Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 215 Feeling the Pain【End】

"Raikiri!" Kakashi inserted one hand into Pain's body, which could launch missiles...

Breathing heavily, Kakashi just took his hand out and prepared to support the next battlefield, when he heard the sound of friction between steel...

Kakashi's pupils shrank sharply, and in front of him, the body of one of Pain's Six Paths who was obviously dead suddenly expanded...

"Self-destruction?!" Kakashi exclaimed, and at the same time, his rich combat experience allowed him to react when he saw something was wrong.

That was Kakashi's Sharingan transplanted from Obito. The three magatama quickly rotated and turned into a kaleidoscope...

However, the distance was still too close, and even Kakashi's divine power could not completely transfer the scope of the explosion to another space...

There was a "boom", and Kakashi's body flew backwards under such a close attack...

He was lying on the ground, the mask on his face had been blown to pieces, and his clothes were in tatters, revealing the charred skin underneath...

Finally, he made up his mind.

Looking at the familiar figure, Tsunade said in disbelief: "How is that possible! Just now..."

Tsunade nodded heavily.

"Really..." Pain Tiandao's face was expressionless.

As for the rest...

Tsunade turned sideways and stood in front of Jiraiya.

Tiandao slowly lowered his eyes, then looked at Jiraiya and said: "But there is no room to look back. Now hand over Kakuzu and Hidan, and we can leave."

"But..." Kakashi lay on the ground and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, "Obito, you saved my life again..."

Were all three of them defeated...?

The other party stood quietly beside Kakashi, staring at Kakashi's body that was unable to move due to the bombing, and finally fixed his sight on the scarred eye on Kakashi's face, not knowing what he was thinking. Something.

So, Yahiko Tendou stretched out his hand directly towards Jiraiya.

"What?! Psychic beast?!"

However, there was no need for them to search for it deliberately, as the other party was not prepared to hide at all.

Jiraiya's pupils shrank sharply, and his body flew towards Tendou Yahiko involuntarily.

On one side, the other two defeated Pain Six Paths also appeared again.

Looking at Tendou Yahiko in front of him, Jiraiya's expression was extremely ugly.

However, because Jiraiya's sage mode is incomplete, it not only requires a lot of preparation time, but also requires the help of two toad sages to stabilize the power of the sage mode.

And that suction force also caused Tsunade's body to fly towards Yahiko.

[Wanxiang Tianyin]

Jiraiya did not speak. Naruto Tsunade jumped over because she had solved her opponent. She looked at Tendou Yahiko in front of her with a frosty expression on her face: "No Hokage has ever compromised with an enemy, and I am not prepared to set this precedent."

Jiraiya looked at the other party and said angrily: "Yahiko, more than half of your compatriots have been killed or injured. Surrender, you have no chance of victory..."

"About six ribs are broken, the tibia of the leg is broken, are there any burns or bruises..." Kakashi raised his right hand slightly, yes, it's not bad, the arm can still move.

And at the same time that he was talking to Jiraiya, the animal path in Pain's Six Paths, which was in charge of the art of channeling, also lost its breath.

There is no doubt that he is ready to turn on the immortal mode.

Jiraiya was stunned and was about to continue speaking when he heard a sharp cry. Looking up, Jiraiya and Tsunade's expressions changed drastically at the same time.

Jiraiya and Tsunade quickly retreated, avoiding the attack and then began to look for the enemy.

Jiraiya immediately clasped his hands together.

This was what Tsunade wanted, and she had clenched her fists.

As soon as he was able to move, Kakashi raised his mask a little higher.

Kakashi slowly closed his eyes, but what he didn't know was that after he fell into sleep, the space around him distorted, and a figure wearing a spiral mask walked out of it.

Tendou Yahiko looked at Jiraiya coldly: "Oh? Really?"

After all, he still wanted to cover his face first.

"Tsunade, help me delay for a while." Jiraiya looked at Tsunade standing aside.

There weren't even any traces of scars on the other party's body, making all Tsunade's efforts just a joke.


Not only a psychic beast, but also a psychic beast that just appeared on the battlefield.

He was already unable to move and had no fighting power.

"Now, companions are back."

Sensing that two of Pain's six paths had lost their breath, Yahiko Tendo frowned. He turned to look at Jiraiya in front of him and said: "Konoha Village...there are indeed many masters..."

Tendou Yahiko frowned. Although he didn't know what Teacher Jiraiya was doing, he couldn't let him succeed.

Kakashi felt happy in his heart. Fortunately, he had the eyes Obito gave me. Without the divine power to transfer most of the opponent's body to a different space, he would definitely be dead now...

Tendo Yahiko had to use repulsion to push the opponent away.

Normal people can't handle Tsunade's fists.

Yahiko is special to someone behind the scenes. It doesn't matter how other Pain's six paths die. Anyway, there is a hell path that can resurrect them, but Yahiko can't do it, even if he is injured. This is someone giving Pain's strongest heavenly path. The reason with Yahiko.

Tsunade was pushed far away and groaned, knowing that she couldn't close the distance easily.

At this time, she missed her second grandfather very much, because Tobirama's time and space ninjutsu could easily get close to him.

Unfortunately, he is no longer here, and the Yondaime who succeeded Tobirama's Flying Thunder God has also passed away.

Tsunade did not regret that she did not learn the space-time ninjutsu. Let alone whether she had the talent. Learning this ninjutsu meant that Tsunade would not be able to become a medical ninja. Then she would not be able to save the villagers of Konoha Village now. They are.

Yes, Tsunade summoned the Sage Slug before coming to deal with Tendou Yahiko, so that the other party could treat the Konoha villagers who were injured in this conflict.

This is the gold content of the medical ninja. She can minimize the losses in this conflict.

Tendo Yahiko narrowed his eyes and looked at the Sannin in front of him, and he also knew how difficult the other party was.

Tsunade who can kill him with just one punch up close, and Jiraiya-sensei who doesn't know what he's doing in the distance, but who absolutely cannot let him continue...

Tendo Yahiko narrowed his eyes, and then decisively launched an attack.

He directly used gravity to pull Tsunade.

Tsunade prepared to attack...

However, at this moment, three figures suddenly flashed past one side, and Tsunade's eyes widened. These three people were the other three of Pain...

Tsunade gritted her teeth and couldn't let these three people get close to Jiraiya!

However, she was attracted by Wanxiang Tianyin and could not escape at all.

Tsunade gritted her teeth, if that's the case, then I'll kill you first!

Tsunade thought so, but as expected, she was pushed away by the next Shinra Tenzheng.

Tsunade was pushed to one side and immediately rushed towards Jiraiya.

However already...

"It's too late!" Tiandou Yahiko looked at this scene coldly.


Just as Tsunade and Jiraiya gritted their teeth, Jiraiya was even ready to give up the action of clasping his hands together...

Payne looked here with six eyes, his eyes filled with coldness...

There was a cracking sound in the air...



One blow, just one blow, the chakra-condensed blow directly enveloped the three Pain Six Paths and then dragged them for dozens of meters in the direction of the chakra arrow...

When it stopped, the three Pain Six Paths were too dead to die...

Tendo Yahiko frowned and turned his head to one side.

Then he saw a blue chakra giant...

Underneath the giant was the serious expression on Fugaku Uchiha's face.

And the kaleidoscope patterns emerging from those two eyes...

(Susanohu?! Why... besides Itachi?)

At this moment, someone behind the scenes was extremely shocked.

The ones who were even more shocked were Tsunade and Jiraiya.

They never imagined...

The other three people sent by that world to intern...

So strong? !

Tendo Yahiko's expression finally became more serious.

And Jiraiya was also ready at this moment.

Two Toad Sage appeared on Jiraiya's shoulders.

They were about to quarrel, but they suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Little Jiraiya, this is...are you sure this is Konoha?"

No wonder Toad Sage was surprised. Under the repeated attacks, dozens of streets in Konoha Village had been destroyed, and one-tenth of the entire village had been completely reduced to ruins.

But this is also the Konoha Village here. The Konoha Village in Yuya's world has been expanded many times. The inner city has been expanded, but the outer city has not been expanded much, but its area is already more than ten times that of this place.

Of course, the population is almost ten times that.

The population of Konoha Village here is only a few hundred thousand.

Although Jiraiya is now in his fifties, he is really young compared to Toad Sage.

So he complained about this title in his heart. Jiraiya looked at Tendou Yahiko across from him and said in a deep voice: "Ah, it is these people across from me who made Konoha Village like this."

Fukasaku Sennin looked at the samsara eyes of the other person's eyes with an extremely solemn expression: "Those eyes... Damn it, I remember... that should be..."

"Ah, these are the eyes of the Immortal of Six Paths."

The faces of the two Toad Immortals were extremely serious.

Jiraiya then turned to look at Fugaku aside, and said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your help."

Fugaku crossed his arms, having canceled Susanoo. He is not cheating, Susanoo needs a lot of chakra to maintain, and the consumption on him is not small.

"No, when I see Konoha Village like this, I can't pretend I didn't see it." Fugaku said.

Jiraiya fell silent.

Tsunade on the side couldn't hold it back. She asked softly: "Are the two people with you...also so strong?"

Jiraiya suddenly frowned: "Tsunade!"

Tsunade remained silent, but looked at Fugaku without giving in.

Fugaku smiled, he understood.

Although Tsunade was rude to ask this, she had written the question (do you have any other purpose) on her face.

But this is Naruto.

Just like Yuya, even if he has no grievances with other ninja families in Konoha Village, even the patriarchs of many families are actually his friends, and they have a good relationship when they occasionally drink, eat, dine and bathe together.

But when it was time to take action, You Ya never hesitated to take action.

This is Naruto.

Once you sit in this position, there are many things you cannot control.

After sitting in this position, one must choose between the personal and the village's stance.

Since the establishment of Konoha Village, the three generations of leaders of their world have chosen the village for each generation.

Now it seems that the fifth Hokage in this world should be the same.

Fugaku didn't feel offended, or that's what he might have felt if he didn't understand anything before.

But now he is absorbing the knowledge from the two books You Ya gave him all the time.

Strictly speaking, he has only learned a little bit now, but even so, he feels that many problems have suddenly become clear.

Tsunade's nature certainly couldn't be like this.

But taking the position of Hokage, she has to be responsible for all the villagers. After all, she and front-line ninjas like Jiraiya have long been different from the same class.

However, both parties are unwilling to admit this. They both believe that since we still have childhood memories and the past of growing up together, we should still be friends, not subordinates.

However, in fact, this is no longer the case.

This is also true in the original history that Tsunade was really sad after Jiraiya died, but at the same time she was sad, she also had to bear the consequences, and immediately put Jiraiya's death behind her and tried her best to bring Jiraiya back. Because of the secret code.

She is not Jiraiya's best friend, she is the Fifth Hokage.

However, Fugaku was not prepared to say anything, because...


Violent chakra fluctuations came, and Tendou Yahiko turned his head to look at the woods behind him in shock.

Then a pair of brothers walked out.

"Sorry, I saw the two of them sneaking around there and thought he was not a good person, so I took action..." Rizu rolled his eyes and looked at Tendo Yahiko in front of him and said solemnly, "But now it seems... it seems that the attack was heavy. point."

Rizu dropped the hell realm in his hand on the ground.

Hizashi also dropped the human path in his hand on the ground.

These two people are responsible for behind-the-scenes support. The hell realm can reshape the body, and the human realm can transfer the soul from one corpse to another.

It can be said that with two people here, Payne's Six Paths will not be afraid of any losses.

But the two people's own fighting power is not too strong. And the place where they were hiding was not too conspicuous to the Hyuga brothers who had Byakugan.

Tendo Yahiko didn't look at the corpse on the ground, but looked at Hizu's hands.

There, the dragon-shaped chakra is slowly dissipating...

Jiraiya grinned.

Tsunade also breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that if Hizashi, Hizashi and Fugaku have the same strength, then she will definitely not trust them to follow the large troops fleeing Konoha to the back mountains. Again, she is the Hokage, she will Have to doubt all factors.

But now that these two people have appeared, it doesn't matter.

Pain Tiandao sighed helplessly, and then looked at the figure in front of him.

Tsunade, Mr. Jiraiya, the Uchiha who came from nowhere, the very powerful Byakugan brothers...

If you include Kakashi and Metkai, who used the Eight Gate Dungeon to kick out a Pain Six Paths and is now lying dead on the side...

Konoha Village...

There are so many talents...


I don't need to worry about it anymore.

Thinking of this, Pain Tiandao looked at the figure that was gradually surrounding him. The hem of his clothes moved automatically without the wind, and his figure gradually floated into the air.

"What is he going to do?" Naruto Tsunade frowned and looked at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya had a bad premonition and gritted his teeth: "No matter what it is, stop him!"

After saying that, he looked at the two immortals on his shoulders: "Please help me with these two immortals!"

"Of course no problem! Jiraiya-chan!"

The lustful immortal felt helpless, there was no need to add anything small...

But now is not the time to talk about that.

The two toads and Jiraiya formed seals at the same time.

[Immortal Method·Toad Immortal Oil]

[Fire Escape·Dragon Fire Technique]

The flames burned and the toad oil spit out by the two toad immortals became ten times stronger.

Just a tentative attack was already as good as many A-level or even S-level ninjutsu.

Fugaku narrowed his eyes. He didn't know how Pain Tiandao's body suddenly rose into the sky, but a strong and unknown feeling enveloped his body.

Fugaku hesitated. He didn't know whether he should continue to help the Leaf Village in this world.

Logically speaking, he should have opened the scroll of Yin and Yang magnetic poles and left here long ago.

But that would look like he was running away.

Fugaku thought to himself, that was too out of style.

However, because of this, he, Rizu, and Hidashi lost their last chance to escape.

Because as the fire phoenix in the sky gradually approached Pain Tiandao, Tiandao Pain also began to counterattack...

【Shenra Tianzheng】!

It is no longer the small-scale repulsion that used to push away the ninjutsu and attack the attacker.

With Pain Tiandao as the center of the circle, the target range is...

The entire Konoha Village...

Silent fluctuations spread away...

Fugaku's eyes widened, and he summoned Susanoo almost instantly...

However, Susanoo, who was only about ten meters tall, was far from a complete body. With the impact of the repulsive force, Susanoo was directly knocked to pieces...

Hizu and Hizashi looked at each other and used Kaitian at the same time...

However, in the face of this extremely strong repulsive force, Huitian has no effect at all...

Everyone could only stare blankly, not knowing what was happening, but felt the shock wave rushing towards them...

Building, in the sound of friction of steel...

Konoha Village...


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