Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Three hundred and ninetieth chapters Aizen vs. Shouhe (1)

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Hearing Aizen's voice, the expression on Shouhe's face seemed to be a little ferocious again. It stared at Aizen with a bloody mouth drooping, as if it wanted to bite and devour it.

"I will never forget the smell on your body, the hatred that humiliated me back then, give me my life as compensation today!"

Shouhe stared at Aizen angrily, and roared in a low voice.

It didn't wait for Aizen to open his mouth, and it started directly. At this time, anger had filled its heart, and it couldn't wait any longer.


I saw Shouhe slapped it down with a sudden palm, and the whistling wind was quick and sharp!

Faced with this sudden attack, everyone in Xuye Palace present had their eyes tightened, and their hands suddenly moved, while Lan Ran kept a faint smile on his face, without panic at all.

"Bagua Luanbo Palm!"

"Wood escape. Vajra wood ingot!"

"Red secret skill. Hundred machine drills!!"


With a loud noise, Shouhe's arm wrapped in clouds of dust stopped heavily in mid-air, as if it was blocked by something.

In the distance, the Konoha ninjas hiding in the corner shrank their pupils when they saw the scene in front of them, and murmured.

"This is....."

In the middle of the sky, a giant tree as thick as Shou He's arm pulled out from the ground, and suddenly grew bigger, blocking Shou He's arm.

And beside the giant tree, countless floating puppets were quietly floating in the mid-air, densely packed with darkness, and the scene looked very astonishing.

And under Shuhe's arm, Aizen was standing there quietly, with a peaceful smile on his face.

"Crack - click -"

As Naoki's face on the field became slightly dignified, he suddenly clenched his locked fingers!

The giant tree that was in a stalemate with Shuhe suddenly surged upwards and grew, and Shuhe's face became very ugly, and it was difficult for him to suppress the growth of this tree.

However, at this moment, a magnetic voice slowly fell into the field.

"Jiren, Naoki, Scorpion, stop, there is no need to expend too much power on this guy."

Hearing Aizen's words, the three of them lowered their arms respectfully, without any intention of continuing to make a move.

The puppets in mid-air slowly dissipated, and the thick giant tree was also pressed down by the crane because it lost the power of the rope tree.

Shou He, who had an ugly face, became excited at this moment, and said harshly.

"You bastard, let me die!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Shou He slapped it with his claws carrying countless sand dust!


In front of everyone in Xuye Palace, a huge beast's palm hit the ground fiercely, and countless waves of smoke and dust spread outward.

Seeing that his attack was successful, Shou He grinned cruelly on his ferocious beast face, and said sharply.

"Haha, you dare to humiliate me, bedbug, now you will die without a place to bury you!"

After finishing speaking, its reddish-yellow pupils like needlepoints slowly turned to the rest of the people in Xuye Palace, jokingly said.

"Now that that guy has been dealt with, it's your turn next. You are with that bug!"

Regarding Shou He's words, all the people in Xuye Palace had calm faces, without the slightest worry.

With a disdainful expression on his face like a domineering old man, Bailegang glanced sideways at the huge Shouhe and said disdainfully.

"This is the tailed beast that the boss values. The head of this kind of guy is probably not as good as that of Killian. Is it really that important!?"

Hearing Balegon's words, Ulquiola calmly looked up at Shuhe with a pair of green eyes, and said in a calm voice.

"Don't underestimate this guy, even though its intelligence may seem very weak, but this can bring out its powerful power."

Speaking of this, he carefully looked at the guardian crane, and said calmly.

"What appears in front of us now is just the body created by its ability. Most of the tailed beasts today have been sealed in the body of Jinzhu Riki."

"The guy in front of him is just a part of his strength that escaped after some opportunities."

Hearing Ulquiola's explanation, Balegon's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he looked at Shouhe again, there were strands of fiery light in his eyes.

But just when Shuhe was about to attack everyone in Xuye Palace, a chuckle suddenly sounded beside its ears.

"You guys are still the same, you haven't made any progress."

Hearing this voice, Shou He's expression changed suddenly, and he turned his head and stared at the direction where the voice came from.

Behind its head, Aizen was standing quietly in the air, with his hands in his pockets, with a casual and indifferent look on his face.

"You bedbug, you escaped the blow of my uncle!"

Hearing Shuhe's words, the arc of Lan Ran's mouth widened slightly, eyes flickered and opened to look at Shuhe, and said with a light smile.

"Shouhe, is that how you thank the benefactor who let you out?"

Hearing these words, Shou He was taken aback suddenly, and growled.

"What does my uncle being able to come out have to do with you guy!?"

In response, Aizen waved his hand and smiled lightly.

"Your appearance is just a plan I discussed with Sand Ninja. Sand Ninja and Iwanin will restrain Konoha's main force, and then rely on you to cause damage to Konoha."

Hearing Lan Ran's words, the Crane Shou Beast's pupils shrank slightly, and instead of being happy, it roared with ferocious anger.

"Sure enough, are you saying that my uncle was used by you, a bug!?"

"Damn it, you bastard!"

After finishing speaking, I saw its big mouth suddenly bulging, and its paws slapped hard on the buttocks.

"Feng Dun. Practice empty bombs!"

Without giving Aizen a chance to speak again, several turbulent wind clusters suddenly poured towards Aizen's position.

The wind group shot by the air flow passed through Lan Ran's body, and hit the house in the distance, and there was another messy roar.

When Shuhe showed an extremely humane and cruel smile again, that magnetic voice reappeared.

"What a stubborn beast, no matter how many times I tell you, I'm afraid you won't be able to hear what I said."

But this time, the voice was slightly indifferent.

Seeing Lan Ran appearing behind his head again, Crane Shou Beast's pupils shrank slightly, and said in surprise.

"How could you dodge my attacks continuously!"

Aizen didn't pay attention to this, but made a slight seal with both hands, then gently raised a white finger, pointed at Shuhe, and said calmly.

"Boiling Dun. Boiling Amber!"

As his words fell, at his fingertips, a droplet of green shimmering liquid suddenly condensed.


The next moment, the droplet shot towards a guarding crane.

Aizen watched this scene calmly, not paying attention.

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