ninja training...while I was young and looked at all this enviously."

Speaking of this, I saw Teta slowly opened a cabinet next to it, and the things inside made Tsunade and others shrink their pupils.

This is! ?

I saw some very old weight-bearing equipment, bandages and other items in the cabinet.

Looking at those items, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his hand-slapped eyes, and he said softly.

"Ninja practice is very painful, and I don't seem to have that talent, so I can't persevere..."

"However, even so, I still remember what I said to Brother Soyousuke at that time."

More than ten years ago, in a small narrow room, two teenagers, one big and one small, stood side by side.

One was wearing glasses, despite the sweat sliding down his cheeks, he still insisted on squatting with a heavy load, with immature tenacity on his face.

The other was lying on the ground in pain, panting.

"Brother Soyousuke, becoming a ninja is too painful, I can't hold on anymore."

"Hand playing, nothing can be reaped without effort, you should understand this."

"But...but it's really too painful...Brother Soyousuke...Since it's so painful...why do you still want to become a ninja? Otherwise, you should also learn how to make ramen with my father, if that's the case I won't be lazy anymore."

A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the young Soyousuke, and said softly.

"I want to become a ninja, only by becoming a ninja can I have power..."

"Why do you have to master the power yourself? Isn't it enough that we have the protection of the ninjas in the village?"

The hands lying on the ground waved in doubt.

"...If one day I feel disappointed in this world, I don't want to be able to only hope for others to redeem this world..."

"If possible... I think I have the power to change the world..."

The young Soyousuke let the sweat flow like rain, his eyes flashed with determination, and he replied softly.

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