Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 226 Payne, come with me

Chapter 226 Payne, come with me...

Yuya took a deep breath.

Then he looked at Orochimaru with a strange look. Not to mention the protruding bones, he remembered that a guy named Kimimaro under Orochimaru used this ability when he fought with Gaara.

Therefore, it was within his understanding that the bone was protruding.

But what about you? Why can this bone be transformed into other materials?

As a demonstration, the little girl swiped at the wall on one side, swiped her claws down, and with a whoosh, claw marks appeared on the wall that could withstand a magnitude 10 earthquake.

You Ya: "..."

We are the Hokage here, no, Orochimaru, did you come up with something extraordinary?

It would be troublesome if there was any infringement!

Of course Orochimaru didn't know what Yuya was complaining about, and he still explained: "Due to genetic mutation, P3's body has become very adaptable to steel."

With that said, Orochimaru motioned to P3 to continue.

The little girl nodded and took out a piece of brass-colored metal. This was naturally copper.

Then the little girl gave it a heavy squeeze, and the brass metal piece melted directly into her body.

Then her skin changed color, and three bone claws stretched out between her finger bones again. The pale bones suddenly changed color again, this time to brass.

Yuya finally understood: "She can absorb metal?"

Orochimaru shook his head: "It can't be absorbed, but her body can resonate with these metals. There are extremely small amounts of metal components in the human body. Her genes have mutated and become able to react with these metals." "Resonance, it looks like she has absorbed these metals, but in fact it is just the metal covering her body."

After speaking, Orochimaru looked at Yuya: "But this has given me ideas. Genes are the direction of my next research."

Yuya was speechless and could only express encouragement to Orochimaru.

Then Orochimaru took advantage of the situation and said: "So can you increase the funding? This time, not one billion, five hundred million, five hundred million will be enough."

You Ya: "..."

Are feelings waiting for me here?

He patted Orochimaru on the shoulder: "After all, you are also my most trusted scientific researcher. In the past, one billion a year was indeed a bit small. Starting from next year, I will give you 1.5 billion every year. Of course, if there are other related topics for you, If you do research, I will give you another grant."

Orochimaru was immediately ecstatic.

Then before Yuya left, he gave Orochimaru a task.

High-speed transmission of signals.

How should I put it? There is also related research in Konoha Village, but the progress is a bit slow.

After all, in the scientific research institute of Konoha Village, specialized signal transmission speed is only a small experimental branch.

But there is no doubt that the speed of signal transmission is truly linked to technology iteration.

The prototype of a smart phone has already come out, which is the earliest type of mobile phone that in addition to making calls and sending text messages, is also equipped with a simple browser and a pure text keyboard.

Once the signal transmission speed is fixed, Youya can develop mobile phones with games.

In his previous life, Yu Ya had a first-generation magic phone E63 when he was a child. Although the original intention of the family was for him to study, this phone was naturally used by Yu Ya to read novels and play games.

At that time, the game characters were vague, the movements were dull, the plot was short, and you could only play the first level. Subsequent content required sending text messages to unlock it later.

However, it accompanied Youya in his childhood and helped Youya plummet from the top student in the class to the bottom of the class. For this reason, it made an indelible contribution.

Later, while playing secretly in class, the dean who was patrolling outside found him and threw him down, ending his long life...

Although Youya knew that some students would not learn well after this thing was invented, he could not put all the responsibility for the students' playful behavior on their mobile phones.

Cell phones are innocent.

And there is no mobile phone...

There is also an arcade in Konoha...

Yeah, and it was also done by Youya...

Well, let’s get back to the topic. In short, once the signal transmission is solved, a new model of mobile phone can be released. Originally, a new generation of mobile phones was planned to be released this year.

As a result, we happened to run into the big thing about another world, so we should postpone it for a year.

And it’s hard to say that it can be directly set into an unspoken rule.

That is, every two years, a new mobile phone is updated and iterated.

Although electronic products are updated very quickly, it was a bit outrageous to update them every year in Yuya's previous life.

It would also be good if we take this opportunity to make it a biennial event.

After making up his mind, Yuya threw the question to Orochimaru and ran away.

Orochimaru didn't try to keep him, since the funds were about to arrive anyway, so everything else was free.

On Yuya's side, he took Hatake Sakumo and Matt Dai through the space rift on Guloulan's side and came to a different world.

The space rift here suddenly became very stable since it collapsed last time for unknown reasons.

Is it possible that space cracks also have the habit of being broken and then re-established?

Youya didn't know, he only knew that someone had to be guarded here.

And there is no doubt that Tsunade, the Hokage in this other world, doesn't think so much.

It's also possible that she thought of it and knew the importance of this place, but because Konoha Village really couldn't find anyone who was reliable and strong enough to stay here for a long time to guard the rift.

If it had been before, it would have been possible for Jiraiya to come here.

But during the reconstruction of Konoha Village, it was impossible for Jiraiya to leave the village.

Who knows if Pain will attack Konoha again, Jiraiya's combat power is a very important defensive force.

However, this place usually doesn't have people who come here with nothing to do.

After Yuya came to this world, his goal was not Konoha Village.

His goal was very clear. He directly changed the route, and together with Hatake Sakumo and Matt Dai, they found the right direction and headed straight to the Land of Rain.

It is worth mentioning that the roads here have become very bad.

It looked as if a large number of people had passed by in a short period of time and the road made of dirt had been trampled and deformed.

As for Yuya, Hatake Sakumo, and Matt Dai, they actually saw groups of numerous troops when they were heading towards the Land of Rain.

These people are all ninja soldiers.

Yuya was convinced that Danzo from this world had united the Five Ninja Villages before his death, in order to unite with the Akatsuki organization.

However, it is true that the leader of the Akatsuki organization is located in the Land of Rain, but the problem is...

It’s been nearly half a year since he last left...

Is it possible that these coalition forces haven't defeated Payne in the Kingdom of Rain yet?

Well, that's not actually the case.

For Pain, Konoha Village and Sunagakure Village must be resolved.

Otherwise, the existence of such an organization would be a huge threat to the two villages.

Therefore, the moment the two villages confirmed their alliance, they decided to send ninja troops to attack the Rain Country.

It's just that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality has a lot of troubles to solve.

The first and most important thing is logistics.

We must ensure that there are no problems with logistics.

The second one is to take precautions before things happen.

Although the other three villages have agreed to join forces, just agreeing does not mean that they will not cause trouble secretly.

After all these years, are there still few cases of treachery in the ninja world?

Maybe this is the Cloud Hidden Village. The Kirigakure Village gathered the Ninja Army, and with one hand, they stabbed it straight into the belly of the Country of Fire. At that time, if the Ninja Army from the Hidden Leaf Village were fighting life and death with the Akatsuki Organization in the Country of Rain, it would be too late. Rescue, isn't that over?

Therefore, it is impossible for Tsunade to directly send the ninja troops to the front line.


This is also convenient for Youya.

Although Yuya had previously thought that the world had started a war, he was ready to come to the Kingdom of Rain as a savior and bring a group of civilians in the Kingdom of Rain who were persecuted by the war back to their world.

But the war hasn't started yet, it's just starting to show signs of it, so he won't be able to come to the Kingdom of Rain as the savior of the Kingdom of Rain.

But it's hard to say that this situation might be better.

Because since the war is about to begin, how can we deceive Pain, that is, Nagato, and not rely on his mouth?

So Yuya, along with Matt Dai and Hatake Sakumo, hurriedly and slowly arrived at the Land of Rain, running on two legs for three days.

Damn it, the Kingdom of Grass is not far from the Kingdom of Rain, but it still took three days. Don’t the people here have the awareness to build roads? !

Entering the Kingdom of Rain, it started to rain continuously in the sky.

The three of Youya put on their raincoats, shuttled through the rain, and galloped all the way, aiming directly at Payne's lair.

Along the way, Youya noticed that there were already two or three people with their families and livestock heading towards the border of the Kingdom of Rain.

This should be a type of people who are relatively well-informed and capable of taking action. They did not want to bear the devastation of the war, so they simply left the Kingdom of Rain.

The three of them came to the city where Payne was.

The rows of buildings do have the beauty of steel buildings.

It's a pity that it will soon be engulfed by the flames of war.

The three of you Ya avoided the patrolling ninjas in Yuyin Village along the way and went directly to the innermost and uppermost building.

And here, Youya saw Xiaonan standing there quietly, wearing a black robe with auspicious cloud patterns.

Xiaonan looked at Youya. The raised collar partially obscured her face, and she couldn't see her mouth opening.

Only her calm and hostile voice could be heard: "Is it you? What are you doing in the Kingdom of Rain?"

Yuya looked at Xiaonan and raised his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

Then he smiled and said: "I talked to Pain once before, but at that time because I was on the outskirts of Konoha, I couldn't have an in-depth chat.

This time I heard that there was going to be a war here, so I came here specially. "

In his mind, Youya was complaining that the battle had not started for half a year, and the efficiency was so slow.

If a fight breaks out, he can easily get in at this time.

Maybe it was Xiaonan who took the initiative to invite her in.

Unfortunately, the war has not yet begun, so there is no such reason.

But I can't say which one is better. After all, if the war really starts, it will be very troublesome to persuade Nagato and Konan.


It's just difficult to meet.

"Oh? Then what are you here for?" Without any surprise, Xiaonan looked at Youya with great resistance.

Youya grinned: "I'm here to help you. This war shouldn't happen."

Xiaonan's brows suddenly frowned.

Since the last time Pain attacked Konoha and destroyed Konoha, Nagato's already weak body has become even weaker.

Now, if he were to do that kind of Super Shinra Tensei again, he might die directly.

Therefore, at Xiaonan's insistence, it was Pain Tiandao who should have faced Yuya, but Xiaonan actively insisted that she should face Yuya.

But now, Xiaonan was speechless in response to what Yuya said.

It is a fact that the war is about to break out, and the person in front of me...

But he said he could end the war...

"...How does it end?" Xiaonan finally asked.

Youya smiled, it's good to waver, as long as you waver, you can break through.

"You also know that I am from Konoha Village in another parallel world. In that case, it's easy... You guys, come with me and go back to Konoha Village in our world."

Xiaonan frowned: "Can this war be settled?"

Yuya: "Of course it won't be that simple. In your name, I want to tell the Fifth Hokage of this world and let her know that after Pain attacked Konoha Village, he fled the world directly. Rain Country and the others They could just loot it, but with their big-village demeanor in the Five Ninja Village, they would not take action against the common people of the Land of Rain. As for the ninjas of the Hidden Rain Village...

Then let them leave quickly. "

Xiaonan's face darkened and she whispered: "What kind of solution is this?! Is your method just to let us escape?"

Youya: "What's wrong with running away? Only if you put aside your pride and run away, there will be no reason for this war to continue.

Do you think that just because of your own self-esteem, you are unwilling to escape and kill countless people from the Land of Rain and the ninjas of the Hidden Rain Village? ! "

Xiaonan was speechless.

Compared to letting a war break out and kill countless people, just escaping doesn't seem to be unacceptable.


A voice appeared.

The figure of Tiandao Payne appeared in the innermost passage.

Looking at Tendou Yahiko's calm face, Konan seemed to understand something.

She gritted her teeth and turned sideways to make way for Youya.

With a smile on his lips, Yuya crossed Xiaonan and came to Pain Tiandao.

Tiandao and Youya looked at each other for a few seconds, and then Youya took the initiative to break the deadlock: "Aren't you going to take me to your true body?"

Tiandao Pain thought for a moment, then turned around and led the way for Youya.

Youya smiled and followed him up.

Passing through a long corridor, a heavy door opened.

Yuya narrowed his eyes as he looked at the skinny Nagato who was maintaining his vital signs under the huge demon statue.

"This is really..." Youya looked at the shocking scene in front of him. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't think of a good adjective. In the end, he could only reluctantly add:

"Wonderful sight."

Nagato didn't care about Yuya's comments. He just looked at Yuya with burning eyes: "You should have other ways to solve this war."

Use affirmative sentences.

Youya was a little helpless. Is this intuition?

in the case of……

That's really terrible...

"Yes, yes, but..." Yuya raised his head and looked at the skinny Nagato in front of him calmly, "If I didn't get the corresponding benefits... why should I go to all the trouble to help you?"

Saying that, Yuya showed a smile and stretched out his hand to Nagato: "Penn, come with me, go to another world to see, not just to stop this war... see another possibility. "

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