Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 237 Uchiha: I’m coming to college on horseback

Chapter 237 Uchiha: I’m coming to college on horseback~

Nadeshiko Shizuka, 13 years old.

The direct disciple of Nadeshiko Himiko of Nadeshiko Village.

She came to Konoha for reasons well known to everyone.

Well, it's not a well-known reason at all, but a private agreement between Nadeshiko Himiko and Jiraiya.

What's obvious is that Jiraiya definitely didn't want to take it seriously when he made this agreement.

Therefore, Jiraiya must not have expected the current situation.

Regarding this, You Ya was extremely angry.

You wandered around on your own and incurred a lot of romantic debts. Now people are taking advantage of this opportunity to study abroad and come to Konoha. You are not in Konoha, so they will definitely not look for you!

It’s not me who’s in trouble!

You bastard, get back here quickly!

Of course, what can Yuya do about Nadeshiko Shizuka?

This is a poor child who was tricked by his master and Jiraiya...

"I don't think I'm pitiful..." Nadeshiko Shizuka said seriously to Uchiha Rou who took her to the special study abroad lounge, "Now many people in Nadeshiko Village want to marry to Konoha Village. I’m just luckier than them to be able to come here so early!”

Uchiha Rou's eyes were filled with confusion, and he could only nod his head: "Yes, is that so? Then you, then just be happy..."

Nadeshiko Shizuka politely thanked Uchiha Rou for sending her to her residence, and then began to make the bed and clean it.

Although there are people cleaning this place on weekdays, there is still some dust.

There is no doubt that, being sent here by Nadeshiko Village without a servant, Nadeshiko Shizuka is very mature and is what we often call a little adult.

Such children are generally lovable.

Uchiha Rou is also a girl, and she has not married until now. She will have more love for this kind of obedient girl than other girls of the same age.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato, who didn't know that he was in trouble, was facing Uzumaki Kushina's urging to marry.

As for the age of marriage, You Ya set a strict requirement after taking office, and the minimum age is 16 years old.

Yuya initially planned to set the age requirement at 18. However, since the Warring States Period and the establishment of the Ninja Village, ninja families have generally allowed their ninjas to get married before the age of 16. Regardless of other things, you have to get married first. Let’s talk about it later, let’s talk about whether the child will be born or not.

Uchiha Kagami and Uchiha Kagami Masako were like this. After a hasty wedding ceremony, Uchiha Kagami went to the battlefield.

This also left Youya with nothing to do about it.

Everyone in the village advocates getting married early, so what reason does Youya have to postpone his age?

The university hasn’t even started yet...

Therefore, it is actually very normal for Uzumaki Kushina to want to settle the marriage directly in Konoha.

After all, they not only reached age this year, they were already 18 years old. Tsunade was 18 years old when she married Yuya.

Although the current ninja level of the two is stuck at Chuunin, it does not mean that the Jonin and the others are not strong, but that after passing the Jonin exam, they will have patrol missions for one to two years.

Namikaze Minato's family is a civilian family, and Namikaze Minato does not mind being responsible for the patrol affairs of Konoha Village after becoming a Jonin.

But Uzumaki Kushina was more concerned. She wanted to enter the ANBU with Namikaze Minato.

Once you enter the Anbu, you will be Yuya's direct troops.

It can be said that the management of the ANBU in Konoha Village is quite strict.

Many times when you put on a mask, you are an ANBU ninja, and when you take off the mask, you are a Konoha villager. Many families of Konoha villagers do not know that their relatives are ANBU ninjas.

One advantage after entering ANBU is that you don't have to patrol outside the village.

This is the point of difference between Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina.

The two were classmates when they were young, and became enemies when they grew up. Later, the incident involving Setsuna Uchiha happened, and they finally came together.

Youya's heart is not disturbed by the fact that the two of them have achieved enlightenment.

It's just that Youya, who is now 18 and not yet married, really didn't expect that.

But there is no rush, since the prince is still early to be born anyway, at least four or five years away.

But just because he's not in a hurry doesn't mean accidents won't happen.

No, Nadeshiko Shizuka came directly to Konoha.

So that night, Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato were in an apartment rented in Konoha, and the door was blocked by Yua who came to the door.

When he saw Yuya, Namikaze Minato was shocked.

However, he immediately stepped aside to let Youya enter the house.

After entering the house, You Ya sighed inwardly as he looked at the two-bedroom, one-living house that cost 12,000 taels per month.

Even if the prince's life still starts tragically, there is no doubt that he has more capital than he did in his previous life.

Let me say here that it’s not that Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina don’t want to buy a house, but friends who have been married should know that before talking about marriage, most couples will choose to live together for a while to adapt to post-marriage life. Then decide whether to get married.

Forget it, why are you thinking so much?

I came here today just to ask questions.

So, Yuya looked at Namikaze Minato, squinted his eyes and asked bluntly: "What do you think of Jiraiya?"

Namikaze Minato was confused: "What?"

Yuya thought about it, looked at Uzumaki Kushina beside him, and thought it was better not to tell them about Nadeshiko Shizuka.

So Yuya changed the topic and said that Minato Namikaze had learned ninjutsu from Jiraiya for a period of time, right?

Minato Namikaze looked up and thought about it, ah, it seems that there was such a thing, but it was only a few days.

Jiraiya in this life was mostly hanging out outside the village. Every time he returned to the village, Yuya would let him do some work in the spirit of recycling.

Therefore, if you really want to say it, Minato Namikaze and Jiraiya in this life are not a teacher-student relationship.

However, Yuya didn't know, he still thought that Minato Namikaze never talked about his relationship with Jiraiya because Jiraiya didn't stay in the village much and...

and his reputation was not good.

This is indeed reasonable. If you have a master who peeked into the women's bathhouse and everyone in the village knew about it, you can't talk about him, right?

If the thought was more extreme, it is estimated that they would have directly severed the master-disciple relationship with each other.

Minato Namikaze, the little yellow-haired boy, was kind-hearted and would not sever the master-disciple relationship with Jiraiya.

And because of his kindness, even though Minato Namikaze knew that Jiraiya's reputation in the village was terrible.

But he looked at Yuya in front of him and thought about the relationship between Jiraiya and Yuya...

So Minato Namikaze said very wittily: "Although Lord Jiraiya is a little unreliable at ordinary times, he often does some... well, more extraordinary things.

But I think Lord Jiraiya is not a bad person by nature.

Moreover, he and Lord Orochimaru won glory for our Konoha Village in the Chunin Exam of all ninja villages more than 20 years ago, and won the top eight good results, which is enough to show his contribution to the village."

How to say it, if you let Yuya say this sentence himself, it must be a sarcasm to Jiraiya.

But when Minato Namikaze said this... then there is no sense of disobedience, okay...

You just feel that he really thinks so.

Youya sighed in his heart and patted Minato Namikaze on the shoulder: "So that's what you think? Then... okay, then take care of yourself in the future..."

In Minato Namikaze's confused eyes, Youya turned and left.

Minato Namikaze subconsciously said: "Hokage-sama! Do you want to stay for a meal before leaving?!"

Uzumaki Kushina hurriedly grabbed Minato Namikaze, and murderous intent appeared in her eyes.

What to stay?

What is there for Youya to stay!

Do you want more people to disturb our world of two? !

Do you have a brain!

After Youya left, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki began to live in their own world.

During this period, the two naturally talked about their plans for the future.

In fact, for the Anbu and ordinary Jonin, the biggest difference between the two is just the order.

You don't have to leave the village if you join the Anbu first.

If they choose to become a jonin first, they will have to leave the village and patrol the border for two years, and they will also eat, wear, live and travel in the border post.

This is unacceptable to Uzumaki Kushina, who is still in the period of passionate love.

As they get older, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki don't have much time to think about it.

It's impossible to be a chunin for the rest of your life and then go to the ninja school to be a teacher, right?

The monthly salary is only more than 300,000 taels, which is pitiful.

They are not without the strength of jonin, so why choose this path?

The next day, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki left the rental house together to prepare for work.

Now they are still chunin, so they naturally have to accept some chunin tasks.

However, because the attitude of the village towards ninja tasks is to do or not, not many people actually accept some chunin tasks.

Of course, the number is not large.

For the same task, if it is closer to other villages, these people would rather go to other villages to post it.

After all, everyone knows that Konoha Village doesn't need the money you posted for the mission.

Just a few bucks, you want a jonin who earns 800,000 taels a month to work for you?

Therefore, most of the missions of Konoha Village are posted by people from the Land of Fire who are close by and not in a hurry but can't handle them.

Maybe many people also want to visit Konoha Village.

Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato walked towards the North City District of Konoha, talking and laughing.

The North City District of Konoha is now more of a functional area, that is, most of the functional departments of Konoha Village are here, such as the government hall, the office building, and the mission hall.

Although the income from the mission is not very important, it is necessary to build a mission hall.

Otherwise, it may be difficult to explain to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

Of course, Konoha Village can now completely ignore the Daimyo's face, the problem is whether it can bear the consequences.

What consequences? Naturally, the Fire Country Daimyo and Konoha Village are at odds, and the Fire Country no longer provides strategic depth for Konoha Village.

Youya can't accept this consequence.

Or, Konoha Village, which now has a population of just over 4 million, can't accept this consequence.

Again, before the population exceeds 10 million and there is no capital for external expansion, Konoha is the most loyal ally of the Fire Country.

You can even understand Konoha Village as the single city with the best economy in the Fire Country.

Konoha Village now has very little land and very few people.

If you let Yu Ya sit in the position of Daimyo of the Land of Fire, spend ten years trying to incorporate Konoha, and spend ten years working hard to farm and develop the economy, now you can find ways to cannibalize other countries.

There is no way, Yuya has a unified gene in his bones, and it is uncomfortable to see the country divided into so many pieces.

It's a pity that he is not a famous person.

As for what Youya saw on the Internet in his previous life, just because a certain country is more powerful than Rabbit, it is useless to say that the land is huge, and it is useless to have too many people...

You Yadu doubted whether this kind of person had Yanhuang blood in his body.

Well, I'm going too far, let's get back to the young couple.

Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato were walking and talking, and naturally they inevitably talked about Yua's visit last night.

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Namikaze Minato with a smile and said, "Although I don't know why he asked you what you think of Jiraiya, you are not allowed to imitate that guy."

Namikaze Minato was helpless: "Jiraiya-sama actually didn't teach me for long. Naturally, I won't do like him...well, do some less moral things."

"It would be best if this is true." Uzumaki Kushina snorted, then left talking and laughing with her hands behind her back.

After the two left, around a corner, a girl with black hair showed her head and looked at the back of the young couple...

Did they just...did they say Lord Jiraiya?

Nadeshiko Shizuka lowered her head and fell into thought. When she raised her head again, she found that Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato had gone away.

She stamped her feet, and just when she was about to catch up, Uchiha's soft voice came from behind: "Shizuka? What are you doing there? We are going to the library to reserve a seat."

Shizuka turned her head and looked at Rou Uchiha, then looked at Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato who had walked away...

Stomping her feet, Shizuka reluctantly gave up her plan to follow.

Is this destiny? Fate separates us?

But it does not matter……

I will definitely break my destiny!

The second-year girl thought so, turning her head to follow Uchiha Rou's movements.

Yuya was still furious about the matter about Jiraiya, so he was waiting for Jiraiya to return to Konoha and deal with him properly.

What he never expected was that three days before Jiraiya returned to the village, something very normal but very important to Yuya happened in Konoha Village.

That was the oldest old man among the elders of the Uchiha clan... who passed away.

In response to this, Yuya immediately gave up the idea of ​​preparing to deal with Jiraiya.

Then he ran to the Uchiha clan for the funeral.

During the funeral, Yuya and Uchiha Fugaku met.

The two worked together in collusion, hit it off immediately, and agreed on the spot:

Construction of Konoha's first university will begin soon!

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