Yusuke looked at Shisui and Itachi who were leaving quickly, and then stepped back and glanced at the Ninja of Kawanokuni who was constantly approaching this side, and frowned, he should have left too.

Although Obito also came over, he didn't catch him and let him escape to the Shenwei space.

I originally wanted to stay here and arrest him, but now that Obito hasn't come out yet, if the ninjas of Kawanokuni see him, there may be some trouble, after all, he is now the leader of the ninja army.

Looking at the place where Obito escaped, Yusuke shook his head, it seemed that he couldn't squat now, took out a handful of three-pronged kunai in his hand, and threw it out, Yusuke disappeared in place in an instant.

Shisui and Itachi also succeeded in capturing the four-tailed human pillar force Lao Zi, and Yusuke learned from the information brought by Shisui that after the eldest brother and second brother of the three pirate brothers joined Xiao, Payne assigned them the task of capturing the six-tailed human pillar force.

After leaving Kawanokuni, Yusuke returned to Konoha at this time, and at this time, Tsunade also returned to Konoha from Sunachin Village, and was reviewing documents in the Hokage's office.

"Not long ago, the four-tailed human pillar force was captured by the Xiao organization in the country of Sichuan......"

Tsunade looked at a document in his hand, his brows furrowed, this document was sent by the land country in an urgent manner.

After all, no matter what you say, Lao Zi is half a shadow of Iwa Ninja Village, and now he was suddenly arrested by Xiao's people, and Iwa Ninja Village was in chaos all of a sudden.

But fortunately, there are still a group of elders in Iwa Ninja Village, who temporarily took over Shadow's position to manage Iwa Ninja Village, and Iwa Ninja Village quickly calmed down.

It is still unknown the life and death of Lao Zi, and the Rock Ninja Village immediately sent a document to the other four ninja villages, hoping that the other four ninja villages can help them, find Lao Zi's whereabouts, and see people in life and corpses in death.

Tsunade looked at the documents in his hand, his face showed a trace of hesitation, the Iwa Ninja Village did not give any reward, just hoped that the other four ninja villages would help them find Lao Zi, if it was before, Tsunade would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to rob the Iwa Ninja Village with a big mouth.

But it doesn't seem to work right now, because everyone is a member of the Ninja Coalition, and everyone should help each other, and the leader of the Ninja Coalition is his own man, so he should help Iwa Ninja Village.

But Tsunade really doesn't want to help the Iwa Ninja Village in vain, and the people of Konoha will contribute, and the Iwa Ninja Village will sit in the back and reap the fruits, and the ghosts will help the Iwa Ninja Village.


Just as Tsunade was hesitating, suddenly the door of the office was kicked open, and Yusuke walked in with a big grin.

"Can't you just push the door in, and if the door gets kicked, I'll have to find someone to fix it." "

Seeing Yusuke kick open the door, Tsunade was also startled, and when he saw that it was Yusuke, he directly gave Yusuke a roll of his eyes and said angrily.

"Next time, next time. "

Ignoring Tsunade's eyes, Yusuke walked over with a hippie smile on his face, and hugged Tsunade behind his back.

"This is the Hokage's office, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Yusuke suddenly hug him, he slapped off Yusuke's dishonest paws, and now Tsunade still has a bunch of documents in front of him, and he doesn't know how long it will take to deal with it, but he didn't go to play with Yusuke.

"What a callousness. "

Yusuke was bored, but there were indeed a lot of documents in front of Tsunade, and it was estimated that he would have to work for a long time, so Yusuke picked up a few documents and glanced at them.

It's all some unimportant missions, all D-class to B-class missions, and some things to communicate with other countries, and one of the documents catches Yusuke's attention.

"Oh? The four-tailed man Zhu Li Lao Zi was arrested by the members of the Xiao organization, and asked other ninja villages to help find people, and he was not paid?"

Yusuke was holding the document that Tsunade was looking at just now, and Yusuke looked at Tsunade with the document and asked her, "Did you agree?"

"How can I agree so easily, I want to make a fortune on Iwa Ninja Village, but now that Iwa Ninja Village has joined your ninja army, it's not easy to make a move, and I'm still hesitating to help them." "

Tsunade shook his head and glanced at Yusuke to see what he was going to say.

"I must make a profit, Lao Zi and I used to meet on the battlefield, although I am now the leader of the United Army, but that doesn't mean that I will help him for free. "

Yusuke showed a wicked smile on his face, since he can rob a wave of Iwa Ninja Village, then he must rob a wave.

When Yusuke and Lao Zi are on the battlefield, everyone is an enemy, and Yusuke thinks that he is not a big person, and if he has the opportunity to rob the enemy's money, he will definitely not let it go.

"Since you don't care, then I'll find a wave of robbery in Iwa Ninja Village, after all, I sent it to the door myself, so I can't let it go. "

Seeing that Yusuke also robbed a wave of Iwa Ninja Village, Tsunade also showed a smile on his face, this time it was Iwa Ninja Village that asked the other four major ninja villages to help him, if he didn't rob it, Tsunade wouldn't be happy.

Moreover, after Konoha asks for a reward from Iwa Ninja Village, the other three ninja villages are estimated to follow Konoha to ask for money, if you don't pay for it, then you Iwa Ninja Village will go to the four-tailed human pillar force yourself.

Originally, the abacus of the Iwa Ninja Village was also very good, and I wanted to rely on the relationship between the Ninja United Army to directly let the other four ninja villages work for me, but it is estimated that the Iwa Ninja Village did not expect that the leader of the Ninja United Army also planned to make a deal with him.

"By the way, I heard that you went to the Snow Ninja Village, and by the way, you gave the leader of the ninja alliance who didn't join the ninja alliance?"

Suddenly, Tsunade seemed to remember something, and turned to Yusuke and asked.

"Well, casually support the former princess to the throne, she led the snow country to join the ninja united army. "

Yusuke nodded and said, "Although it doesn't matter if a small country like Snow Country doesn't join, since I've been there, I'll come by the way." "

"I know a little bit about that, but what's going on?"

Tsunade raised his eyebrows slightly, and pulled out a card from the file on the table, which seemed to be a ticket to the movie theater.

However, these are the key points, the point is that Yusuke's face is printed on it, and what is usually printed on the movie ticket is the actors of the movie or something, since Yusuke is printed, did Yusuke also participate in the filming of the movie?

"This ...... At that time, I was on a boat with me in this movie, and I met pirates on the way, and some of the battles that followed were recorded by them, so I guess they have been put into the movie. "

Yusuke was stunned, took the movie ticket and looked at it a few times, with a wry smile on his face.

I don't know how this movie is done, if Yusuke is put in the position of the protagonist, it is estimated that in a few days, the news of the debut of the butcher of the ninja world will spread all over the world. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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