Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 426 Minato's guess

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

The two staggered past in mid-air.

The blond young man had a calm expression, while Ai had a gloomy expression.

At this moment, the two people in the air exchanged glances, and both of them left a deep impression on each other.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

As the two fell to the ground and stood separately, not far away, Talu and Bi also rushed to Ai's side.

Talu looked at the blond young man curiously, but was a little surprised in his heart.

It's unbelievable that this guy's speed can surpass that of Ai who has activated the Thunder Dungeon armor!

When did Konoha have such a strong guy again!

"Brother, you are slower than this guy."

Qirabbi on the side clasped his hands behind his head, grinning and showing his snow-white teeth.

Hearing his words, Ai's face turned black, and a big hashtag appeared on his forehead involuntarily, and he punched him on the headband, and couldn't help saying.

"Shut up, Bea!"

The blond young man standing not far away saw this scene, with a gentle smile on his face, and said softly.

"You are the ninjas of Yunnin, and I am Namikaze Minato. Thank you very much for your assistance to Konoha at this time."

Hearing Minato's self-reported name, Ai looked at him seriously and said in a deep voice.

"Namikaze Minato, you are very strong!"

Talu on the side glanced at the serious Ai with erratic eyes, and chuckled inwardly.

Could it be that this guy Ai values ​​a person so much...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Minato lightly from the corner of his eye, and thought to himself.

Namikaze Minato... What an amazing guy...

Konoha is worthy of being the cradle of genius ninjas. After Soyousuke, a rare genius has appeared....

At this time, upon hearing Ai's words, Minato smiled slightly, the smile on his face was very contagious, and said softly and humbly.

"The three of you are also very strong."

"I heard that among the ninjas who helped Naruto stop Tukage before, there were three cloud ninja guys. If you guessed correctly, those three cloud ninja guys are you."

Hearing Minato's words, a bright light flashed in Taru's squinted eyes, and he thought to himself.

It seems that in addition to strong strength, a strong analytical ability should be added...

Thinking of this, he stepped forward and whispered something in Ai's ear.

Ai looked serious, looked at Minato, and said in a deep voice.

"You're right, we did help Hokage stop Tsuchikage before, and this is what we should do as cloud ninjas."

"Nice to meet you, Namikaze Minato, my name is Yeyue Ai."

"This is...."

Speaking of this, he pointed to Bi who was wearing sunglasses, and just about to open his mouth, he didn't finish speaking.

Bibian stood up by himself, gesticulating with his fingers, and chattering.

"Yoyo, hello, Namikaze Minato, you can call me... Kirabi!"

Ai's face turned black, and he punched Bi's head fiercely again, as if turning into a gorilla, he roared furiously.

"Stupid Bi, don't embarrass Yunin!"

Minato, who was watching this scene, was stunned for a while, then a gentle smile appeared on his face, and he said softly.

"Nice to meet you, Kirabi."

Seeing this scene, Talu said softly with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hi Minato, I'm Taru."

"Actually, there is one thing that Ai didn't say. Let me add that Ai is the current son of Raikage, and Bi is his younger brother."

Hearing his words, Minato froze for a moment, and suddenly said softly.


"Could you be the AB combination of Yunin Village!?"

Speaking of this, he seemed to confirm the guess in his heart, with an excited smile on his face.

Ai and Bi looked at each other and nodded slightly to Minato.


There was a slight smile on Minato's face, his azure eyes looked at the two excitedly, and said softly.

"I heard Jiraiya-sensei mentioned you guys. You guys gained fame during the battle with Iwanin. I didn't expect to meet you unexpectedly today."

Hearing his words, the three of them were slightly startled, and Talu narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought to himself.

A disciple of Jiraiya, one of the Sannin?

"I didn't expect you, Minato, to be Jiraiya's disciple."

Ai was silent for a while, then spoke in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Minato smiled proudly and said softly.

"That's right, it's a very lucky thing for me to meet Jiraiya-sensei."

At this time, Talu on the side suggested softly.

"Minato, I don't think you are with your companions. If you don't mind, please join us for a while. After all, we have to deal with many rock ninjas."

Hearing these words, Minato pondered for a moment, then nodded after a while, with a smile on his face, and said softly.

"Since you invited me, let's go together. Just in time, I also want to appreciate the power of the AB combination."

Hearing his words, Talu smiled slightly, and Bi Ze gently raised his arms and thumbs up, singing and singing proudly.

"The combined strength of my brother and I is nothing small, yo!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a fist hit him hard on the head, and Ai's angry shout came.

"Bi, don't embarrass Yunin!"

Seeing this, Minato and Taru smiled slightly, and then they walked towards other places in the forest together.

On the way, Taru had a lot to ask Minato.

"Minato, what do you think about Konoha being attacked by Iwanin this time?"

While several people were rushing, Talu suddenly asked Minato's opinion on the war in a soft voice. Ai's face was calm, and he didn't show any strange expression.

Hearing Taru's words, Minato was slightly taken aback, but he didn't panic, his face calmed down quickly, and he said softly.

"I'm afraid everyone should be aware of Tsuchikage's evil intentions towards Konoha, so this war is an inevitable war."

Speaking of this, he pondered for a while, his blue eyes flickered slightly, as if he was thinking about a heavy matter.

Seeing this, the other three were a little puzzled, and didn't understand why he didn't continue talking.

After a while, Minato continued to speak.

"However, the current situation is only caused by the existence of one person..."

Hearing Minato's words, the rest of the people were slightly taken aback and said in doubt.

"one person!?"

Both Taru and Ai disagreed with these words.

Although the world of ninjas advocates personal strength very much, it is absolutely impossible to say that several major ninja villages have fallen into this war because of one person.

Nobody can force this!

Minato raised his head slightly, with a complicated look on his face, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"Aizen... Sousuke..."

Hearing this name, the rest of the people were taken aback, and Ai repeated in a low voice with a serious face.

"Aizen... Sousuke..."

"Is the leader of the Void Night Palace..."

A bright light flashed in Dalu's eyes, and he said in a low voice.

"I have to admit that... Aizen's strength is indeed very strong!"

"Although he rebelled from you Konoha, he was able to face Hokage and Tukage in a one-on-one match without losing the wind. Even Yunin Village has heard of this strong strength, and Raikage is even more amazed by him. .”

"However, it would be an exaggeration to say that the current situation was caused by him alone."

Regarding this, Minato lowered his head and was silent for a long while before showing a smile, and said softly.


"If possible... I would prefer to do as you said..."

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