Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 395: Kumamoto Shows His Power

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Under the thick night.

The pale moonlight shone in Muye Village.

In every corner of the village, a black shadow or a cold light flashed from time to time, screams happened one after another, and the cruel nature of war was revealed.

And located in a messy ruins in the village.

The ups and downs of the sand flowed slowly, and they were located in the huge sandpit. At this time, the two giant beasts were lowering each other, silent and motionless.

In a hidden corner in the distance, Konoha Ninja, who has been hiding here to observe the situation on the field, turned slightly pale.

After all, watching the battle between the two behemoths at such a close distance made them feel completely powerless in their hearts. Facing such a terrifying guy, these tiny beings really couldn't think of any way to deal with it.

While the majestic offensive and destructive power caused by the every move of the two behemoths made them feel extremely shocked, it also cast a lingering heavy shadow in their hearts.

They who are hiding here have only one thought at this moment!

That is to expect these two behemoths to perish together. After all, only relying on their group of people, even if they swarm up, they are just giving these monsters food and drink.

But the current situation seems a bit disappointing. The giant bear seemed to be completely defeated by Shuzuru's power, and it was beaten unilaterally very miserably.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't last until the arrival of the third generation of adults, and the battle will end.

One of Konoha's middle-aged ninjas looked very ugly when he thought of the terrifying destructive power of Ichio Moritsuru.

But at this moment.

"Captain Morita, that...that guy moved again!" A ninja observing the situation on the field said with a pale face.


Hearing his words, the solemn middle-aged ninja hurriedly looked over, hoping that the giant bear could hold on for a while longer.

In the distance, Kumamoto, who had stopped moving, suddenly started to move, and its bear paw suddenly landed on the huge tail of the crane in his arms.

Seeing this, Shouhe sneered with an extremely humane mocking expression on his face.

"What's the matter, are you angry, but what can you do if you get angry again, facing me, you..."

It stopped abruptly before it finished speaking!

I saw Shuzuru's sneering and squinting animal pupils suddenly widened, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Kumamoto in front of him with a little horror.

How can it be! ?

Where did this ordinary guy get this power! ?


As if it was steaming hot air, a stream of white steam rose slowly from Kumamoto's body, and a stream of crimson chakra swelled slightly on its huge body.


Suddenly, a slight noise came from Kumamoto's thick bear arm!

Even through the thick brown hair, you can clearly see its pair of bear arms, which were already extremely thick, seem to have grown in size in an instant!

At this moment, Kumamoto's round bear arms bulged with strong and thick tendons, and the brown hair on his body stood up one by one, as if they were extremely hard steel bars.

Even if the sand currents stuck to its body were stretched to the limit, they couldn't pull a single hair off it!


I saw Kumamoto suddenly raised his huge head, and with a fierce and terrifying roar, even the Konoha ninjas in the distance couldn't help covering their ears, with painful expressions on their faces.

At this moment, its eyes were glowing red, and it was staring at Shuhe who was close at hand.

Saliva was dripping from the corners of the ferocious bear's mouth, and white gas would be ejected from the black nostrils every time he gasped!

This is the guy!

Broke my agreement with Aizen-sama!

This is the guy!

Destroyed my best proof as a bear family!

I'm going to kill you bastard! !

Thinking of this, Kumamoto's bear's paws holding the tail of the crane closed tightly, and the sharp claws directly pierced the tail of the crane fiercely!

Amid Shokuru's expression of pain mixed with disbelief, Kumamoto's arms that were bulging at this moment exerted all his strength, and even grabbed his tail and raised it together with Shukaku!

"Asshole, how dare you do this to me!?"

Shouhe's entire huge body was lifted in the air, its face was extremely ugly, and it shouted angrily.

However, Kumamoto ignored its words.

I saw its pair of bear paws firmly grasping the tail of the crane, its huge body twisted and rotated violently, with a ferocious expression on its face!

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"...

Round and round, even the deep dust on the ground couldn't stop Kumamoto's turning body at this moment. Shuzuru was held tightly by his tail and swung in mid-air, unable to control his body at all.

The Konoha ninjas in the distance watched this scene dumbfounded, their faces full of disbelief.

They couldn't imagine why Kumamoto, who had been in a weak position before, could suddenly erupt with such overwhelming terrifying power. Not only them, Shuzuru was also puzzled.

At this time, when the speed reached a certain level, Kumamoto suddenly let go of the two palms holding it!


Shouhe's huge body was thrown away into the distance like a huge cannonball!

Such a huge body fell to the ground and caused terrible damage. Countless houses were smashed when Shuhe fell to the ground!


Kumamoto didn't hesitate at all, it roared violently!

It stretched out its claws and tore it violently, and yanked its ears and the sand belt wrapped around its body.

Then I saw its paws slamming on the sand in front of it, the tendons on its thick hind legs bulged, and a powerful force burst out instantly, making it jump out of the soft and sunken sand. come out.


The heavy and fat thing suddenly fell on the ground, and the ground trembled violently.

Its four thick feet stepped on the ground, the bear had a hideous grin on its face, its eyes glowed red, and it stared fixedly at the crane in the distance.

I saw it slowly walking towards Shuhe who got up from the ground step by step, and the bloody wound on his body was also recovering quickly under the crimson chakra.

Shuzuru got up from the ground with a painful expression on his face. After seeing Kumamoto walking towards him, there was a trace of unwillingness on his face, and he roared angrily.

"What the hell are you, how can you have such power!"

As its voice fell, a large amount of wind attribute chakra suddenly gathered in its mouth.

"Feng Dun. Great practice of empty bombs!"

I saw clusters of wind clusters that were several times larger than before rushing towards Kumamoto, and the trembling sound made by the wind clusters cutting the air was very ear-piercing.

But in the face of such a terrifying move, Kumamoto not only has no fear at all.


I saw it raised its head, opened its mouth and let out a roar, and then the bear's paw slammed on the ground violently, the whole body of the bear suddenly surged with thick muscles like a horned dragon, and it straightened up and rushed up!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The violently trembling wind group completely hit Kumamoto's body without falling.

However, at this time, under the defense of Kumamoto's body hair that was as hard as steel, those attacks only made it have some white marks on its body, and it was useless!


With a roar, Kumamoto jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards Shuzuru from the air.

Seeing this scene, Shuhe's face was filled with anger and fear at the same time.

This guy, what is going on! ?

Kumamoto didn't say much to it, the moment it fell from the air and threw it to the ground, the bear's paw swung violently, and the sharp claws deeply scratched one of Shuzuru's arms!


I saw sand gradually overflowing from the wound on Shouhe's arm, and Shouhe said angrily as a sore spot flashed across his face.

"You bloody bastard..."


However, before it finished speaking, Kumamoto roared angrily, and then interrupted it with a palm!

Shouhe's lower jaw was completely smashed under the slap of the thick bear's paw, making it unable to speak anymore.

At this time, Kumamoto didn't pay attention to its thoughts at all, just lowered his head and slapped it angrily. Every time the bear's paw is raised high, it will inevitably receive heavy blows!

Shouhe's body was gradually torn apart under this angry attack and then slowly turned into soft yellow sand.




The ground was trembling non-stop, the entire ground where Kumamoto and Shutsuru were located was shattered, gullies kept popping up, and it was a mess.

In the distance, the faces of the Konoha people who had been watching here all turned pale, and a doubt flashed in their hearts at the same time.

This guy....can be subdued by human power.....

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