Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Three hundred and ninetieth chapters raccoon bear war (a)

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Following Aizen's voice, it fell.

The thick white smoke on the field slowly dissipated, and behind him, a huge figure stood in front of everyone.

I saw a huge brown bear crouching on the ground with a dazed expression on top of the messy field at this time under the darkness of night.

Its thick paws pressed to the ground, its head shook slightly, as if it was scanning something, and the white hair on its chest made it look a little different.

When it saw Aizen in front of it, its bright animal pupils immediately shone with excitement.


I saw it suddenly opened its ferocious mouth, and roared violently, with a strong excitement in the roar.

The dull and passionate roar immediately resounded through the land, and its cry could be heard even from a long distance away, and the Konoha people who were nearby covered their ears and frowned tightly.

In their tightly furrowed eyes, they saw that huge giant bear slowly lowered its head and approached Aizen who was standing quietly in front of it.

That ferocious bear face actually revealed an extremely humane and naive expression, as if it were a puppy that enthusiastically saw its owner.

With a faint smile on the corner of Lan Ran's mouth, he stretched out his hand slightly, resting it on the black nose of the giant bear, and said softly.

"Kumamoto, don't get too excited, your next opponent is this guy in front of you."

Hearing Aizen's words, Kumamoto raised his head slightly and looked at the situation on the field at this time.

In front of them, there were Shuzuru with an angry expression, and Jiraiya Sakumo and his party, divided into three camps like an opposing triangle.

When he saw the same huge Shukaku, a fiery look flashed in Kumamoto's animal pupils.

Aizen-sama is talking about the guy in front of you.... Although my mother told me not to fight with others easily...

But if it's Aizen-sama's order...Mom must agree...

Thinking of this, Kumamoto's long mouth couldn't help grinning excitedly, but in other people's eyes, it was more like a ferocious and cruel smile from its huge size.

"Everyone of Konoha, let's leave here and leave the venue to them."

At this time, there was a smile in Aizen's eyes. After glancing at Konoha and everyone, he turned around slowly, and walked slowly towards a direction while talking.

Hearing his words, everyone in Konoha looked at each other, and then followed closely with heavy expressions on their faces.

Everyone in Xuye Palace stayed where they were, without moving.

Just when Aizen was about to leave, he suddenly turned his head to look at Ulquiola who was standing there with a calm expression on his face, and said with a light smile.

"By the way, Ulquiorra, you can do it now. We have already done what Iwanin asked. Now it's time to close the net."

Although Aizen's tone was very casual, none of the people present were fools, and instantly felt an indifferent killing intent from his words.

Thinking of this, the eyes of Jiraiya and others couldn't help but become more dignified.

Ulquiorra nodded respectfully and said softly.

"Don't worry, Aizen-sama, we will complete your order."

Aizen smiled lightly and left slowly.

Although Jiraiya Orochimaru and the others were on guard against the group of people in Xuye Palace, they couldn't leave anyone to stop them, so they had to focus all their attention on Aizen and follow him away.

After the few people left, Bailegang, who was in the crowd, couldn't help curling his lips and said in a dull voice.

"Boss is really troublesome. He is just a group of guys who can be killed easily. Why is it so troublesome?"

Hearing his words, Ulquiola shook his head lightly, glanced at him, and said calmly.

"This is just Master Aizen's plan, Bailegang, some things are not as simple as you see, Master Aizen also has some scruples."

Regarding this, Bailegang's cloudy eyes flashed a bright light, and said in a low voice.

"Is that so... Sure enough, as the old man expected, there is no reason for such a huge world to be left unattended... Hehe...I really look forward to it..."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the giant Shukaku, his eyes sparkled with blazing heat, and said hoarsely.

"And what about this guy?"

Ulquiola glanced at the excited Kumamoto, and said softly.

"Since Master Aizen handed it over to this guy with confidence, he must have plans. We just need to complete his orders perfectly."

Hearing this, Balegon nodded, and followed Ulquiorra with a group of people from the Void Night Palace and left here.

Under the darkness of night, in Konoha Village, where the flames of war are raging.

The two behemoths looked at each other face to face, and their beast pupils shone with strange light.

At this time, the part of Shouhe's body that was corroded by the boiling amber has slowly healed. After all, at this time, it is only made of a large amount of sand, not its body.

"Hey, are you that guy's psychic beast? It's just an ordinary beast. Do you think you can deal with me when you grow up so big? Get out of here quickly while I don't have any murderous intentions. Bar!"

I saw it sniffing its nose slightly, its animal pupils flickering coldly, staring at the excited Kumamoto and shouting disdainfully.

Hearing its words, Kumamoto's originally excited bear face suddenly collapsed, and the grin on his mouth disappeared, replaced by a ferocious grin.

Even though it is clumsy, it is clear that the guy in front of him looks down on it, and seems to have a strong hostility towards Master Aizen.

My mother said that since I followed Aizen-sama, if one day I want to fight for Aizen-sama, I must go all out!

Thinking of this, a fierce light flashed in its animal pupils, staring at Shouhe, the corners of its mouth almost reached the ears, showing sharp canine teeth, and roared angrily.


Hearing Kumamoto's roar, Shuzuru couldn't help but become very ugly, and said hoarsely.

"Bastard, I let you live, and you dare to provoke me like this. Even if there are another 100 fish like you, it's not enough for me to kill!"

"Go to hell!"

As its voice fell, its body suddenly leaned forward.

At the same time, the thick tail behind him suddenly slammed towards Kumamoto fiercely!


The tail, which was almost the size of the crane, flew across the air quickly, and the sound of the bulging wind was howling, and the momentum was very loud!

Facing the thick tail attacking with great power, Kumamoto showed a ferocious look on his bear face, showing no fear at all.

I saw its front paws pressed hard on the ground, and then its whole body suddenly stood up, like a human being, and rushed up to meet the tail!

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