Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 429: Five Ninja Villages Attacking Each Other

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Hearing Naoki's flat tone, Fuyue's face darkened slightly, and he said in a deep voice.

"He is Konoha's rebellious ninja, how can he be worthy of the word great!?"

"Nawaki Senju, as a descendant of Lord Hokage, how dare you speak for this traitor!"

Facing Fu Yue's aggressiveness, Naoki's face remained calm, he glanced at him, and said softly.

"Do you think that if Aizen-sama is really just an ordinary Konoha rebel like you said, can he be followed by Uchiha Tokino, Hyuga Minato and others?"

Hearing his words, Fu Yue choked slightly, but Naoki continued calmly.

"Do you think that the rebellion you keep talking about can become the leader of many members of Xuye Palace?"

"You have also seen the strength of those guys. Do you think that Aizen-sama they are all convinced by is really as unbearable as you said?"

Regarding this, Fuyue's expression was slightly ugly, but he still insisted on speaking out.

"But it's just that you have strong strength, a guy with a wicked mind!"

Sheng Shu glanced at him lightly, and said calmly.

"A guy like you who hasn't even stepped out of Konoha has no way of understanding what Aizen-sama is capable of."

Fu Yue's face was gloomy, but he couldn't refute Naoki's words, and he also understood Naoki's strength, so he didn't do anything stupid rashly.


He snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards a direction in the forest regardless of the remaining Iwanin corpses on the field.

The ninjas of the Uchiha clan behind him quickly followed his footsteps.

"Master Fugaku...Master Fugaku..."

As the voice of worry faded away, on the field, Nawaki looked indifferently at the backs of the leaving Uchiha clansman, with an unclear look faintly shining in his brown eyes.


When the ninjas of Mist Ninja gradually intervened in this war.

The situation on the battlefield is also becoming more and more chaotic. Kirinin is not only dealing with Konoha or Cloud Ninja, but when they encounter Iwanin and Sand Ninja, they also start killing one after another.

It is the idea of ​​​​making enemies with all the other four major ninja villages!

Of course, as the Mist ninjas who are most proficient in the way of killing, their performance is terrifying.

Every time they hide in the dark, when the two sides are exhausted from fierce fighting, they suddenly jump out of the dark and take the other's life under the horrified eyes of the ninjas on both sides.

In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, only a small number of people know the information about Wu Ninja's involvement in this war.

At the same time, accompanied by the full-scale invasion of Mist Ninja.

In the forest, on a thick tree trunk.

I saw a figure standing quietly in a hidden corner.

His long black hair slightly covered the tip of his eyebrows, and through the bangs on his forehead faintly, a pair of blood red eyes were coldly looking in the direction of Konoha in front of him.

"Aizen...Sakuya...I'm here..."

As the hoarse murmur slowly sounded on the field, his figure suddenly turned into a black thunder, disappeared suddenly on the field, and disappeared without a trace.


"Magnetic escape. Liulisha!"

In an empty field, there was a low shout.


I saw that the golden sand on the bodies of many ninjas wrapped in gold dust on the field suddenly tightened, the dust splashed, and blood mixed with gold dust slowly overflowed from it.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"....

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, Luo Sha walked slowly on the field with an indifferent expression, not paying any attention to the bloody corpses around him.

And around him, there were all excited Sand Shinobi. At this time, they were happily looking at Luo Sha exuding a powerful momentum on the field, and they talked a lot.

"It's Master Luo Sha!"

"Master Luo Sha is really strong, and he can get rid of these cloud ninjas with just one move!"

Luo Sha didn't care about the comments of the people around him.

He walked on the field with a calm expression. Suddenly, as if he felt something, he looked up at the sky, and then a ball of gold dust appeared under his feet, supporting him and flying into the air.


In the night sky, the cold wind howled.

Luo Sha came to the air, looked at the floating figure in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"Master Tukage, why are you here?"

Onoki in front of him glanced at him, with a sharp light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Mist ninja has already intervened!"

Hearing his words, Luo Sha was taken aback, and murmured.

"They actually... intervened at this time..."

In response, Onoki sneered and said in a low voice.

"Do you think that Mizukage guy will stay quietly in the country of water and watch everything that happens here!"

"Although that guy is the least visible of the five great shadows, it doesn't mean he doesn't have a heart for shadows. Facing this grand battle, Mizukage finally couldn't bear to make a move!"

Luo Sha looked at Onoki and said in a deep voice.

"Tugage-sama, have you found the trail of Kirinin?"

Hearing this, Onogi snorted coldly, with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice.

"Mizukage's appetite is too great. Whether it's Konoha or Iwanin, they are all the targets of those Wunin's attacks. Looking at it like that, it seems that they want to fight against the four major ninja villages!"

Regarding this, Luo Sha was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said.

"Do you have any information about those guys from Xuye Palace now? Information about those guys hasn't appeared for a long time."

Hearing this, Onoki was also silent for a while, shook his head, and said in a deep voice.

"The group of guys in Xuye Palace, including Lan Ran, have no news at this time..."

Luo Sha's face sank slightly, revealing a worried look, and said in a deep voice.

"What is he planning, is he trying to attack us when the five great ninja villages consume each other too much!"

At this time, Luo Sha became more and more worried about Aizen's existence after listening to Ohnoki's previous remarks.

If the situation where the five great ninja villages are attacking each other at this moment is what Aizen expected!

Well...he's just too scary...

Knowing people's hearts so far, everything is going according to his plan...

What is his ultimate goal! ?

Is it true that he wants to use his own strength to fight against and destroy the entire ninja world as he said...

This kind of's impossible for someone to be so crazy!

However, listening to Luo Sha's words at this time, Onoki did not answer, and remained silent.

As Onoki who had negotiated with Aizen, he could deeply feel the terrible ambition in Aizen.

Although all Aizen's performances are so gentle and elegant, however, he can see from his body the arrogance of the former Uchiha Madara.

That surprisingly similar attitude of disregarding all rules....

That kind of arrogance that defies everything and despises the world...

very dangerous!

This is the truest thought in Onoki's heart.

However, even so, the reason why he still chooses to cooperate with Aizen is.

He also has self-confidence. In this battle, who is the real winner is still undecided!

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