In the original world line, Fuji Kazeyuki's father was murdered, and then because Fuji Kazeyukie was still young, her uncle was on the throne.

However, after the wind and the waves came to power, because he did not have the key to the treasure of the snow country, he immediately sent someone to kill Fuji Fengyukie and take away the key, but was later stopped, and Asama Santaifu escaped from the snow country with Fuji Fengyukie also escaped.

Later, under the plan of Asama Santai, he returned to the Snow Country with Fuji Fengyukie and the protagonist group, overthrew the power of the Wind and Waves, and recaptured the Snow Country.

Yusuke looked at the two people next to him coldly, these two should have appeared in Konoha before the middle ninja exam, and took the ninja to the snow country, why did they run to the side of Sand Hidden Village now?

"Shut up, this is not the place to talk about this stuff......"

When Asama Santai said about the princess of the land of snow, Kazeka Koyuki's pupils shrank and she looked around, but no one seemed to notice this.

"Also, I said one last time, I won't go back to die. "

Perhaps because he felt that the third wife of Asama was too annoying, Fenghua Xiaoxue stood up directly and walked outside.

Asama said something to catch up, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't say it, and finally sighed and appeared and sat back.

"Alas...... It seems that it is too early to leave the princess alone. "

Asama Santai sat in his seat, shook his head, and showed a trace of loneliness on his face, it seems that Fuji Fengyuki's reluctance to go back to inherit the throne is a big blow to Asama Santaifu.

"Brother, are you planning to go to the Land of Snow?"

When Asama Santaifu was sighing, thinking that it was no longer fun to bring Fenghua Xiaoxue back to the Snow Country, Yusuke suddenly sat up and asked Asama Santaifu.

"Well, yes, I recently needed to go to the Snow Country to make a movie because of some reason. "

Asama nodded, although he didn't know why Yusuke suddenly came up to talk, but Asama Santai casually found a reason to fool around.

However, Asama Santaifu is not completely fooled, Fenghua Xiaoxue's current profession is an actor, and the crew originally planned to go to the Snow Country to shoot a fight scene, but was only rejected by Fenghua Xiaoxue, and now she is ready to change places to film.

"Forget it, I'm not going around in circles with you, Fenghua Xiaoxue, in fact, the original princess of the Snow Country, the next heir to the throne, Fuji Fengxueki, right?"

Yusuke raised his eyebrows, and had no intention of continuing to go around in circles with Santai Asama, and directly clarified the identity of the other party.

"Who are you?"

Seeing that Yusuke had seen through his identity, a cold glint flashed in Asama's eyes, and his face showed a look of vigilance.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the point is that I can help you. "

Seeing that Asama Santai was on guard, Yusuke smiled mysteriously and did not tell him his identity.

"Oh, tell me, how are you going to help me?

Asama Santai looked at Yusuke, his brows furrowed, and he quietly put his hand on the saber.

"This is Shayin Village, even if you want to do it, I suggest you find a place where no one is around. "

Asama's actions came from Yusuke, and after seeing Yusuke see through it, Asama Santaifu's hand was withdrawn, but the vigilance on his face still did not recede.

"I know everything about you, you should be planning to return to the Snow Country under the guise of filming, and then overthrow the power of the Snow Country. "

Yusuke smiled slightly, and once again broke out a fierce news, which made Asama Santaifu look shocked.

Asama's plans are known only to himself and Kazeka Xiaoxue, and he hasn't told anyone about these things, even the crew doesn't know.

"Now that the Snow Country is ruled by the Wind and the Waves, I can help you overthrow the power of the Snow Country and send your princess to the throne. "

Yusuke's tone was extremely flat, as if overthrowing a national team Yusuke was not a problem.

But Yusuke really didn't lie, a mere snow country, and wanting to overthrow the regime is as simple as crushing an ant to death for Yusuke.

However, when a stranger tells you that he can help you overthrow the regime of a country, do you believe it?

"Just you, and what do you use to prove that you can overthrow the Snow Country regime?"

The look of vigilance on Asama's face dissipated, and he even wanted to laugh a little, although he didn't know where Yusuke got the information, Asama Santaifu now regarded Yusuke as a guy who could only talk big.

"Do you want to prove it...... Is that enough?"

Yusuke raised his eyebrows, it happened that there were a lot of people in this sushi restaurant, and Yusuke's hands quickly sealed, and a large amount of chakra poured out of his body.

"Illusion, the art of Nirvana. "

A large number of feathers suddenly fell from the sky, and when everyone in the store saw the feathers, they immediately fell asleep.

In an instant, all the people in the entire store except for Yusuke and Asama Santai, who were awake, passed out on the table.

"This ......"

Although Asama Santaifu is a samurai and doesn't know any ninjutsu, he still knows something about ninjutsu, and he can control so many people with illusion in an instant, and Yusuke shouldn't be weak.


Then, Yusuke snapped his fingers, and the people around him woke up instantly, as if nothing had happened, and continued to eat with laughter.

"In this way, can I prove my strength?"

Looking at the people who were being controlled here and the surprise on Asama's face, Yusuke raised his eyebrows slightly and asked Asama.

"So, what are your conditions?"

Asama Santai stared at Yusuke, although he didn't know why Yusuke wanted to help him, but he definitely didn't want to be charitable, if he wanted Yusuke to help him, he estimated that he would have to pay some price.

"Heh, it's convenient to talk to smart people. "

Yusuke nodded, it seems that Santa Asama can bring Fuji Fengxue out in the snow country and protect her growth, it seems that he is not a fool.

"It just so happens that I'm going to Snow Country, so I'll borrow your boat and tell me where the treasure of Snow Country is. "

Yusuke smiled and said his conditions, although this condition is not big, but it is not small, and I don't know if Asama Santai will agree.

It's okay if Asama doesn't agree, if he doesn't tell the location, just go to the snow country to find it, and spend a little more time at most.

"Well, I know, we'll be heading to the Snow Country at noon tomorrow, so please prepare. "

Originally, Yusuke thought that Asama Santaifu would hesitate, but Asama Santaifu nodded without hesitation and gave the time to go to the Snow Country. _

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