Lao Zi's face was puzzled, obviously he was afraid that this was pretended by a ferret, and after carefully looking at it, he didn't pretend to be with transformation techniques, why did he still get tricked?

"I'm sorry, Lord Zi, I didn't expect you to hit the same move a second time. "

Iwa Shinobi didn't have any expression on his face, and a pair of three-hooked jade writing wheels appeared in his eyes at some point, and they were slowly turning.

Looking at the three-hooked jade in the eyes of the Yan ninja, Lao Zi was stunned, and instantly reacted, this guy is indeed himself, but he has been controlled by illusion.

Yusuke raised his eyebrows slightly, I have to say that Yusuke didn't expect Itachi to control this Iwa Shinobi with illusion, but he didn't expect that the reason why he had not used Hitomi Jutsu before was actually controlling this Iwa Shinobi.

Because it is a control relationship, Iwa Shinobi did not leave any reservations about the chakra in his body, and went all out to use a ninjutsu earthflow gun, which was barely able to pierce the shell of the tailed beast Chakra, and Itachi was also a bit of a gamble.

If the bet is not right, and the earthflow gun does not pierce the shell of the tailed beast Chakra, then Itachibu's game will be wasted, and there will be no chance to start again.

"Abominable ......"

Lao Zi looked at the earthflow gun on his body, with the shell of the tailed beast chakra, although he was pierced when he was not paying attention, but he had just pierced out of the small head, and it was not a critical position, Lao Zi gritted his teeth and broke free from the earthflow gun.

The body of the earthflow spear was very thick, and when Lao Zi broke free from it, the shell of the tailed beast chakra on his body had receded, and several large blood holes appeared, constantly flowing blood, and the ground was stained red.

Looking at Lao Zi who stood up, the weasel frowned, because it needed to be captured, so the weasel couldn't kill Lao Zi, but he didn't expect Lao Zi to be like this, and he could still act.

Lao Zi's body was dripping, although he was able to stand up, but he was also very reluctant, as long as he pushed him a little harder, he would fall to the ground.

"I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. "

Behind Lao Zi, the Yan Ren looked at Lao Zi, several blood holes on his body had not yet recovered, and Lao Zi was also at the end of the crossbow, and he was powerless to resist Yan Shinobi.

"Hey, it's not going to work anymore, don't hold on any longer, leave it to me next, after all, I don't want to die with you. "

In Lao Zi's body, the four tails suddenly said to Lao Zi, although the four tails can be resurrected, it only takes a lot of time, which is enough for the four tails.

"I can go on now, if you control me, wait until I pass out. "

Lao Zi rejected the Four Tails' suggestion, and the wound on his body continued to emit white smoke, and new flesh grew from the wound, quickly recovering.

The rock ninja behind him just grabbed Lao Zi's body, and immediately turned around and punched the rock ninja lightly, and there was still a ball of molten slurry on his fist, and he had no intention of keeping his hand because he was his own person who was controlled.


The fist slammed into Iwa Shinobi's face, and instantly devoured and corroded Iwa Shinobi's entire head, and then a headless corpse fell to the ground.

"Still resisting?"

Zhishui frowned, pulled out the ninja knife from behind him, glanced at the abrasion on Itachi's abdomen, and asked, "Get ready, Itachi, can you still keep up?"

"Fire escape, the art of dragon fire. "

Itachi nodded, but did not answer, and the seal in his hand was quickly sealed, and action was the best way to answer.

Condensing a large amount of chakra in his throat, the weasel spat out a large ball of flame towards Lao Zi, like a flame dragon, blasting towards Lao Zi.

"Hmph, you still use fire to deal with me, because I am injured, can you underestimate me?"

Looking at the dragon fire that was blasting towards him, Lao Zi snorted coldly, and quickly formed a seal in his hand, and also condensed a chakra in his throat.

"Melting, the art of burning river rocks. "


Lao Zi spat out a huge molten ball and spewed out towards the weasel's flames, the dragon fire met the molten ball, and countless flames and molten lava burst out, turning the surrounding ground into potholes.

Just as Lao Zi and Itachi were holding each other, Zhishui used the instantaneous technique to appear behind Lao Zi, and slashed towards Lao Zi's neck with a fierce knife.

Lao Zi felt as if there was a wind behind him, and decisively stopped spraying the molten ball, squatting down, and the ninja knife that stopped the water only cut off a few hairs, and did not hurt Lao Zi.

Avoiding the fatal blow of Zhishui, Lao Zi rolled forward on the spot, trying to kick out a kick behind him and kick Zhishui away.

But just as he was about to kick out, Lao Zi's body instantly throbbed, and he didn't kick out, after all, a few holes in his body were still there, and he couldn't make any big moves.


Suddenly, Lao Zi saw a flash of white light, and the weasel also used the teleportation technique at some point, appearing in mid-air at Lao Zi's tumbling position, and slashed downward.

Lao Zi's body was in severe pain, and he wanted to punch the knife that slashed in the air with molten lava, but he couldn't use it, so he could only reluctantly use the donkey to roll on the ground again, avoiding the weasel's slash.

Itachi and Zhishui continued to use the instantaneous technique, and several white lights flickered around Lao Zi, who could only hide around in embarrassment, and several shallow blood marks had appeared on his body.

"The last blow. "

Suddenly, the sound of stopping the water sounded, and the two of them were holding Lao Zi one after the other, and the two ninja knives stabbed towards Lao Zi's heart at the same time.

Lao Zi was also unable to move at this time, unable to resist or dodge, but it was good that Lao Zi was able to get to this point.

The body was stabbed by the ferret, and then it was pierced by the earthflow gun with three or four large holes, and now there are several blood marks on the body, and the average person is so seriously injured that he has already fallen.

"Huh...... The four-tailed Monkey King, I'll leave it to you. "

Zhishui and Weasel stabbed at the same time, Lao Zi shouted, and hammered on the ground with a fist, and a large amount of molten slurry sprayed out from the ground, instantly enveloping the three of them, looking like they were going to die together.

"I see, let's be completely beast-tailed. "

The four tails nodded and directly took over Lao Zi's body, Lao Zi's body suddenly turned into a tailed beast, and the shell of the tailed beast chakra was wrapped around the body.

Zhishui and Itachi were stunned for a moment, but they didn't expect Lao Zi to still have the ability to de-tailed beasts, and the two ninja knives stabbed on the shell of the tailed beast Chakra, without causing any damage to Lao Zi.

Although Lao Zi was not harmed, Zhishui and Itachi were in a crisis, surrounded by molten slurry, and both of them were devoured by molten molten in the next second.

Looking at Shisui and Itachi who were in crisis, Yusuke frowned, and two trident kunai of the Flying Thunder God appeared in Yusuke's hands, if Shisui and Itachi couldn't escape, then Yusuke planned to save them.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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