When the dirty Hashirama found the dirty Tobirama, he found that the other party was in a library in Konoha Village.

Smiling proudly, Utu Hashirama was about to go forward and have a good talk with Utu Tobirama. He said that Utu Tobirama had given him the look on his face before as a big brother.

You know, he, Senju Hashirama, is Senju Tobirama's eldest brother!

As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father.

I don’t ask you to treat me as your father, but you have to give me the most basic respect at least!

Woohoo, I really look forward to what Tobirama's expression will be when you learn how you are evaluated in this world!

Kutu Hashirama arrived at the second floor of the library. Just as he was about to speak, Kutu Tobirama put a book into the bookshelf. He turned around and glanced at Kutu Hashirama. Kutu Tobirama said softly: "Is that eldest brother? ?Although the transformation technique you used is quite good, you can't eliminate the special smell of the dead."

After saying that, Tobirama Tobirama walked towards the stairs.

Huitu Zhujian was stunned for a moment, then quickly followed him, laughed and said, "Yes, it is indeed like this."

After saying that, Hashirama looked at his brother's expression and asked casually: "By the way, Tobirama, do you know what this village says about you?"

Utu Feijian snorted coldly: "I'm not interested in that kind of thing. Now that the village is so rich and powerful, that's enough."

Huitu Zhujian suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. How can you let me continue to tell you the truth?

Udo Hashirama followed behind Udo Tobirama and thumped onto the fourth floor of the library.

Huitu Feijian randomly took out a book and glanced at it for a few times before his eyes became profound.

Hashirama was a little confused, and he suppressed his thoughts and wanted to have a good talk with Tobirama about the Sandaime Hokage in this world, that is, Yuya.

Udo Hashirama asked: "What's wrong, Tobirama?"

Utu Tobirama handed the book in his hand to the other party: "You can take a look."

After speaking, he picked up another book.

Zhutu Zhujian took the book and read the title:

【game theory】

What's this?

When he opened the book and looked at it, Huitu Zhujian felt dizzy. It was all filled with text and not a single picture.

How do I see it like this...

Hashirama cursed in his heart. Now he regretted coming here to find Tobirama. Wouldn't it be nice to go to a gambling house to gamble? Why do you come here looking for trouble...

However, as he watched, Huitu Zhujian was immersed in the contents of the book.

After flipping through a few pages, he looked up at Tobirama in a somewhat surprised manner.

Udo Tobirama nodded: "As long as you are a resident of Konoha and has something called an ID card, you can borrow the books here. Even if you are not a person from Konoha Village, you can come to this library and go directly to the library. Read a book here.

Just can't take it away. "

Zhutu Zhujian took a breath: "He just puts a book of this level here so casually? Isn't he afraid of being stolen?"

Udo Tobirama sighed, walked to the fence on the fourth floor and said: "This is the crux of the problem.

The Konoha of this world is probably not only richer than our world, but also much stronger mentally than our world.

At least……

I definitely wouldn't let such a good book sit here. "

On this point, Huitu Tobijian was confused.

It’s not that no one sees the value of these books.

It's just that for people in the inner city of Konoha, they have ID cards and can borrow books and take them back with them.

However, you can only bring up to five books at a time.

And all must be returned within three days.

So generally speaking, people from some ninja families would borrow the book back first, and then copy the contents of the book before talking about anything else - this is what Uchiha Fugaku did.

Then borrow other books.

In this way, they themselves have these books that can be said to be very important.

And if you steal or rob, you will be deprived of this right, or you will be thrown into prison or go to the back mountain to mine, and it will be impossible for you to read.

Whether it is a one-time deal or a long-term success, everyone is not stupid, and it is impossible to think of this.

As for if there really is such a fool...

It's not like he's here to steal the books on the fourth floor.

Such a brainless person would get dizzy just by looking at this kind of book. How could he possibly steal these books?

Hashirama and Tobirama were sighing when they suddenly saw an interesting scene.

A few children who were clearly not from the Leaf Village were sitting at a table in the corner of the second floor by the window, discussing something in a low voice.

The point was not whether these people were from the Leaf Village or not, but that one of them attracted their attention.

Who are these people?

It was Yahiko, Nagato and Scorpion.

Of course, these three brats technically don’t know Tobirama and Hashirama.

But Nagato's red hair was too conspicuous.

This made the two men immediately judge that this child who looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old must be a member of the Uzumaki clan.

Of course, they knew a lot of things after they came out.

For example, in their world, the Uchiha were wiped out, and Sasuke was the only one left.

Originally there was also an Uchiha Itachi.

As a result, I was jealous of the talent and was still young.

It's not that Uchiha Itachi died early when he was killed by Sasuke, but that the other person was already seriously ill before he died at Sasuke's side.

This was known after their filthy reincarnation.

They have been learning about the village since then.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion, expulsion of Orochimaru, Pain's attack on Konoha...

One after another, they had no intention of caring about other villages.

To put it bluntly, your own home is full of chicken feathers, so why do you have time to care about other people's affairs?

But now that they came here, the two of them remembered something.

Things about the Uzumaki clan...

Putting aside the Uzumaki clan in their world, the Uzumaki clan in this world also sent their people here?


The two brothers looked at each other and understood that they probably wouldn't have time to read here these days.

"It's a pity... If possible, I really want to finish reading these books here." Tobirama sighed and walked down the stairs.

Early on the third day, Hashirama and Tobirama were informed by the ANBU ninjas of Konoha Village that everything was ready and they could prepare for their return journey.

The two brothers arrived at the entrance of Konoha Village, where ten large trucks were parked in five rows.

"This kind of means of transportation... although it's not the first time I've seen it, it's still a bit surprising." Zhutu Zhujian shook his head.

Udo Tobirama turned around and looked around, and asked with some confusion: "Where is your Third Hokage?"

Hatake Sakumo, the captain of the transportation team who came over to be responsible for transporting the weapons, replied casually: "Hokage-sama has many things to do, and it is impossible for him to go back to your world with you, but he will come to see you off, and he should be here soon. "

This time, Hatake Sakumo only needed to drive these people to another world. The ten cannons sold to Konoha in the other world were third-generation cannons and had the ability to be disassembled and assembled.

In fact, if you transport the cannon, you can put it in the scroll without using a truck.

But Hatake Sakumo and these people have other tasks to go to another world this time.

That is to collect minerals of equal value.

Because minerals are too complex, if you want to use a scroll to seal them and then take them out, the requirements for the sealing scroll are very high, and the cost of a scroll may be one million.

And it’s definitely not a big space.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to drive a truck directly to another world to load goods.

By the way, if possible, Yuya also asked Hatake Sakumo to fool the Konoha villagers in the other world. If anyone is willing to come to them, they will allocate houses and give them a household registration.

It can only be said that for such a small population, Youya has reached the extreme level of shamelessness.

Of course, this cannot be said explicitly, just a hint is enough.

By the way...

Hatake Sakumo also brought some of the tens of thousands of letters from visitors that Tsunade, the Hokage, had sent here before.

Not only did we trick thousands of people into coming here, it was also profitable to attract hundreds of people.

The population had only reached over 4 million in twenty years, and Yuya didn't even know if Konoha Village could have a population of more than 10 million before he died.

We can only use some dishonorable means.

But it doesn't matter. When Konoha and Kumogakure were at war, Yuya brought family letters and letters written by Konoha villagers from the rear to the front line to express condolences to the troops.

These two methods can be said to be different approaches to the same goal.

Therefore, whenever some thoughtful people find something wrong, they will only trace the source.

Who was in charge of the Konoha Ninja Army at that time?

That’s right, it’s Senju Tobirama!

Just as Hatake Sakumo said, Yua arrived here not long after, taking Nara Shikama with him to see everyone off.

At this time, Sasuke, his Eagle Team, Orochimaru, and the first to fourth generation of the dirt were also here.

Yuya came over and shook hands with Sasuke. In fact, Sasuke was the leader of the people here.

This statement of leader may not be correct, and representative may be more appropriate.

Because it is impossible for the 1st to 4th generation of dirty soil to obey Sasuke's orders.

Although they are people who came out of Orochimaru's earth, since Tobirama developed the ninjutsu of earth reincarnation, he can naturally release the control of this ninjutsu.

Therefore, they don't have to listen to Orochimaru's orders.

But it was impossible for Sasuke to just order these tough men.

He didn't have much fondness for Konoha.

Especially after knowing the source of the tragedy of the Uchiha clan.

Yuya and Sasuke exchanged pleasantries, and then waved goodbye to these people.

The rest depends on how many people Hatake Sakumo can bring back this time.

When they were leaving, Tobirama Tobirama looked at Yuya, suddenly turned around and asked Yuya: "Do you really have no plans to liquidate these families in Konoha Village?"

Youya looked at Tobirama Udo, who was clearly not from this world.

But he actually asked a question that was completely in line with Yu Ya's impression that his uncle would ask it.

Yuya smiled, he should have laughed.

As a junior uncle, sometimes You Ya wonders if the other person is suffering from delusions of persecution.


Because he has come all the way from the war period, he has a natural distrust of those beings, Senju Tobirama, who were originally from the same ninja family as the Senju clan?

Just as Yuya was about to answer, Hashirama, who was beside him, frowned and shouted in a low voice: "Tobirama!"

Utu Tobirama turned his head and saw Utu Hashirama looking at him seriously, shaking his head: "This is a matter of this world, not something you and I can comment on.

not to mention……

Don’t forget that we are already dead, and the world should belong to the living. "

There was silence in the room.

Although his eldest brother is often unreliable, and strictly speaking, Senju Hashirama has never seriously managed many village affairs.

But the God of Ninja is still the God of Ninja, and his brother is still his brother.

Huitu Feijian stopped talking.

"I'm sorry, don't pay attention to what he said." Zhutu Zhujian showed a sunny smile to Yuya.

Although with his broken face and black pupils, it looks scary.

Youya raised his eyebrows, this was something he didn't expect.

In fact, he wasn't going to hide anything.

After all, after these people go back, is it possible that they will come to his world if they have nothing to do in the future?

How is that possible.

It's not like I have nothing to do.

After Yua saw off the group, he took Nara Shikaya back to the village to continue working.

Nara Shikaya asked Yuya: "Is it really okay to let Hatake Sakumo go alone this time?"

Yuya looked at Nara Shikaya: "What's the problem?"

Nara Shikaya: "I think people over there might try to keep Hatake Sakumo there."

Youya smiled: "I think so."

Nara Shikaya had a question mark on his face: "Aren't you worried?"

The corners of Youya's lips raised: "Don't worry, I have already prepared in advance."

On the highway from Konoha Village to the border of Fire Country, two teams of trucks were speeding on the road. The cargo compartments on the trucks were wrapped with cylindrical objects.

In the cargo compartment of a truck, Sasuke and his team, Hatake Sakumo and others were resting inside.

And Sasuke was closing his eyes to rest.

After learning about the tragedy of the Uchiha clan, he became very taciturn.

He actually didn't want to come this time.

But he suddenly thought of something.

The time in this world is much earlier than that in his world, so...

Is there a possibility...

Is Itachi still there?

So he came.

And...he did see what he wanted to see.


Sasuke thought about the young figure he saw lying in the cradle biting his thumb, with a strange look on his face.

Although I know it’s very early in this world, it’s so early...

"Hmm..." A cough attracted the attention of everyone present.

Tobirama Tobirama looked at Hatake Sakumo who was holding a cell phone in his hand and pressing some message and asked: "This... Mr. Hatake, I'm afraid you will have to stay in our world for a long time this time. During this time Any plans?"

After Hatake Sakumo replied to his wife's text message, he looked up at Tobirama: "Well, it shouldn't take long. It will take at least a week for the minerals to be loaded and transported, and then I can come back."

Huitu Feijian was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "Uh, no, that's not what I meant. I meant..."

Utu Hashirama interrupted Utu Tobirama with some confusion and asked: "Why are you in such a hurry? It's okay to stay a little longer."

Hatake Sakumo shook his head: "Hokage-sama told me that the entrance exam for next year's ninja school will be held on the 1st of next month. My son will take this exam, so I must be there."

For people in Konoha Village, whether they can enter a ninja school at the age of ten is a life-determining event.

If you can get in, as long as you can graduate, the worst thing you can do is be a genin. If you are a genin, you basically don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

The filthy earth Feijian: "..."

He sighed helplessly, looked at the dirt pillars and said angrily: "This disciple of yours is really impeccable in his work..."

Huitu Zhujian was stunned for a moment, reacted suddenly, and said on the spot what he should have said a few days ago:

"Tobirama, please don't frame me! I would have been dead in this world! He learned these methods from you!"

The two brothers started to argue in the carriage as if no one was around...

Yuya in the Hokage's office, after easily handling today's affairs, yawned and put on his blindfold.

Today is a good weather for sleeping~

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