Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 386 Guarding Cranes and Ten Thousand Snakes

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Tailed Beast, the scariest creature in the Ninja world—no one

Whether it is one tail or nine tails, they all have a huge chakra far beyond human beings and a huge body.

In this case, every move of the tail beasts with such unique strength will cause huge damage to the human world.

At this moment, the tyrannical Izuzuru appeared in Konoha Village, which was definitely a disaster for Konoha.

Especially in the case of this kind of foreign enemy invasion, most of the ninjas have already defended against the foreign enemies, and the rest of the people in the village can only let it run rampant in the face of this terrifying monster!


I saw that every sweep of the huge crane's tail would destroy countless houses.

To it, the sturdy house of Konoha is like a toy building block. It only needs to flick its tail slightly, and the house that took months of hard work will easily become a pile of ruins.

At this time, it is like a crazy animal, destroying everything with joy, as if only in this way can it be satisfied.

Faced with such a huge monster, the Konoha ninjas on the ground could hardly do anything to deal with it.

Several Konoha ninjas were angry at the tailed beast's destructive behavior, and they could not help but unleash a few fire escape ninjutsu to attack it.

However, this kind of attack has no effect on Shuhe, and it is regarded as a provocation instead.

The original state of rage was further deepened, and the huge claws slammed, smashing several Chunin into meat paste.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a figure in a ninja uniform suddenly rushed here.

His long black hair was scattered, and there was some sweat on his pale cheeks.

At this time, he was squinting his narrow eyes and staring at the raging Shuhe with a slightly solemn gaze.

Seeing his arrival, all the Konoha ninjas present breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's Oshemaru-sama, that's great!" someone whispered.

"That's right, Oshemaru-sama will definitely have a way to deal with this guy when he comes, and he must give this guy a good look!" Someone excitedly said.

Orochimaru didn't care about what they said, but stared carefully at Izuzuru, as if wanting to see something.

After looking at it for a while, finally, when Orochimaru's eyes swept over a very small figure above Shuhe's head, his snake pupils shrank slightly, and his voice was low and hoarse.

"Sure it the Jinchuriki technique that Sand Shinobu has mastered..."

"If I didn't guess wrong, the guy above Izuo's head is Shinobi's Jinchuriki... If you want to get rid of Izuo, you must find a way to get rid of Jinchuriki first!"

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's snake eyes narrowed slightly, and an unknown light shone in the eyes.

At this time, it was located in a hidden corner near where Shuhe was.

A figure was hiding here quietly, his body was covered with some dried blood, and it seemed that he had been injured quite a bit before.

I saw his index finger and middle finger raised together, as if he was manipulating something.

A small eyeball the size of a human eye was quietly floating in the mid-air above his head, quietly observing everything around him, no one could detect such a tiny thing in the night.

When that eyeball saw Orochimaru coming here, the figure in the dark was stunned for a moment, then sneered and said calmly.

"Oshemaru, one of the Sannin..."

After speaking, he seemed to think of something, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I saw him slowly pulling out a ninja tool bound with a spell from his hand, and quickly formed a seal with both hands, and the seal was very complicated.

However, following his movements, Shouhe, who was wrecking havoc outside the world, suddenly froze slightly, and his blood-red eyes slowly turned into clear animal pupils.

Seeing Shuhe's tyrannical movements stop, all the Konoha ninjas were also slightly taken aback.

"Master Orochimaru hasn't made a move yet, why is this guy still not moving?" A ninja asked with a worried expression.

Hearing his words, a ninja on the side patted his head and said excitedly.

"What do you know? That's one of the three ninjas, Oshemaru-sama. He must have used some method to stop Yiwei's actions. You don't understand at all!"

The ninja also nodded in a daze.

Orochimaru who came here was also a little puzzled, and he didn't know why Kazuo suddenly stopped moving.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the Jinchuriki on the tailed beast's head! ?

However, just when this idea flashed through his mind, Yiwei suddenly shook his body, then twisted suddenly, and roared excitedly.

"My uncle is finally out! Aha! The feeling of freedom is really great!"


Countless houses are easily destroyed along with its excitement!

I saw that it was like an excited civet cat at this time, its huge body was walking and jumping, flicking its tail from time to time, destroying countless houses.

Orochimaru frowned and watched this scene, and said hoarsely.

"Has the nature of the tailed beast been liberated... so the consciousness of the tailed beast has always been sealed..."

"In any case, just deal with this guy, otherwise the village will suffer too much damage..."

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed slightly in his snake eyes, he bit his fingers sharply, and his hands quickly formed seals.

I saw him slamming his hands to the ground, and a huge black talisman spread out in all directions!


A huge white smoke rose up!

The violent noise here immediately attracted Shouhe's attention, and it turned its head suddenly, with a pair of red-yellow animal pupils with extremely human eyes, staring at the white smoke place suspiciously.

As the smoke dissipated, a huge purple snake was entrenched there. Its body was extremely huge, even if it was not much inferior to a huge one-tailed crane.

And Orochimaru stood upright at its snake head, standing against the wind.


The wind was blowing, blowing Orochimaru's long black hair.

He looked at a guard crane in front of him coldly, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Wan Snake, I need you to help me get rid of this guy in front of me, or send me to the top of that guy."

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Wanshe below him stared at the top of his head with a pair of snake pupils. The huge snake pupils exuded extremely frightening eyes, and said indifferently.

"Oshemaru, isn't your request too much, but just after signing the contract with me, you want me to fight against Kazuo!"

"There is no need to talk about this kind of thing. If you have nothing else to do, I'm going back!"

Hearing Wanshe's words, Orochimaru frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said in a low voice.

"Get rid of it and find 100 corpses for you."

After listening to Orochimaru's words, the impatient and humanized expression on Wanshe's snake face disappeared, and he said in a deep voice.

"I'm only responsible for sending you up, and you can handle the rest yourself. One of the 200 corpses must not be missing!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Orochimaru. Orochimaru nodded expressionlessly, and did not refute its request.

Seeing Orochimaru agreeing, Wanshe smiled indifferently and said in a low voice.

"Look at Master Wan Snake's performance!"

After all, its body rushed towards Shouhe!

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