"Wait, I don't think it's good, why didn't he dodge just now?"

I felt a little strange in an instant, my own kamikaze was released a little slowly just now, and Yusuke could have dodged it before he released it.

However, Yusuke didn't even have the intention of dodging, and was directly swallowed by the fire tornado, which made the unrestricted premonition in his heart even stronger.

"Hey, in an instant, don't be suspicious, he's already turned into a piece of char, didn't you just see that he was swallowed by a fire tornado?"

Yitai frowned, feeling that he had suddenly become a little suspicious, and there was a trace of impatience in his tone.


Suddenly, a powerful air flow erupted from the fire tornado, and the fire tornado instantly collapsed, and the remaining flames scattered and flew away, and several of them attacked Yitai and Saka.

Startled, the two quickly jumped up from the ground, and the flames fell on the stone statue behind them, and the flames were quickly extinguished because they could not burn.

"Tsk, it seems a little tricky. "

Yitai stood on a tree, looking at the charred ground in front of him, and a bag of dark red figures stood in the middle, extremely conspicuous.

Yusuke stood in the center of the fire tornado just now, the ground around him was charred black, and Yusuke was protected by the tailed beast Chakra, and his body was unharmed.

"That seems to be the chakra of the tailed beast, is that guy a human pillar force?"

In an instant, he knew the red chakra on Yusuke's body, and regarded Yusuke as a human pillar force of a tailed beast.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter who he is, if you kill him first, I don't believe he can beat the two of us by one. "

Yitai didn't care what Yusuke's identity was, holding a handful of kunai in his hand, and quickly rushed towards Yusuke.

"Oh, it's a bit of a nobody, you must have suddenly gained a force, and the typical acquisition of new power swells. "

Yusuke looked at the Yoshitai statue rushing towards him, and smiled coldly, there are four people in the original book who were transformed by Huangquan's dark medical ninjutsu, thus gaining a force.

The two of them are two of the four, and the other two are estimated to have a ghost army on the left and right, heading towards Konoha.

"Hmph, what's the right for a mere ninja to comment on me, see if I ...... you"

Yoshitai rushed towards Yusuke, his face full of displeasure, and roared as he rushed forward, but halfway through his words, he fell directly to the ground as if he was choking in his throat.

"Didn't anyone teach you not to yell at others?"

Yusuke didn't seem to have done anything, just stood where he was, and didn't move when he rushed over from Yoshitai, but the white fang blade in his hand had a red touch for some reason.

"Hey, Yitai, are you alright?"

Seeing that Yoshitai rushed towards Yusuke, any suddenly fell to the ground, and hurriedly stepped forward to check on Yoshitai's situation in an instant.

As soon as he walked to Yitai's side, he suddenly found that blood was slowly flowing from under Yitai's body, constantly flowing on the ground.

I felt a little bad at the moment, and glanced up at Yusuke, who didn't seem to have any intention of attacking, so he just stood there and looked at the moment.

Turning Yitai's body over, his pupils shrank in an instant, and a cut appeared on Yitai's chest at some point, and there was also a blood mark on his neck.

"Oh, pretty decisive, is that your instinct?"

Yusuke didn't know when he was already standing where he had turned Yoshitai's corpse just now, and the blade of the white fang in his hand was inserted into the ground, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Just now, when he was flipping over Yoshitai's corpse in Moment, Yusuke was about to cut off Instant's head directly, but it seemed that Instant's intuition was very sharp, and he actually dodged Yusuke's attack.

"When I saw the knife mark on Yitai's chest just now, I probably guessed that it was already your attack range, so I quickly pulled away. "

Looking at Yusuke in an instant, a layer of cold sweat broke out behind him, but fortunately, he was more cautious at the moment, otherwise he would have to lie down with Yitai.

"I see, is it prudence that will cost you your life? You are much better than this Hanhan. "

Yusuke didn't know when he had appeared behind him in an instant, and said with a smile: "But, if you say the range of attack, the entire forest is my range of attack." "

Yusuke's voice suddenly appeared behind him, and he was shocked in an instant, and quickly pounced forward, and a donkey rolled around, and then quickly got up.

Instantly turned his head to look behind him, and saw Yusuke standing in place with a smile, and did not attack Moment, which made Momenta feel like he was being played.

"Damn, army of ghosts, give it to me, slaughter him for me!"

The fear in his heart, and the anger of being humiliated, instantly turned into anger and commanded the army of stone statues to rush towards Yusuke.

"Forget it, let's stop playing, and I'm going back to escort the princess of the Oni Country. "

Suddenly, Instant, he heard Yusuke's voice from behind him again, and he pounced forward decisively, but he felt a whirlwind in front of him, and he slammed into the ground in an instant.

It should be said that the moment of the head slammed on the ground.

At that moment, the pupils of his head stared closely at Yusuke who was standing behind his body, and instantly reacted that he was not against Yusuke at all, and the reason why he was able to make two moves under Yusuke was completely because the other party was releasing water.

"Hmph, the person who has lost his command hasn't stopped yet? "

After Yusuke cut off Moment's head with a knife, the army of stone statues had no intention of stopping, and walked towards Yusuke step by step, although it was very slow, but the movements were very neat.

"Then let's send you away with one shot. "

Yusuke jumped behind him, and the dark red chakra on his body instantly became more condensed, and the four tails behind him also turned into six tails, and some white bones appeared on his body.

Yusuke opened his mouth, and black and blue chakra balls were condensing towards Yusuke's mouth, and a strong coercion also emanated from it.


But Yusuke is not a person on the other side, he is not frightened by the terrifying coercion, and he is not afraid of Yusuke's powerful power, and the footsteps are uniform, and he is approaching Yusuke step by step.

Just now, Yusuke and the two stone statues opened up the distance, and before those stone statues could get closer, the tailed beast jade in Yusuke's mouth had already condensed and formed, and just by feeling the chakra contained in it, you could know the power of this tailed beast jade.

Yusuke opened his mouth and swallowed the chakra ball in one gulp, his body swelled instantly, and then stared at the gargolek in front of him, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes.

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