Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 210 Hello everyone, we are here as exchange students

Chapter 210 Hello everyone, we are here as exchange students...

"Bang" Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, slammed the document in her hand on the table.

Looking at Mito Kadoyan and Koharu who were sitting in front of her, Tsunade had an angry look on her face: "We haven't investigated that world clearly yet! What if something happens to that world if we send people to that world so rashly?!"

The elder Xiaochun, who was sleeping in bed, had a cold expression on his face: "Then let them devote themselves to the village."

"What did you say?!" Naruto Tsunade's anger burst out from the bottom of her heart.

Mito Kadoyan on the side looked at Tsunade calmly: "Didn't you...have asked Jiraiya to go to another world to investigate?"

Naruto Tsunade bit her lip, but didn't know what to say.

Jiraiya's actions were top secret.

And she never told anyone about it.

Then there is only one possibility...

"You're spying on me?!"

Mito Katoen shook his head: "The Anbu just discovered that Jiraiya returned to the village during his daily work, and then met with you."

Naruto Tsunade laughed angrily: "Based on this? Then how do you know the place where the ancient Loulan ruins are?!"

Mito Kadoyan was silent, but when he went to bed, Koharu frowned and said: "Do you still want to hide it? That is another world! What kind of dangers are there? Do you still want to not tell anyone?!"

Tsunade looked at Koharu who was sleeping with an ugly expression.

If she was in such a bad position as Hokage, she wouldn't want to be his grandmother at all. It’s such a deceptive position!

So why was she persuaded by that brat Naruto to become the damn Hokage? !

Of course, we can understand this if we look at it from God’s perspective.

The actions between Tsunade and Jiraiya must have been hidden from the two advisors, Mito Kadenen and Koharu Koharu.

In theory, the consultant's status in Konoha Village is only lower than that of the Hokage.

Of course, whether you have real power depends on the struggle between you and Hokage.

When Hiruzen Sarutobi served as the Third Hokage, the two of them did not have any outstanding performance. In other words, at that time, the power was in the hands of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and even if he appeared on the stage, he would be a mascot.

After the death of the Sandaime, the two of course were not willing to sit back and watch Tsunade take power into their own hands.

This has nothing to do with desire for power or anything, the main reason is that they have been suppressed for too long before, and now they also want to contribute to Konoha.

They could turn a blind eye to Tsunade's usual actions, but it was different when it came to another world.

That's another world.

Who can be sure that the other world must be full of good people?

I have to guard against it.

But Tsunade's behavior of clearly excluding them made them feel very upset.

We are not here to cause trouble, we just want to warn you not to forget the dangers of the other world!

And this is where the butt determines the head. The two of them are sitting in the position of consultants. Naturally, they feel that Tsunade has only been in power for two years and is immature in many aspects. They need to help her.

I feel like I only care about the village, and Naruto Tsunade is really ungrateful.

But in reality?

This is actually the power in the hands of Tsunade, a disguised form of Fenjun.

Especially since Tsunade now knows about the actions of these two consultants to mix things up in the Anbu, otherwise it would be impossible for the two old guys who usually stay in the village to know about the ancient Loulan ruins.

As for who mixed it up, Tsunade was not an idiot and directly targeted one person - Shimura Danzo.

Good guy, these three people are now ganging up to target me, right? !

Tsunade, the Hokage, felt extremely aggrieved.

But there was no way, she really couldn't get angry.

In the end, she could only make a conclusion based on the status of Hokage: "I am the fifth Hokage of Konoha Village! Whatever happens... I will be responsible for it alone!"

There was no trace of weakness on her face.

This is the Tsunade of this world.

The death of her grandfather, the First Hokage, when she was a teenager, followed by the deaths of her younger brothers and lovers in her youth, brought all kinds of setbacks to this strong woman, which have now become her strong backing.

She can no longer be weak and weak!

Mito Kadoyan and Koharu, who was transferred to the dormitory, looked much uglier at the same time when they saw Tsunade like this.

Another tough character like Sarutobi Hiruzen who cannot accept anyone being tainted by the Hokage's power.

Yes, you can also understand that in this operation, the two consultants want to find opportunities to share some of the power of Hokage.

But looking at Tsunade's character, it should be out of the question.

After going to bed, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan were a little disappointed, but they just shook their heads.

After all, the two of them are not Danzo, so it is impossible for them to say something rude like "Tsunade, you will regret it".

Of course, maybe after the two of them said this, Tsunade would also say "I am the Hokage", which would be interesting.

It's a pity that neither of them has the character to talk nonsense.

But it doesn't matter, Danzo is still alive in this world, and this famous scene should still come.

After Mito Monohan and Koharu Kasumi left, Tsunade rubbed her brow and sat down.

It can only be said that if she were not the Hokage, she might be having fun with Shizune in a gambling shop right now.

The result is now...

"Dong dong" There was a knock on the door, and Shizune came in cautiously holding a small fragrant pig: "Um...Tsunade-sama...are you okay?"

Hokage Tsunade saw Shizune and immediately put her chin on her hands angrily: "You are so useless. You are also Hokage's secretary after all. Just stop those two old guys outside."

Shizune suddenly looked sad: "I don't dare, Hokage-sama..."

Veins suddenly popped out on Tsunade's face, but then they calmed down.

Forget it, if Shizune dares to compete with those two old guys, then Tsunade will wonder if this Shizune was secretly replaced at some time...

Sighing, Tsunade waved to Shizune: "You go down first. Oh, by the way, go get me the geographical map of the wetland west of the village."

Shizune agreed and went down.

Tsunade sighed and opened a report out of boredom.

Looking at the troublesome data above and the solutions the people below asked for, Tsunade once again regretted taking over the mess that was Naruto.

Do you want to report to me if the house collapses? !

Hmm... But if you hurt someone, you really need to deal with it properly, otherwise it will be easy for people to gossip.

Tsunade then picked up the comment pen and prepared to write comments.

With a "bang" sound, a toad suddenly appeared in front of Tsunade's desk.

Tsunade was a little confused, looking at the overturned ink bottle on her desk and the contaminated mess of scrolls...

The toad with the scroll in his mouth suddenly felt a murderous intention.

It made a frightened "quack" sound, spit out the scroll it had been holding in its mouth, turned around, jumped off the table and went back to Miaomu Mountain with a "bang" sound.

Tsunade sighed and reached over the tainted scroll to pick up the one the toad had spat out.

When I opened it, it turned out to be Jiraiya's handwriting...

The letter briefly introduced his actions, but did not mention the fact that he was seriously injured, perhaps because he was afraid of embarrassment.

After seeing Jiraiya fight with Orochimaru as soon as he entered the other world and being seriously injured, Tsunade narrowed her eyes.

Orochimaru in that other world... was he so powerful?

There is a saying, although Orochimaru in this world is strong, but if one person can seriously injure Jiraiya...

It's Jiraiya who goes all out to attack, this can't be justified.

But now is not the time to think about this. If you continue to read, you will see that Jiraiya was originally planning to lurk into the Konoha Village in another world, but was directly summoned by the Hokage of that world and called back.

Tsunade frowned, what does this mean?

Look further down...

"Exchange learning and internship system in another world...what is this?" Tsunade looked confused.

And when she saw Jiraiya mentioning that they had already set off and would be here soon, Tsunade panicked.

So, she quickly organized people to prepare for the welcome.

Are people in that other world so big-hearted? !

Did you send someone over directly? !

Aren't you afraid that we will arrest the people you sent over first and then torture them to interrogate information about the other world? !

My great Konoha clan, the Yamanaka clan, is a master at this!

"Welcome... um, three of you, to Konoha..."

Naruto Tsunade had an awkward yet polite smile on her face.

Opposite her, stood Jiraiya and three... teenagers?

Uchiha Fugaku looked up at the large wooden door of Konoha Village, and then at the Hokage Tsunade in front of him.

His mouth opened, but in the end he smiled and shook hands with Naruto Tsunade: "Hello, I am Uchiha Fugaku who came from another world.

These two are my companions, Mr. Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi of our world. "

Of course, Tsunade, the Hokage, could see the iconic Byakugan and the link where the Hyuga Clan's exclusive clan showed their foreheads and each clan wrapped a piece of cloth around their foreheads.

However, Naruto Tsunade never expected that the other world would actually dare to send people.

Second, I didn’t expect that the person I sent had a low status? !

Three things I didn't expect...

Naruto Tsunade couldn't help but look at Uchiha Fugaku and asked: "Mr. Uchiha... did you... before coming to Konoha..."

Uchiha Fugaku waved his hand: "I know that the Uchiha clan in this world has been exterminated, and my main goal is to investigate this matter, but please don't worry, as Yuya-sama... Oh, it's ours I will definitely complete the mission assigned to me by the Hokage-sama of the world."

Naruto Tsunade was silent.

How should I put it, the Uchiha clan was obviously exterminated when the Sandaime was still there, but why should I bear this embarrassing scene? !

Tsunade could only remain silent, then turned around and welcomed the three of them and Jiraiya into the Leaf Village.

After entering the village, Shizune and a group of people stood there waiting.

There's even Naruto and Sakura in there...

"Hey! Uncle! Uncle! Uchiha's uncle!"

Naruto's out-of-the-box temper immediately jumped up with excitement after seeing Uchiha Fugaku.

Sakura on the side felt a little embarrassed and wanted to pull Naruto away but felt that it would probably be even more embarrassing.

And it is worth mentioning that...

In the team that came to greet...

There were twelve children...all present.

Alas, I can only say that it is not easy for Naruto Tsunade.

It was certainly impossible for ANBU ninjas to be sent here to welcome people from another world.

As for the Konoha Ninja Army...

In theory, Tsunade could pull her over, but wouldn't that be a clear threat to the other party? Do you want to intimidate the other party?

I came to Konoha as an exchange student to study, exchange and communicate...

So in the end, Naruto Tsunade could only bring a group of ninjas in the village to greet him as a sign of attention.

It's impossible not to have everyone present, then it's not the other person's face that's being hit, but Tsunade's own face that's being humiliated.

What is worth mentioning is that in the welcoming queue, Hinata Hizashi and Hinata Hizashi saw two figures with just one glance.

Without him, the mark is too obvious, the same white eyes as theirs...

At this time, for Hinata Hinata and Neji Hyuga, their bodies froze instantly.

They never expected that this so-called "exchange student" sent from another world would actually be...

And judging by his age, it seems...

Not big?

Uchiha Fugaku waved to Naruto with a smile. The child didn't feel anything, but Sarutobi Asuma and Kakashi, who were standing in the back row of the queue, were stunned.

After all, Uchiha Fugaku was once the leader of the Uchiha clan, so even if Uchiha didn't have any interaction with the village, they had met him when they were young.


That so...

Well, sunshine?

Hmm...well, this is from another world and cannot be simply equated.

Naruto Tsunade brought Jiraiya and the three of them to the office.

Tsunade looked at the other party: "Although I generally understand the exchange student system, I would like to ask you to explain in detail how we can cooperate with you."

Hinata Hizashi and Hinata Hizashi looked at each other, that means you said what I said?

Then Uchiha Fugaku stepped forward and spoke softly:

"The letter Master Yuya gave you has already stated that when we come to your Konoha this time, we will follow your arrangements. If you don't know how to arrange us, then we can introduce ourselves.

I am a ninja of the Uchiha clan. I am proficient in the ninjutsu of fire escape and shuriken. If you want me to go out of the village to perform tasks, I can accept it, but I would rather work in the factory in the village. I have rich skills. I have production experience, and I also lead a genin class there. If there is a teaching task, I can also be qualified. "

Uchiha Fugaku had a picture in his mind of him volunteering himself when Yu Ya appointed someone to call his name.

Although he did come here with selfish motives and wanted to investigate how the Uchiha clan in this world came to its final destruction, he did leave behind the other three members of Fugaku's team.

So what Yuya said to him was: "Don't worry after you leave, I will let people continue to lead Minato and the three of them, but while you are there... remember to do me a favor."

Fugaku nodded seriously at that time: "No problem, just say it."

Yuya smiled: "There's no need to be so serious, it's actually a very simple task. You also know that Danzo in this world makes me very unhappy, but I can't beat him, otherwise the Shimura clan won't let it go, so I hope If you can go to that world and beat up Danzo in that world, remember to use this camera to take a clearer picture for me. If you do a good job, I will give you a bonus."

Fugaku was confused at the time. This should not bring hatred to another world...

Fugaku shook his head, he would not accept such a nonsensical task.

Although Danzo is a bastard, he is still the leader of the Shimura clan.

He has no grudge against the Uchiha clan, so there is no need.

Uchiha Fugaku thought so, so he talked to Tsunade without any intention of taking Yuya's mission to heart.


What is known to all is what Danzo did to the Uchiha.


Please wait and see...

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