Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 377 Invasion War (2)

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Inside the undulating and transparent curved barrier, Nakoki looked at the middle-aged ninja who died in front of his eyes with complicated eyes, and his lips pursed slightly.

"Brother Aizen, is war necessary?"

Naruto said softly.

Hearing his words, Aizen who was inside the barrier had a slight smile in his eyes, and said softly.

"Don't let the death of a man shake your faith, Nasuki. War brings pain, but at the same time... there is hope for us."

Shengshu's eyes were slightly puzzled, a little puzzled, and Aizen said softly.

"There will be wars between any living beings. Since the emergence of human beings, wars have been accompanied by various periods. Countless human beings have died in wars. Therefore, there is no need to lament the death of one person."

"It's not just the ninja era...the Warring States Period, the Kamakura Period, and the Nara Period.. There were wars in these periods. It was inevitable. It can be said that human beings in every period have been in this kind of pain. period."

Hearing Aizen's words, Sheng Shu looked sad and said softly.

"Then can we... really end this pain..."

As if he had inherited Senju Hashirama's benevolent mind, Naoki would always have a compassionate thought about such painful things.

Aizen didn't blame Naoki, looking at Naoki who was almost as tall as him in front of him, he saw his fingers lightly tapped, and when Naoki looked down, he tapped lightly on his forehead.

Sheng Shu's face was stunned.

And Aizen said softly with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What a kind child. However, kindness cannot save the world. Only strength can free people from suffering, Rope Tree."

Speaking of this, I saw a slightly fiery light flashing in Aizen's eyes, and said in a faintly excited voice.

"Curses are generally accompanied by wars that have existed since the birth of human beings, and will eventually be broken by me."

"I will build a palace that transcends this world, and new life forms will be born. Under this constraint, all human beings on the ground will be free from war and pain forever, and usher in a new era of human beings. .”

This is the first time that Aizen has stated his plan so clearly in front of everyone.

Both Shengshu and Jieren looked at him in slight shock.

New life form! ?

Sheng Shu was silent for a moment, without asking Aizen what the so-called new life form was.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the astonished and crying expression on Tsunade's face before, and couldn't help but said in a low voice.

"Brother Aizen, after Konoha was destroyed, have you thought about how to face your sister in the future..."

Hearing his words, Aizen, who was originally slightly excited, couldn't help flashing a complicated look in his eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth also slowly subsided.

He looked at the rope tree with his head down, and said softly.

"Choices are tough, but sometimes no matter how hard the choice is, you have to pick a path that you're determined to follow."

Hearing Aizen's words, Sheng Shu slightly raised his head, looking thoughtful, as if he understood something.


Under the dark night.

Located in Konoha Village, in the Hokage Building.

The ninjas who had already returned from work had rushed here one after another, and Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mitomon Yan and others had already dispatched and directed here.

"Nara's masterpiece, you will lead the Nara tribe to alienate the villagers who are on the street at this time and bring them into the shelter."

Yuan Fei's face was slightly solemn, and he said in a deep voice.

"I understand, Hokage-sama."

Hearing his words, a middle-aged man with a pineapple head standing below nodded heavily, and then disappeared here in an instant.

"Datsu, you led Anbu to the northwest to meet the enemy. This time the attack is definitely not that simple. It is very likely that Iwanin planned it in advance, so be prepared."

A figure with a dagger on his back, who couldn't see clearly, nodded, and disappeared in place with a "shua".

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun, who were on the side, had dignified expressions, but they were also commanding and arranging in an orderly manner.

Just then.

In the darkness, an old figure in gray and white kimono slowly appeared here.

There was a cross scar on his chin, one sleeve was empty, his eyes were slightly squinted, and the corners of his eyes were densely covered with deep wrinkles.

"For three generations, someone at the root has sent back information, and what appeared there seems to be the ninja troops of Yannin and Sandnin."

Speaking of this, his eyes slowly opened, a flash of light flashed, and his voice was hoarse.

"However, it is strange that none of the ninjas over there sent back information... I am afraid there is only one possibility, that is, there are so many enemies that our ninjas were killed before they could retreat."

Hearing Danzo's words, Midai and the others also narrowed their eyes slightly, their faces solemn.

"How about Yun Nin, did you take the opportunity to do anything?"

Three generations said slowly.

Hearing his words, Danzo shook his head lightly and said hoarsely.

"Kunin has been staying in the house for them at this time, and there are rooted ninjas watching outside, but what you should pay attention to now is not these..."

A gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

"My disciple will not let go of such an opportunity, be prepared, he may appear tonight..."

Hearing his words, the Konoha executives present, including the third generation, frowned and their faces became solemn.

On the streets of the village, the bustling market was already in a mess, and the villagers were running away, with panic expressions on their faces.

The damage caused by the attack on Muye Village last time is still vivid, and they dare not take the risk of staying here.

On both sides of the street, there will be ninjas commanding at intervals, and a young ninja with a pineapple head is also standing straight here.

"Lu Jiu, what are you doing here!?"

I saw that the previous Nara God made a sudden stop when passing by here, and shouted at the young ninja below.

Hearing his voice, the young man's expression froze, but then he looked serious and said in a deep voice.

"Father, I am also a worthy ninja of the Nara clan. This time I will fight for the village!"

Nara Kamaku looked at him with a serious face, and Lu Jiu insisted on looking at him, for a long while, Kamizaku said in a deep voice.

"Be sure to pay attention to safety!"

After speaking, he left here quickly.

With his father's consent, Lu Jiu showed a small smile on his face, and then hurriedly directed the villagers to rush to the shelter.

at the same time.

In another place, several young people of the same size also rushed towards the battlefield under the leadership of their parents.

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