Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 223 Return and Fruit Basket

When Yuya returned to Konoha Village with Hatake Sakumo, Matt Dai and the team they led, Kushina was still discussing with Nara Shikaku that they were going to do something in another Konoha Village. management policy.

There is no doubt that this "internship" for Nara Shikaku, Kushina and others was perfect.

He perfectly solved the current practical problem of Konoha Village developing too fast, leaving no place for these brats to try and make mistakes and test their abilities.

There is no doubt that Yuya thinks more. Now these brats are going to another Konoha village to test their abilities.

In the future, if there are new policies that are difficult to grasp, Youya will certainly not hesitate...

Go to another Konoha village to try it out.

Well, the so-called pilot is nothing more than that.

Although it is indeed a bit excessive, there is no way. Konoha Village is so big that there is no way to cut off a part for "pilot" promotion.

And after all, it was a pilot, so it was too small to see any problems at all.

But the other Konoha Village doesn't have this problem, even if something goes wrong...

Well, that has nothing to do with me.

However, the specific operation needs to be carefully considered.

You Ya encouraged everyone and dispersed after a few words. Of course, You Ya still assigned homework for this internship.

That's what I said after the internship.

Although Youya hated this kind of thing when he was in school and thought it was a face-saving project.

But now that he has become a leader, he understands that when he asks you to make a summary afterwards, he also wants to see what you think, and then to see if your ideas have progressed and whether they can align with my granularity. If there is nothing, The problem is that when you grow up, you will definitely be allowed to work directly in the Hokage's office building.

The fact that you can do this is enough to prove your excellence. Youya doesn't mind using younger people, but you have to prove your excellence first.

Although You Ya now has the feeling of "living into the most annoying way he used to be", there is still something different.

After all, some bullshit leaders ask you to make this report and make that assessment every day. If you do it, they won’t even read it, or they will ask you to write a manuscript for them to use. After the speech is over, he still thinks it’s his own speech that was good and it doesn’t concern you at all. It doesn't matter if the manuscript you worked so hard to write is worth a dime, and I don't think you have any merit at all, so naturally I can't talk about giving you a promotion or salary increase.

Yuya won't be like this. He doesn't care about your ability. Konoha is so short of people right now. The more capable people are, the better they work!

You Ya wished there were more people like this, the more the better.

After everyone dispersed, Yuya also went home. As soon as he got home, Yuji and Yulu hugged his legs and refused to let go.

It was indeed the first time that the brother and sister had not seen their father for so long, so it was normal for them to miss him.

Youya is very satisfied, he is still very important in the hearts of his children.

"Dad, my mother didn't take us out to play even once after you left..." Yu Ji reported openly.

The smile on Yuya's face froze, and then he gently put down the travel notes.

The son should be dead, but the daughter is better.

Holding Yu Lu happily, ignoring Yu Ji who looked confused, Yu Ya glanced around: "Where is your mother?"

"Mom went to the hospital." You Lu said.

Youya blinked, so busy...


"Then just sit down and wait a few days before I take you out to play."

"Oh yeah!" The brother and sister were very happy.

Youya is also very happy.

This happiness lasted until Tsunade returned home.

Tsunade looked at Yuya with a cold face: "You still know how to come back?!"

Then he looked at Yu Ji and Yu Lu with a cold face: "Today you are going to stay at my grandpa and grandma's house for one night."

Yu Ji and Yu Lu shrank their heads and did not dare to disobey the order. It should be said that the brother and sister fled as if they were fleeing.

You Ya: "..."

Well, it turns out that not only my son has lost his temper, but my daughter’s name has also become useless.

Tired and destroyed, just do whatever you want.

After her children left, Tsunade glanced at Yuya and asked, "Me in that other world...she, how is she?"

Youya was stunned, thought for a while and said: "Very good, although the way to deal with things is relatively immature, and the distance between the village and other forces is a bit too distant, and there are too few places for cooperation, which makes the village seem a bit closed. , but considering that she has never received relevant education as a Hokage, it is already very good to be able to do this. "

Tsunade was a little confused, and then she said directly and speechlessly: "You know I'm not asking you this...I'm talking about she pretty?"

Youya was speechless: "You were over fifty years old in that world..."

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, then narrowed her eyes and looked at Yuya: "Hmph, you mean to kick me away when I get older?"

Youya: "...You've really become more and more good at talking nonsense lately..."

"Then prove it to me."

So, in order to prove that the relationship between the two parties is as deep as ever, the two stayed up all night today.

The main reason is that Youya is also planning to take advantage of this moment to make a small account.

Anyway, Travel Notes and Travel Dew are completely useless, so let’s practice another one.

On this day, in addition to the excitement at Yuya's house, Namikaze Minato's house was also very lively.

As mentioned before, Kushina's family is a huge mansion, and she is the only one.

Because they thought she was a little lonely, Namikaze Minato and Nara Yoshino invited each other to live in their homes.

And because of this decision, Nara Yoshino was still angry and despised Namikaze Minato.

After all, Kushina is also a girl, what do you think as a boy?

Namikaze Minato was helpless. Although I invited her, I would definitely let her stay in a room by herself.

But with the help of Nara Yoshino, Kushina now has her own sleeping partner.

The two girls became good best friends.

After returning home, Nara Yoshino's parents were very curious about this trip, and Kushina and Nara Yoshino had no intention of hiding it.

After learning that their daughter and her daughter's friend were responsible for rebuilding an entire community in another Konoha village in another world, Nara Yoshino's parents' eyes shone with surprise.

However, Nara Yoshino's parents felt a little sad after hearing about the problems their daughter encountered in the process of rebuilding the village.

No, our daughter seems to be acting a little bad. Will Hokage-sama have a bad impression of Yoshino?

Nara Yoshino's parents were a little worried, but Nara Yoshino and Kushina didn't notice anything was wrong with this situation.

In the evening, after taking a shower, the two girls picked up the phone and called Uchiha Fugaku's home.

After all, strictly speaking, Kushina, Nara Yoshino, and Namikaze Minato were actually taught by Uchiha Fugaku.

"Huh? Still in the hospital? Well, let's go see the teacher tomorrow... Trouble? No trouble, no trouble. After all, we are also the teacher's students."

After hanging up the phone, Nara Yoshino's mother looked at Kushina: "Kushina-chan, your teacher... is from the Uchiha clan..."

Kushina nodded: "Yes, and it is said that he is the new leader of the Uchiha clan."

Nara Yoshino's parents were suddenly a little surprised: "New clan leader?!"

"Hey, didn't I tell my parents?"

Yoshino's parents looked at each other and fell silent wisely.

The Uchiha clan has never had any contact with the village, and generally speaking, members of a large family will naturally know about the matter of succeeding the clan leader.

Nara Yoshino's parents had already left the Nara clan, and they usually had to go to work and would not be idle to inquire about Uchiha.

So they really didn't know that Uchiha Fugaku was the leader of the Uchiha clan.

Before, they just thought he was an ordinary jounin of the Uchiha clan.

Ignoring this topic, Yoshino's parents did not express any objection to the fact that their daughter and her daughter's best friend were going to visit the leader of the Uchiha clan tomorrow.

In any case, Uchiha Fugaku has been teaching Nara Yoshino for more than half a year.

Moreover, it was said that he was seriously injured while doing a mission with the two strongest brothers of the new generation of the Hyuga clan. In the end, the three of them, Nara Yoshino, really should go to the hospital to visit each other.

And on this night, a figure appeared in the shadow of Konoha Village...

A figure with black shadows flowing all over its body.

The next day, Konoha Hospital:

"It's really enviable, Fugaku." Hinata Hinashi looked at the three people from Namikaze Minato who brought a fruit basket to Uchiha Fugaku, with an inexplicable expression on their faces.

Some surprises, some envy, some surprises, but most of all, helplessness.

after all……

It's not like they don't have juniors from the Hyuga clan to give them fruit baskets.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the full fruit baskets, gifts, and various foods on the bedside tables of Hinata Hizashi and Hinata Hizashi. After a moment of silence, he said, "Didn't we have a lot of fun talking these days? Why are you so angry with me?"

There is no doubt that after reading the theory of contradiction and class, Uchiha Fugaku understood a truth.

That is to make more of your friends and less of your enemies, and focus on the future.

The current management of Konoha Village is from the older generation. He does have a say in the Uchiha clan, but not much.

But what about ten years from now?

What about twenty years from now?

After all, the future belongs to the younger generation and their generation.

Therefore, for his peers, Uchiha Fugaku's main thing is to treat people sincerely.

Open your heart to everything directly.

When dealing with juniors, the main thing is to be a sincere and amiable elder.

Only to his elders would he put aside all his disguises and show the coldness unique to the Uchiha people.

You can say he is hypocritical, you can say he does whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

But Uchiha Fugaku understands that if he is still like before, wanting to solve everything by himself, never communicating with his peers or juniors, and making decisions self-righteously, then whether it is ten or twenty years, In thirty years, can the current situation of the Uchiha clan change?

Uchiha Fugaku cannot change the older generation, and he cannot use coercive means to push his peers.

So he could only choose a stupid way.

Use yourself as an example to get along with the villagers in the village. The short-term goal does not require changing the villagers' views on the Uchiha clan. It only requires them to know their name and know that there is someone different from most Uchiha clan members. The person's name is Uchiha Fugaku, that's enough.

As for longer-term goals…

Uchiha Fugaku could only sigh and said that the problems of the Uchiha clan were many and complex, and it was impossible to solve them in a short time.

When it comes to the current situation, there is no doubt that the fact that Namikaze Minato and the other three sent fruit baskets to Uchiha Fugaku to visit each other is the embodiment of a very good effect of Uchiha Fugaku putting down his body and taking the initiative to teach newcomers.

And this was also in the book on contradictions that Uchiha Fugaku read.

Since that book records the so-called contradictions, it knows everything, and can basically find a corresponding method for everything.

Children's minds are the simplest. Unlike adults, most of them put interests first.

That's why Uchiha Fugaku would target children.

To be honest, Uchiha Fugaku didn't feel much emotion about the fact that Namikaze Minato gave him a fruit basket.

But the knowledge he learned from the book made him know that he needed to acknowledge the other party's efforts at this time and let the other party know that his efforts were responded to.

If this aspect is extended, it can even be extended to pua-related practical operations, but it is obviously impossible for Uchiha Fugaku to think that far, and his rank is not enough.

However, Uchiha Fugaku has made up his mind to pretend for a lifetime, and then focus on the next generation of Uchiha people in the end.

Although I'm a little sorry, this is what most clan leaders in the ninja world need to bear now.

Uchiha Fugaku was no exception.

As for Hinata and Hinata, Uchiha Fugaku naturally felt that the other party was trying to blame him.

After all, I only received a fruit basket, which was far inferior to the other party's bedside table full of gifts.

Seeing that Uchiha Fugaku had misunderstood, before Hinata Hizashi could speak, Hinata Hizashi sneered and said: "Brother Fugaku, this is not a yin and yang thing on you. Your fruit basket was given to you sincerely by your students. Yours, as for ours..."

Hinata Hizashi casually took a fruit basket, dug into the bottom, and took out a folded card with a roar.

Hinata Hiashi shook his head with a sarcastic look on his face: "Brother Fugaku is not a fool. You should know what it means to see something like a fruit basket stuffed inside a patient, right?"

Uchiha Fugaku understood, but then he became confused: "Is it possible that the two of you have a distinguished status in the Hyuga clan? Otherwise, why would someone... um... come to put such a card with identity?"

Hinata Hizashi laughed: "Brother Fugaku, there is no need to say such roundabout words, they are just some guys who want to curry favor with us two brothers."

After saying this, Hinata and Hinata's face darkened: "Under the hands of Hokage-sama, Konoha Village was able to change from the dull, powerless, and lifeless past, not by following the rules..."

Uchiha Fugaku was startled, and for the first time he cheered up because he had been lacking in interest just to make friends with the two Hyuga brothers.

He had been a little perfunctory before, and some questions were obviously asked just to cooperate with the Hyuga brothers.

He doesn't have the vision to do that.

But this kind of conversational person should not be annoying.

But now he is really interested...

Is it possible...

"That's true. If the Third Hokage, the Second Hokage, and the First Hokage were the same, then I'm afraid that even now, everyone in Konoha Village wouldn't be able to have enough to eat and be well clothed." Uchiha Fugaku said casually.

In today's Konoha Village, although it is not politically correct to call the Third Hokage, and in the mouths of students who need to go to school, the Third Hokage God Jin Yua is simply born with the most famous person in the world, but that's all.

The students scolded Youya. The villagers in the village were happily watching the fun and didn't bother to refute.

At first, some people were afraid that Youya would find out about this, while others really respected Youya in their hearts and would not allow their children to scold each other, and would beat them whenever they spoke.

But one time, Youya was seen by a student on his way to get off work. He was crying and complaining. Youya asked why you hate me so much. Then the child said that he hated math the most. Youya touched it happily. The child's head said that no matter how much he hated me, he just had to hold on until graduation, and then turned around and left. (It’s definitely not procrastination anyway~)

From then on, the villagers would not take any drastic action against students when they scolded Hokage-sama.

Since then, Youya's reputation has grown even more.

So although it's not politically correct now, it's definitely okay to play Yuya.

Hinata Hizashi didn't think there was any problem, so he continued smoothly: "Yes, it is because of the Hokage-sama taking the lead in reform that the village can become so prosperous and powerful now!"

Uchiha Fugaku agreed with this.

Youya has indeed developed the village better and better.

But correspondingly, it is also true that the proportion occupied by the major ninja families - whether it is the economic proportion or the proportion of floor space - is getting smaller and smaller.

"Therefore, the two of us agreed that... only by abandoning the pedantic old system can we give the family a better new life." Hinata Hinashi looked at Uchiha Fugaku with burning eyes.

Uchiha Fugaku was stunned on the spot, and then looked at the other party in disbelief: " student?"

This time he was really shocked.

Hinata Hizashi said calmly: "Yes, Brother Fugaku, Hizashi and I have decided that our lifelong goal... is to create a...

New Hyuga family. "

Uchiha Fugaku was dumbfounded...

But Hinata Hizashi and Hinata Hizashi only had calmness in their eyes, without any hint of joking.

Of course, this is indeed the case. What they want is a brand new baby who will not be marked with the Caged Bird Curse just because he was born a second late...

New family.

And there is no doubt that...

The plan of the two of them was not secretive, and the composition of the people who sent these fruit baskets... did not need to be explained too much.

It was nothing more than sent by people who supported them, or wanted to appease them, or wanted to threaten them, or wanted to win over them, etc.

And they...

Need these fruit baskets?

Not required.

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