Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 220 The Death of Danzo [Part 1]

In fact, the people from Matt Dai's team and Hatake Sakumo's team that Yuya brought over were certainly not here for fun.

Aside from Orochimaru who had already gotten what he wanted, Yuya, the two teams of Hatake Sakumo and Matt Dai's team, gave them great expectations.

That is to gain front-line work experience in the rebuilt Konoha Village.

Don't underestimate this experience. With the village destroyed, tens of thousands of people dead, and tens of thousands injured, these Konoha villagers can almost be said to be frightened and their spirits are highly tense.

In this case, if Matt Dai's team and Hatake Sakumo's team can appease each other in a short period of time, or further gain the other's trust and help the other party rebuild their home, this process will be a very, very rare front-line work experience.

Why do you say it is very rare?

Because there is no such opportunity in Konoha's inner city and outer city in Yuya...

The possibility of war has been eliminated by himself. These children have not experienced the baptism of war. After all, their characters are still a little out of touch.

Of course, this is not to say that this kind of destroyed village will be fine.

But Payne's reason of making the world feel pain and cherishing peace more in the future, how can I put it, although it is wrong, Tamad really has a little bit of his truth.

Yuya had actually discovered a long time ago that the children in Konoha's inner city were a little...too comfortable.

But Yuya couldn't possibly destroy Konoha or start a war just to let them grow. That would be too stupid.

In fact, Youya originally had related plans.

That was the Chunin Exam.

Don't worry about the strength of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina who can't be considered genin at all. Just say whether they have graduated now and whether they can take the chuunin exam.

When the time comes, let them experience a cruel struggle, which is better than continuing to hang out in the inner city of Konoha.

But Gu Loulan's time and space rift made Youya react.

Isn't this the best opportunity for a trial? !

So Youya decisively called over the two teams of children he valued.

Leaving aside Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina for the time being, the three people Matt wears are the Inogacho of this generation.

That is, the fathers of Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino - Shikaku, Choza, and Haiichi.

Regarding the four families of Sarutobi, Shimura, Uchiha, and Hinata, Yuya has nothing to have in-depth contact with, so long as the two parties have mutual interests.

As for the Akimichi, Yamanaka, and Nara families, the Inokacho family, Yuya decided to imitate his uncle Senju Tobirama and play the emotional card while luring them.

Whether it can be done will be discussed separately. Let’s do it first and then talk about it.

Therefore, the team led by Matt Dai and Hatake Sakumo was not randomly named.

You Ya has put a lot of effort into making these little brats he values ​​​​to become talents.

Of course, aside from the reason for training one's mind, it is also because in Yuya's Konoha Village, these brats would not have such an opportunity to contact the core executives and investigate and track each other.

Yes, the camera monitoring Danzo was placed by Hatake Sakumo's team. As for Matt Dai's team, the target is someone else.

But the main reason is...

Yuya wants to see what will happen if Danzo is captured alive instead of dying on Sasuke~

This fun...

You will definitely not see it in his Konoha village, because to be honest Danzo is really not very good at it, and forget about his poor ability.

Not to mention that he wanted to interfere with Anbu, even if Yuya agreed, it was impossible for Uchiha Kagami to let him insert his hands.

Unless Yua orders Uchiha Mirror to let Danzo do this.

But then again, if Yuya gave such an order... Danzo would probably not dare to accept it~

Danzo's main striker on Yuya's side was pinned to the ground by Yuya and hammered.

Danzo here was obviously not beaten severely, so he didn't know what to do.

Just relying on these stinky fish and rotten shrimps, you still want to launch a coup?

Want to eat shit?

Of course, what Yuya didn't know was that there would be no future opportunities for Danzo.

Because his age does not support him to continue to be so silent.

This time the five-village coalition did not get its own corresponding political capital, so Danzo had no choice.

Although it was a mistake, but...

In the final analysis, it is Danzo's own inner desire for Hokage...

And this mentality has already determined the final result...

"Duanzo! Are you crazy?! Do you really dare to do such a thing?!" Tsunade looked at Danzo with an angry expression.

Danzo's face was extremely gloomy.

Although I don’t know why Tsunade and Jiraiya actually reacted to his surprise attack, but since they have already done it, there is no reason to retreat!

"I have made countless contributions to the Leaf Village throughout my life! The position of Hokage...should have belonged to me!" Danzo yelled at Tsunade with a ferocious look on his face, then quickly formed seals with his hands, and a blast of wind blades like sharp blades came from the group. Squirt out from your mouth.

Tsunade's face was livid and her fists were clenched.

Actually...really took action? !

Jiraiya saw Tsunade's expression and knew in his heart that Tsunade was completely disappointed in Danzo.

Starting from the third generation of Hokage in Konoha Village, the person sitting in the position of Hokage has a softer personality.

Leaving aside Yong Daimei who died early, he died before he had time to express his ambitions, so he is not included in the calculation.

The third generation, Sarutobi Hiruzen, needless to say, is extremely soft. He compromises externally and is not tough internally. He knows that the Uchiha clan has problems and only hopes that the Uchiha clan will solve them internally. If there is no one I don't know what Da Qi, a fool like me, actually wants to work under the Third Hokage. I'm afraid the Uchiha clan will really start a rebellion.

At that time, even if the clan is exterminated, it will be a vigorous death.

However, we all know the final result: one dozen and seven people were wiped out, making him the most filial son of Hokage.

To be honest, Yuya doesn't have any bad feelings about One vs. Seven.

After all, you can't ask a child who was taken to the battlefield by his father at the age of four to do anything that has left a psychological shadow.

If he didn't turn black on the spot, that's actually pretty good.

So the root of everything... (Fugaku: Could it be me?)

Well, in short, if the Sandaime had been tougher, the Uchiha clan would not have been able to create so many troubles, Danzo would not have been able to do so many things secretly, and Orochimaru would not have dared to conduct human experiments secretly.

You see how well-behaved Danzo is here in Yuya.

Because Danzo knew that Yuya really dared to expel him from Konoha, or simply let the ANBU ninja kill him.

Putting Danzo aside, let’s talk about Tsunade. She has a very bad temper, but because the mess left by the Sandaime is indeed not good, and Tsunade does not have much political wisdom, her political achievements during her tenure are not impressive. A bright spot.

To be honest, Tsunade has a bad temper, but she is actually a relatively gentle person when it comes to things.

You see, in the original history, after Sasuke killed Danzo, Tsunade directly chose to disrupt and reorganize Danzo's subordinates.

That's not to say that it can't be handled this way. After all, there are only a few people in the family who are willing to follow Danzo.

It's just that handling it this way is still a bit too soft for Youya.

Not to mention killing them all, at least kill half of them.

As a Hokage, how can I not even dare to make a move~

But then again, among Danzo's roots, he only has a few trustworthy subordinates after so many years. The others use sealing spells up and down the tongue to control each other.

It's just a curse seal that allows the other party to be fine without telling the information about Gen and himself.

Ah, this how you control your subordinates when doing things secretly?

So how about we say that Danzo in both worlds is a person who is more virtuous and has a higher vision than a master?

With a guy like this, why do you still want to be Hokage every day?

It would be a disaster if he actually became Hokage one day.

————In response to Danzo's Wind Release, Jiraiya did not dodge, he directly formed a seal, and then Fire Release to counter the wave.

In the distance, Youya was holding a telescope in his hand and watching the battle here with interest.

Beside him, Matt Daizheng looked hesitant.

Hatake Sakumo stood aside with his eyes and nose in mind.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the power of this fire escape is really good..." Yuya started to praise.

"...Hokage-sama..." Mattei couldn't help it anymore and spoke softly.

Youya turned to look at the other person in confusion: "Dai, what's wrong?"

Matt Day: "I want to ask, should we just watch here?"

Youya immediately laughed: "Is that so? You want to go over there and join the battle..."

Matt Dai nodded repeatedly.

It's not that they have any feelings for Konoha here, they know their identity, it's just that their hands are itchy.

After all, in the original Konoha Village, Hatake Sakumo and Matt Dai were performing more jounin tasks, either patrolling or performing routine duties, which involved very few battles.

It can be said that the body is almost rusty.

Yuya thought for a while and said to Dai: "Go over, I'll give you a mission, don't let that Danzo escape.

Oh, by the way, remember, you have to catch him alive~"

Matt Dai suddenly became excited, saluted Youya and left.

Hatake Sakumo's eyes flashed, and Yuya looked at him with a smile: "You want to go too, right? Go ahead, go ahead, remember, don't let Danzo escape."

Hatake Sakumo hesitated: "But Hokage-sama, on your side..."

Youya smiled: "It's okay, I can protect myself."

To be honest, if someone can kill Yuya now, it doesn't matter whether he has the protection of Hatake Sakumo or not.


Most of Danzo's attack methods are based on wind escape.

This was expected by Jiraiya and Tsunade.

After all, Danzo Shimura has never been on the battlefield, and his relevant information has been filed with the Hokage.

In this regard, Hiruzen Sarutobi did pretty well.

But it's just okay.


What was blown away with the explosion were the bandages that Danzo had wrapped around himself.

Jiraiya and Tsunade were just about to persuade Danzo to surrender, and then they saw an astonishing scene...

Danzo Shimura's right eye, and his right arm...

What was under the bandage... was not what they thought, a normal person's arm...

But the skin is of different color, and there are blood-red eyes that are constantly twisting...

The three magatama in the eyeballs move with the movement of the eyeballs, as if they are looking around themselves...

If these things weren't on the arms, it might be normal...

However, now not only are there arms...there are quite a few of them...but the eyes are not turning in the same direction...there is a strange and uncoordinated feeling...

And most importantly...

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at Danzo's right eye...

There, the pattern inside the Sharingan of Danzo's right eye is not the ordinary three magatama...

"That's... a kaleidoscope?!" Jiraiya was a little shocked.

Tsunade reacted suddenly: "Don't look over there Jiraiya!"

Danzo sneered: "It's too late!"

The Sharingan in Danzo's right eye moved rapidly. He had taken Shisui's eye away from him many years ago, and today he finally used the power of Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan...

Other gods...

Danzo once had the idea of ​​using this ability because of the deadlock in the Five Shadows talks.

Now it seems that fortunately he did not use this ability...

Danzo thought this in his mind and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had saved a hand before. If there were no other gods, Jiraiya would be very difficult to deal with...

And now...

Looking at Tsunade, Danzo showed a cruel smile.

Tsunade's face turned pale. She looked at Jiraiya and asked tentatively: "Jiraiya..."

Jiraiya turned to look at Tsunade: "What's the matter?"

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief: "'s okay. I thought something happened to you. Listen, don't look into his eyes again before we figure out his abilities."

Jiraiya looked at Danzo, who raised the corners of his mouth and said lightly: "Jiraiya, kill Tsunade."

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and Jiraiya next to him had a puzzled expression on his face, but his body had already started to move...

"Jiraiya!" Tsunade was shocked, how could she not know that Jiraiya had been tricked.

(Damn! So his power is to control other people?!)

While Tsunade was avoiding it, she inadvertently looked at Danzo, who had already closed his right eye.

After all, after the other gods activated it, their pupil power was exhausted in a short period of time and they needed to rest.

And even after resting, it is impossible to use other gods again.

Tsunade didn't know this, but she could tell.

Directly controlling a master of Jiraiya's level...

This ability cannot come without a price, and Danzo's closed right eye should be the price.

And just now she saw clearly that Danzo... only had one Mangekyo Sharingan...

Then the answer is simple...

Danzo's ability should no longer be able to be used.

Of course, if it can be used again...

Then there is no way to fight.

The good thing is...

The piano's judgment was correct...


Tsunade punched the floor. Jiraiya stepped forward and was about to continue attacking Tsunade, but his body was tied up by branches.

When he turned around, he saw that Yamato had already rushed over.

"Hokage-sama! Please leave quickly!" Kakashi also rushed over.

And what can be seen is that there are still figures rushing here.

Metkai, Asuma and other elite jounin...

Tsunade shook her head: "Jiraiya's target is me! Go directly and arrest Danzo! Order him to remove Jiraiya's brainwashing!"

In fact, it is not brainwashing. The ability of other gods is to directly control the enemy's will and make the enemy's will become what one wants.

For example, in the original plot of One vs. Seven, other gods were used to try to get the second pillar to have the will to "protect the village." However, in the end, the ability was overridden and the control of the dirt was released. In this regard, the effect of controlling will and brainwashing is almost the same. But the difference between the two is still very big.

Brainwashing will inevitably damage a person's brain or thinking ability, but other gods will not.

As for Jiraiya now, everything is business as usual, except that he has an iron rule in his heart that he must abide by.

That is: obey Danzo's orders.

But this approach is not without opportunities.

Just as Tsunade thought, no matter if he was brainwashed or something...

It would definitely be right to arrest Danzo first.

And if Danzo dies, then Jiraiya will receive other gods who obey Danzo's orders...

That's just a joke.

How can people obey orders when they are dead?

Therefore, after a coincidence, Tsunade made a very correct judgment.

That is to contain Jiraiya himself and let Kakashi, Yamato and other ninjas capture Danzo.

(Hmph, I’ve already seen you unhappy. Even if you were manipulated this time, don’t blame me for being too harsh!)

Tsunade thought viciously, clenching her fists.

However, Jiraiya reacted very quickly and used the Substitute Technique to dodge, and then directly hit him with a Rasengan.

Tsunade's pupils suddenly dilated, too fast...she...couldn't react...


A huge golden fist appeared and directly hammered Jiraiya, who was still holding the Rasengan in his hand, into the soil.

Youya crossed his arms and appeared on top of a building that was still under construction on one side.

Tsunade turned around and was about to say thank you, but saw Yuya frowning tightly.

And then, Tsunade heard a rumbling sound.

That wasn't the sound of an explosion.

That was the unstoppable sound of something rising rapidly from the ground to the sky, breaking through all barriers, and sweeping all obstacles aside...

And when Tsunade saw a towering tree appearing in the dense forest not far away, her face became even more ugly...

"Mudun?! What, how could it be from Mudun?!"

Yuya jumped down, came to Tsunade's side, and kicked Jiraiya, who was knocked unconscious into the ground by his sneak attack and punched him, and curled his lips: "You really fainted so easily..." …

Forget it, hey, Tsunade, even though you are the Tsunade of this world...

However, it is obvious that someone has taken action against the First Hokage...

Do you want to come with me... and give this damn bastard a good beating? "

Tsunade was a little confused, but then she remembered something...

Kakashi mentioned it before when he reported to her...

The Third Hokage of that other world...

He is the disciple of the First Hokage...

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