Chapter 192 Shocking news about Scorpion

Xie was a little helpless. He had a very good idea before coming to Konoha, which was to work hard to learn relevant knowledge and go back to change Sunagakure Village.

Not to mention letting Sunagakure Village catch up with Konoha's wealth, as long as it can become a little better than what it is now, Scorpion feels it's worth it.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Xie discovered a fact after coming into contact with the arcade.

That's how attractive this thing is.

Even he will get addicted to it if he is not careful.

If he hadn't thought of his parents who were far away in Sand Hidden Village, and the fact that Sand Hidden Village was poor, Xie Zhen didn't think he would be addicted to it.

The children from Sunagakure Village he brought over tended to become addicted to it.

It's just because the arcade stipulates that children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult over 16 before they can enter the arcade, and because Konoha Village itself is a village, although it is now divided into inner and outer cities, and the inner city is divided into The four major areas of east, west, south and north make this village very huge, but no matter how big it is, it is still just a village, and no one will go against Youya.

After all, the fines caused by violations can mean that the arcade hall has spent a year in vain.

Therefore, Scorpio is now more of a tool person.

He found that arcades, which were very attractive to the children of Sunagakure Village, could be used to motivate them.

For example, sometimes these children are not serious about studying. You can reward them by taking them to the arcade to play games after school, and their learning enthusiasm will be boosted in a short time.

Scorpion found a way to make these children study hard.

Using this method, Xia felt that he could allow each of these children to graduate from Konoha smoothly.

At the end of March of Konoha 39, the atmosphere of Konoha Village suddenly changed.

This is a very obvious change.

For example, the roadside vendors who can be seen at any time on weekdays have stopped selling their stalls recently.

For example, the crowd that usually hangs out on the streets is gone.

For example, they were also notified not to approach Beicheng District unless necessary.

After asking around, I found out that the three-day civil service examination will be held from April 9th ​​to 11th.

The current shortage of civil servants in Konoha is due to natural reasons every year, such as who has reached retirement age, who has to be transferred to the Fire Country Daimyo Prefecture, or other villages for a three-year diplomatic residency. The number is about 100 a year. People around.

But if you really need to calculate it carefully, it is not calculated like this.

These retired or expatriate people are of high rank. When they step down, the person who takes the top position will naturally have to bring their own group of people up with them.

This kind of small political group is bound to exist, and Youya cannot let this situation disappear.

After these people go up, in order to get their own people to come up, they may dig up the dark history of their predecessor's subordinates, or simply dig up the dark history of their predecessor. Of course, this is rarely the case. After all, if you do this, you will never stop.

People are just retired, not dead. If you play like this, it is obviously breaking the rules.

The reason why Youya will not care about this situation is because whether it is the party who retires or the party who takes over, they follow the rules set by Youya itself.

As the saying goes, if you have control of personnel, you have control of everything.

They abide by the rules set by Youya, so how can Youya suppress them.

However, because of this, there are probably a few hundred vacancies every year, and five to six hundred people is very normal, but Youya does not plan to recruit so many people.

Generally speaking, it is enough to recruit 300 to 500 new civil servants a year.

But this year is different.

Because of this year's technological breakthrough and the emergence of arcades, someone from the corresponding game management bureau will have to take over.

It's impossible to let Sarutobi Hiruzen do everything. Recently, Tsunade and Yuya mentioned that in the Women's Federation, Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife, Sarutobi Biwako, complained to Tsunade that Sarutobi Hiruzen's death appearance had not been seen for a long time. After returning home, I spent every day in the top-level review room of the TV station headquarters hanging out with that person from the Akimichi family.

Fortunately, Akimichi Tofaze was a man, otherwise Sarutobi Biwako would really have to consider whether that bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen had cheated on him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is almost causing family disharmony because he works for him, how can Yuya have the heart to continue to add more weight to this guy?

What if Sarutobi Asuma cannot be born.

Yuya was still counting on Asuma to work for him.

What he didn't say was that in the future, You Ya was going to recruit all those famous people to work for him.

Even if it's someone like Kabuto the pharmacist, You Ya is ready to let such talents enter the scientific research department.

As for the destination of the orphanage in Kabuto Yakushi's mind...

Youya just wanted to sneer, orphanage?

Is there such a thing in Konoha? !

As long as you have hands and feet, don't think about not working!

I am too young, and there are dedicated people here in Konoha to arrange my study and life. When I am old enough, they will help me contribute to the development of Konoha.

Even if you are born with a disability, as long as you have one hand and one foot, Youya can find you a job.

It's impossible for someone to be born without arms or legs. Anyway, Yu Ya has never seen such a situation until now.

Konoha's civil servants have said before that their salaries are not very high.

This also led to the lack of enthusiasm for last year's civil service examination.

Although many people participated, they all had the attitude that it didn’t matter if they didn’t pass the exam.

As a result, a year has passed. Why are all the villagers in Konoha preparing for this year's civil service examination?

the reason is simple.

It's been a year. I won't tell you how well those people who came here last year did.

Just say that the neighbors who usually live next door to your house are suddenly over your head. If you want to rent a stall, you have to apply to them, and be careful not to occupy the road, otherwise they really have the right to tow your car. Go.

Are you angry when this happens?

But there is nothing we can do. People are eating from the government, and it is you people who are in charge. Don’t you listen?

Sorry, just call the security department. If the security department is too busy, just ask the ninja troops stationed outside Konoha Village to come over.

After Yuya took over, the Konoha Ninja Army was under military management. However, Yuya also referred to the recruitment system of Rabbit in his previous life, focusing on those who were willing to take the bait, and then the new recruits were tortured in various ways for the first month, and then they were treated more relaxedly.

The army is not allowed to do business. This rule is naturally copied by a certain rabbit. The army has only one responsibility in Konoha, which is to train, train and train again.

And once there is a riot within Konoha, the army will directly suppress the situation.

If someone from the army really came in, they would have the power to kill people directly.

Of course, the decision-making power rests with Yuya as to whether to allow the army to enter Konoha.

This is the second guarantee Yuya gives to Naruto's future successor.

As long as the personnel and the ninja army are in hand, the village will not be in chaos, and it is impossible for young people to cause trouble.

For example, Shimura Danzo, who hasn't heard anything for many years.

This guy showed up last time, trying to smear Youya's reputation.

In the end, it was unsuccessful.

After that, the thing completely died down.

To be honest, Yuya always feels a little uncomfortable when Danzo doesn't cause trouble.

But there's no way Yuya would go to Danzang's house, knock on the table, and ask you if you've done anything recently.

How stupid that is...

In short, the civil servants who have taken up their posts in Konoha this year have shown the villagers of Konoha what civil servants are.

The iron rice bowl is the next best thing. A lower salary can be tolerated, but this management right...

Those people really want it in their dreams.

Who among ordinary people doesn't want to have an official in their family?

So this year's great event was that all the villagers in Konoha Village spontaneously stopped making noise.

The hawkers who usually peddle on the streets are also missing, and the occasional wanderers on the road...

Oh, they have to slip away anyway, no one expects such people to become civil servants anyway.

Xia was very interested in Konoha's civil servants. To be honest, if he hadn't known that he couldn't pass the exam, even if he was qualified, he would have wanted to try.

Because only by participating in Konoha's management structure can he see it more clearly.

Only then can you learn more.

"Dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the door, Xie walked over to open the door, and saw Ye Cang standing at the door wearing a ball head.

"What's wrong, little Ye Cang?" Xie smiled softly, lowered his head and rubbed Ye Cang's little head.

Ye Cang blushed, and then he mustered up the courage to speak to Xie: "Brother Xie, can you, can you let your elder brother take us to play games?"

It can be seen that Ye Cang himself feels that his request is a bit...

Well, that's too much.

How can a girl say this?

Xie's eyes turned into beady eyes. Then he looked at Ye Cang helplessly.

Ye Cang blushed and felt a little at a loss.

Xie Xie sighed: "They asked you to come. Tell them that you can take me to the game room if you want me to take you to the game room. Go and get your homework. I will go over one by one. Whoever has finished the homework can go." Play."

Ye Cang ran away with a red face, and Xie shook his head helplessly. The arcade was so magical, but it didn't seem to be that good.

But in my heart, I didn't feel at all that this might be a girl who mustered up the courage to meet him.

I have to say that many times some people are single for no reason.

And just when Ye Cang went back to tell the other children the news, the doorbell rang.

Xie, Ye Cang and other children live together with eight people. Because there are relatively few girls, there are only three of them. Xie also feels that girls need more care, so three girls share a room and the other five boys In the same room as Scorpio.

But generally speaking, boys don't go back to the dormitory except during bedtime.

Therefore, Scorpio had time to read the books he copied from the library in the dormitory.

The doorbell means that someone is coming from outside.

Xia walked out of the door and came to the living room, and saw that Ye Cang had opened the door. When he opened the door, standing at the door was a Konoha ninja wearing a forehead protector.

Ye Cang and other children were a little confused, Konoha ninja?

Xie was also a little confused. Generally speaking, Konoha ninjas would not come here unless they had something to do. Before they came here, they were told not to go to the northern part of Konoha, at least not during this period of time.

So what's going on now?

The person who came was a jounin from the Moonlight family. He worked in a ninja school and was a teaching director. He basically belonged to the type of person that children like Ye Cang were most afraid of.

After all, when I was in school, who could look at the dean without scaring me so much that I would have nightmares at night?

But in fact, this member of the Moonlight Clan has a very good temper, but the position of dean requires him to be more dignified.

After he saw Scorpion, he said to the other children with a straight face: "Have you finished your homework? Do you have time to waste here?"

The children immediately ran away with a bang.

And Scorpion had a bad feeling in his heart. If it was an unimportant matter, then there was no need for the Konoha ninja to let the children leave.

"Go out and talk."

Sure enough, when Xie came outside the house and made sure that no other children would hear it, Xie learned an astonishing fact from the other party's mouth:

"There is a turmoil in Sunagakure Village. The Third Kazekage and the Sunabao clan are fighting. Lord Hokage asked you to come over."

Xie's eyes widened. After the initial shock, he took a few deep breaths, and then looked at the other party with a serious face: "Please wait a moment."

Then Scorpion came to the house and regretfully said that he was going to see the Hokage of Konoha and couldn't take everyone to the arcade today.

In the end, Scorpion convinced these children by promising to take everyone there tomorrow.

After closing the door behind him, Xie took a deep breath and looked at the other party: "Please lead the way."

Seeing that the other party had adjusted to his condition in a short period of time, the Moonlight tribesman who had been working as a teaching director in the school nodded secretly.

If nothing else, let’s talk about the adaptability and corresponding tolerance...

And at this age...

One thing he said was that he had only heard of a person who looked calm no matter what he heard when he was 16 years old, and he could usually solve it later.

That person is the current Hokage.

When he was 16 years old, even if the current Hokage heard that Konoha was defeated on the front line or that supplies were robbed or destroyed, he never showed any negative emotions and always took it calmly.

Although he had not seen it with his own eyes, his father was not the kind of person to flatter others.

And that was a private conversation, so there was no need for his father to say such clichés in secret.

Not to mention Scorpion, who is now very young but is undoubtedly the leader of all the children in Sunagakure Village.


This scorpion...

Not from Konoha.

When Scorpion came to the Hokage's office, Yuya was yawning and holding a piece of letter paper in his hand.

Seeing Xie coming, You Ya immediately put down the letter with a smile, then got up and walked to Xie.

However, Xie couldn't hold back and asked eagerly: "Lord Hokage! I heard... something happened in Sunagakure Village?"

Youya smiled and comforted Xie, sitting down, and then explained to Xie.

Something happened indeed, but it might be a little different from what Xion thought.

The conflict between the Third Kazekage and the Sunabao clan is indeed irreconcilable. After all, although the interests of the family and the interests of the village may overlap in many places, it is undeniable that the family still values ​​the family more than the village.

It's just that both sides have a consensus, that is, the fight cannot be fought in the village.

After all, Kirigakure Village is a lesson learned from the past.

Then they had a fight outside the village.

It is also commonly known as one-on-one.

Although it's not a good thing to say, the fact is that this is already the best solution.

Xie Xie became a little confused. If that was the case, why did you call him here?

Yuya looked at Xia and said with a smile: "Don't you want to know who was chosen to fight with the Third Kazekage?"

Scorpion was shocked, could it be possible? !

Yuya nodded: "That's right, the one who made the fight with the Third Kazekage... is your father."

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