Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 206 What Yamato Team saw in a day

Sakura has been waiting at the gate of Konoha First People's Hospital.

Naruto bit his finger and looked at Sakura with trembling eyes and said, "Sakura-chan, why don't we forget about it today? You also know that this world is not our Konoha Village... and there is no need to stay here. Wait...just in case...just in case..."

Sakura glanced at Naruto, snorted coldly and said, "If you're afraid, you can just leave."

Naruto couldn't help but pat his chest and said, "How could I be afraid? Why should I be afraid? I..."

When Sakura gave her a death stare, Naruto was cowed. He lowered his head and said helplessly: "You saw the way Grandma Tsunade looked at me in this world just now. I will definitely be beaten..."

Sakura: "That's what you deserve."

Naruto was helpless, but he really didn't dare to leave just like that.

For Naruto as a teenager, given the choice between being hated by Sakura and being beaten by Tsunade, there is no doubt that he will choose to be beaten by Tsunade.

After all, we are teenagers~

Yamato and Sai looked at each other and then shook their heads helplessly.

In fact, of course Yamato would not object to contact with Tsunade in this world.

To be honest, he has now automatically changed his mission from hunting down Baizu to investigating the Konoha village in this world.

The reason, of course, was to explain it in detail when he went back to report to Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage of their world.

What is an excellent worker? This is. (tactical fallback)

I have been waiting for several hours, from morning to afternoon.

After completing three surgeries and giving a lecture to review the relevant surgeries and teach the attending doctors in the hospital what to do next time they encounter this situation, Tsunade took a shower in the hospital. Take a shower and get ready to go home.

As soon as she arrived in the hall, she saw the pink-haired girl among the children she met in the morning running over, and then looked at Tsunade with her big eyes:

"Tsunade-sama! Excuse me, will you still accept apprentices?!"

Sakura knew that this Tsunade was not the Tsunade from her world.

Although she has become that Tsunade's disciple, the Hokage's affairs are too busy. Basically, she can only see her once a week, and each time usually lasts no more than two hours.

This makes Sakura learn knowledge from medical books on her own most of the time.

Although it is not impossible, if a doctor can teach you, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

In their world, there was basically no one better than Tsunade, and even several medical ninjas who were comparable to Tsunade were not from the Leaf Village.

Therefore, Sakura has never found a suitable teacher to answer her doubts.

Until now...

Sakura was actually prepared to be rejected.

Unexpectedly, Tsunade looked her up and down and said, "Do you want to learn medicine?"

Sakura nodded quickly.

Tsuna pointed to a corner on the first floor: "The registration address for interns is over there. If you really want to learn, go and sign up there, but..."

Tsunade looked Sakura up and down again, then shook her head: "You probably won't last long."

Tsunade's words were actually a bit rude.

But this is what Tsunade should say.

As I said before, there are many jobs in Konoha that can be done carelessly. Even in the factory, if you accidentally break an iron piece while wandering off, it will be just this piece of scrap, and the factory has a scrap quota every day. Yes, it doesn’t really matter if it doesn’t exceed this limit.

But hospitals are different.

As soon as you entered the hospital and changed into doctor's clothes, you began to feel nervous.

Internal medicine is okay, but if it's surgery, even an iron man can't withstand several surgeries in a row.

This is not physical exertion, but mental torture.

Many interns couldn't bear it and backed down.

And look at Sakura's thin skin and tender flesh...

Tsunade didn't think she could handle it, so she might as well talk it over first.

Of course she didn't know that this Sakura came from another world. She thought she was a little girl from her own world who admired her.

In fact, Tsunade has a very high status among the women in the village.

This has nothing to do with the fact that she is Youya's wife, it is purely the praise she received for pulling each villager out of hell with her own hands.

After Tsunade said this to Sakura, she left directly.

It was still early and she still had time to pick up her children from school.

Sakura pursed her lips and turned to look at Yamato: "Yamato-sensei, I think... we should be able to act separately, right?"

Yamato looked at Sakura in surprise: "Are you really planning to study here? But... what if the space channel is restored by then..."

"I will return to the team when the time comes! In the meantime..." Sakura looked at Yamato seriously: "I can learn as much as I want."

Naruto looked at the serious-faced Sakura and his eyes turned into love: "Sakura-chan! I support you!"

Yamato had no choice but to wave his hand and agreed.

So, what Yuya didn't expect was that the first one to find a job in his village was Sakura...

Yes, of course Yuya couldn't let Yamato's team work as slaves in the village.

He actually had his own selfish motives for letting Fugaku lead the Yamato team.

That's naturally...

Force their team to go to Konoha Village.

Some people may ask, shouldn't Uchiha Fugaku be asked to take care of them? How to force them to go to the village?

So let’s take a look at what happened on night one.

Uchiha Fugaku brought Yamato, Naruto, and Sai to the Uchiha clan.

Sakura has already signed up as an intern at the Konoha First People's Hospital, with food and accommodation included but no salary for the first three months. Sakura doesn't think there's anything wrong with this, but this is actually something that intern doctors can't recruit. reason.

It’s not really that you won’t be given any salary or even a dime during these three months. It’s just that they will be given to you when you officially join the company after three months.

Sound familiar? Yes, Youya simply uses quasi-military management.

These three months are a time for making selections, or rather, making you feel a bit anxious.

If you can survive it, it means you are suitable to be a doctor. If you cannot survive it...

Even an intern can't bear it. Wouldn't it be even more unbearable when he officially becomes a doctor?

It's better to change jobs as soon as possible. It is indeed a fact that Konoha is short of doctors, but Yuya's standard is to rather lack than to be indiscriminate.

Therefore, Sakura has moved to the interns' personal dormitory - because there are few people, interns have a dormitory per person. In fact, there are still many rooms available, and it is true that not many people come to the hospital to be interns.

Now that Sakura has a place to live, Naruto and the others can only wait until night to arrive at the Uchiha clan with Uchiha Fugaku.

So here's the problem, Uchiha Fugaku himself still lives with his parents - after all, he hasn't gotten married yet and started a family.

It was impossible for him to let Naruto live in his own home, let alone Naruto and the others to live in the house of the Uchiha clan leader, so he could only free up one of the spare rooms of the Uchiha clan.

As mentioned before, the current Uchiha landowners focus on the innermost resplendent place, and the closer they get to the eastern part of Konoha's inner city, the more dilapidated they become.

This made Fugaku a little embarrassed.

He actually felt quite sorry because the environment was not very good.

The three members of Yamato's team can only live in dilapidated houses on the periphery - those that have moved out and become vacant in the inner city.

These houses were moved before Uchiha's internal renovation, so the water and electricity must not be connected, and even the toilets are dry toilets. If you don't know what a dry toilet is, I can give you a brief introduction. It is a large tank with two wooden boards on top. That kind of thing.

If Naruto and the others had never stayed in the inner city of Konoha, they might have no problem with it.

But to put it bluntly, even if it is a public toilet in an inner city...

They all have a better environment than the houses outside Uchiha.

Because there is no one to manage it, it has become overgrown with weeds.

After staying one night, Naruto was extremely hungry early the next morning.

Fugaku felt that as a landlord, he should let Yamato and the three of them eat together.

However, there were no extra bowls, chopsticks or cushions prepared at home, so Yamato and the three were embarrassed. In the end, Fugaku directly gave the three of them money to go out to eat.

After such treatment, Yamato looked at Naruto and Sai seriously and said that they should not disturb Uchiha Fugaku anymore.

Naruto and Sai nodded repeatedly. They just didn't want to disturb them, and they definitely didn't dislike the environment here.

Then they ran into trouble. After all, they were new here and didn’t know where there was any work to do...

Fugaku was more enthusiastic, mainly because he felt that he did not provide good hospitality, so he wanted to make up for it, so he brought Yamato and the three to the talent market.

I have said many times before that Konoha is as short of people as it is of a sleuth. The current situation is that even if there is a sleuth in Konoha Village, he has to be dragged over to work for me.

So Yamato and the other three walked around the job market. In fact, they had just entered when seven or eight people gathered around them, shouting:

"Brother? Are you looking for a job? The construction site here is most in need of skilled workers like you! The salary is paid daily, with a minimum of three thousand taels a day. If you are diligent and capable, six thousand taels is not impossible, brother!"

"Accommodation? Accommodation? 24-hour hot water and TV. It only costs 200 taels a day and 2,000 taels a month..."

"Can you drive? Do you have a driver's license? We happen to be short of a driver. The minimum salary is 80,000 taels a month. It's not impossible to work hard to earn 20,000 to 300,000 taels a month!"

This is bullshit. In fact, when recruiting people like this, you only need to listen to the minimum wage they offer you.

The salary is six thousand taels a day? If that's the case, why can't we recruit people?

I'm afraid this three thousand taels is nonsense, but if I give you two meals and a few bottles of water, and then say that these will be deducted from your salary, when you get it, two thousand taels a day will be a blessing.

It can only be said that at any time the wisdom of these people at the lower level cannot be used on the right path.

But Yamato didn't know that, he was about to find someone but was stopped by Fugaku.

Fugaku glanced at the people around him and said calmly: "The three of them are ninjas."

With a crash, the crowd around them suddenly dispersed and turned around to greet others.

Yamato had a question mark on his face, and Fugaku waved his hand helplessly: "Don't worry, just get used to it."

Yamato felt that he still had to ask: "What those people it true?"

Once you understand it clearly, you can go back and report to the Hokage.

Fugaku glanced at Yamato: "It's true, and you should be able to get the highest standard of salary if you go there, but..."

Fugaku led the three people to the innermost part, opened an iron door, pointed at the various booths inside and said: "Go outside, those are the jobs of ordinary people, you can do the work of dozens of people by yourself. , just take the salary of three people, there is no need.

This... is where you should come. "

Yamato was dumbfounded as he looked at the empty booths inside and the Konoha ninjas wearing forehead protectors coming and going. He understood instantly...


It is a place where jobs are introduced to Konoha ninjas.

"By the way, your temporary forehead protector has been approved. Remember to go to the Hokage-sama's office building to pick up your own forehead protector later..."

Fugaku shook his head: "It's better not to take it out, that is already a style we have eliminated."

Naruto touched his bare forehead. In fact, he was not used to it.


Looking at the dazzling booth in front of him, Naruto felt that he should first find a job where he could eat.

Fugaku found a staff member wearing a suit, and then introduced Yamato and his team to the staff.

The staff gave a very formal smile: "Okay, then, please follow me."

The Yamato trio were brought to a place to fill out forms, and the staff began to introduce with a smile:

"Fill in your name and age here, and fill in the ninja level here... and also specify whether it is a junior, intermediate, or advanced level."

Yamato looked confused: "What do you mean?"

Fugaku slapped his head, pulled Yamato and asked, "Are there no different levels of jonin over there?"

"What level?"

After Fugaku introduced him, Yamato was silent, and then he said, "Why are we so clearly divided?"

Fugaku held his forehead speechlessly: "Of course it's because they are treated separately. If a senior jounin gets the same salary and benefits as a junior jounin, he will definitely be dissatisfied..."

The corner of Yamato's mouth twitched, he had never thought about this problem at all...


I thought about how some Jonin who were not as powerful as myself were treated the same as myself...

One person said that Yida and He felt a little awkward.

But to say that I am dissatisfied...that's really not the case.

"If you don't have a level, then you are a junior, but you are just like me..." Fugaku glanced at Yamato and said that Yamato is not actually older, it's just that he looks better...

Well, to put it mildly, it looks older.

Konoha's Jonin system requires one to stay for ten years before being promoted to the next level.

Therefore, Fugaku still had to wait seven years before he was qualified to be awarded the title of Intermediate Jonin.

However, given his strength, there is basically no problem. When he survives for another 17 years, he will definitely be a senior jounin. At that time, he will only be in his late thirties, so he is not very old.

After filling out the information, it’s time to classify chakra attributes and ninjutsu.

"What escape technique are you best at?" Fugaku asked.

"Oh, Wood Release." Yamato replied.

Fugaku nodded and looked at the person recording: "Mu Dun."

Then he turned his head sharply to look at Yamato because the amplitude was so large that he could even hear a "click"...

"Wood Release?!"

Fugaku looked at Yamato in surprise.

Yamato is actually somewhat accustomed to this kind of gaze, because...

"Is it the First Hokage's... wood escape?"

Yamato sighed helplessly...

See, it's always like this...

He tried his best to explain that his Wood Release and the first generation's Wood Release could only be said to be of the same type. If the first generation's Wood Release was a towering tree, his Wood Release was at most a roadside weed.

Of course, this is actually a self-effacing statement, but Fugaku can accept it.

The most unacceptable type of escape technique among the Uchiha clan is Wood Release.

I won’t explain too much why.

After Yamato finished explaining, Naruto and Sai came over to fill in the information.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, well, I'm still a genin..."

Because something happened in the Chunin Exam, and later in the Chunin Exam, Naruto was training with Jiraiya and didn't come back in time, so he was still a genin.

"As for ninjutsu... multiple shadow clones."

"How much?" Fugaku became interested: "How many can it be divided into at most?"

Of course Senju Tobirama's multiple shadow clones, Fugaku, are aware of it, but because each chakra is divided, and the senses are shared after the clones disappear, the greater the number, the greater the torture.

Basically, twenty or thirty clones can tell how heavy it is.

"Well, the most at one time is...a thousand." Naruto answered truthfully.

Fugaku looked at Naruto in shock again.

Then he looked down at the level he had just recorded: "Are you sure? A thousand?"

Yamato on the side assured Naruto that Naruto was indeed not a liar.

Fugaku looked at the genin he had just filled in again. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Are all the genin in your place...all at your level?"

Naruto scratched his head in confusion.

After that, it’s Sai.

"In terms of ninjutsu... super beast fake paintings." Sai said.

Fugaku was a little confused, what kind of ninjutsu was this? Never heard of it!

So Sai gave Fugaku a demonstration on the spot of what it means to make a paintbrush come true.

Fugaku was silent, and then wrote down the specific content.

"Okay, the information has been filled in. Just wait a moment. If anyone is interested in your information, they will come to you.

Believe me, the wages they give are much higher than those outside who want to drag you to work as coolies. "

As soon as Fugaku finished speaking, a group of people rushed over...

Then a group of people crowded to the door, shouting loudly:

"A thousand shadow clones?! Who is this person?! Our Electric Power Research Institute needs this kind of talent the most!

I'll give you one million a month! One million taels! "

"Bullshit! Do you want to use him like a dog?! Come to our scientific research department! The work is easy and the salary is high! We will pay 800,000 a month!"

"You two, hurry up and get lost! Do you think I don't know that one wants him to go on duty at every power point in Konoha Village, and the other wants him to clean all the test tubes in the scientific research department?! Come to us! Our Equipment Logistics Department is the best We need talents like you! We will offer you one million!"

"Mudun's! Where are the Mudun's ninjas?! Come to our construction engineering department! We'll pay 800,000 taels!"

"You guys from the engineering department, get out of here! Those guys who stay in the office, stop coming here to rob people! Come to our bridge and track department! What our front-line workers lack most is talents who can use wood escape!"

The noisy group had gone crazy after seeing Naruto and Yamato's information.

Fugaku watched silently and shook his head helplessly.

Although it is a fact that Konoha Village is short of people...but it doesn't have to be this bad...

They are almost like the zombies in the recently released movie...

And the final quarrel was completely ended by one person...

"Which one of you is Mr. Sai?! I will offer you ten million taels! As long as you can make her move!"

A boy with a headscarf on his head, holding up a picture of a girl with a voluptuous figure, a cat tail on her back, and two cat ears on her head... a boy?

He, who looked to be about seven or eight years old, shouted loudly.

The price he gave and the things he requested silenced everyone.

Including Sai and Fugaku, who has been staying by his side...

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