Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 253 I, Ban, am willing to be strong [Part 2]

When Hatake Sakumo reacted, Uchiha Madara had already swept over with the Uchiha fan in his hand.

With a muffled "thunk" sound, the figure beside Hatake Sakumo flew out from the filthy soil.


Hatake Sakumo frowned, and in front of him, the first, third, and fourth generation of the dirt stood in front of him with solemn expressions.

"I didn't expect that you would be controlled one day... Madara!"

Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara in front of him, snorted and shouted angrily.

Uchiha Madara stood firm and looked at Hashirama in front of him. Uchiha Madara showed a mocking smile: "Controlled? Hashirama, you are still so naive.

I am not being controlled. The influence of the reincarnation of the dirty land on me has been lifted by me long ago! "

Hashirama's eyes widened and he looked at Uchiha Madara, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "In that case, why are you standing with the mastermind behind the scenes?!"

Madara Uchiha looked mockingly at Hashirama: "Even now, you actually already have the answer in your heart, don't you? If so, why do you deny it?!

Stop kidding yourself.

Why am I standing here? That's naturally because...

All of this is controlled by me behind the scenes! Ha ha ha ha! "

Hashirama's face suddenly darkened, and he clapped his hands hard, and countless tree roots grew from the ground and grabbed Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara sneered and didn't make any move at all, just stood there quietly.

The moment the tree root was about to touch Uchiha Madara, a huge repulsive force burst out from in front of Uchiha Madara.

The surrounding tree roots were directly knocked aside by the repulsive force.

"What?!" Zhutu Zhujian's eyes widened and he looked up at the sky. A masked figure was floating there quietly in the sky.

"That's...the power of the Rinnegan!" Naruto reacted suddenly.

"It was this ability that destroyed Konoha last time! It's just much bigger than this time!" Naruto said loudly.

After Konoha was attacked last time, Naruto Tsunade and Jiraiya investigated and found information about the Rinnegan.

Later, relevant intelligence was shared with some important ninjas - mainly those who were stronger.

Therefore, Naruto also knew things related to the Rinnegan.

The look on the dirty soil pillar is solemn, the eyes of reincarnation...

Aren't those the eyes of the legendary Sage of Six Paths?

Even though he doesn't care about many things, he still knows about this kind of thing.

"Who is this person?!" Utu Tobirama came to Utu Pillar and asked with a solemn expression.

"I don't know, but I'm sure I can't be weak in strength." Hashirama Hashirama said this, clapped his hands fiercely, and a huge thick tree rose up from the ground and rushed towards Uchiha Madara.

Madara Uchiha laughed ferociously and rushed towards Hashirama.

"Hashirama! This scene is so familiar... This is how we fought in the first place!"

The dirty earth pillars looked cold: "We are already dead, and we should not disturb the world of the living again!"

"Hahaha, you are the only one who is so naive!

Does the world get better after we die? ! Has the world stopped war? ! People are still dying!

Admit it, Hashirama! you failed! You are not bringing the world to peace! just me! Only I can do it..."


The roar of a chakra cannon made Uchiha Madara hold back his next words.

Obito, who was wearing a mask, raised his hand and used Shinra Tensei to deflect the cannon shells.

The shell exploded in the air but did not harm Uchiha Madara and Obito at all.

Uchiha Madara looked at Hatake Sakumo who was standing next to the chakra cannon with a cold expression: "Do you want to die?"

Hatake Sakumo raised his head and glanced at Uchiha Madara, and snorted disdainfully: "Speaking of which, we also have an Uchiha Madara over there. Although I don't know why he left Konoha, it was because of the things he did. , The village doesn’t have a good impression of him.”

Uchiha Madara controlled Kyuubi and started a war with Senju Hashirama, which happened before Yuya followed the fleeing team to Konoha Village.

In other words, Uchiha Madara has already brought the Kyuubi to cause a scene in Konoha Village.

It's just that it's been too long, and the village has developed too rich now. Many old people hold on to what happened back then. Anyway, Uchiha Madara is dead, so there is no need to hold on to that thing every day.

Mainly because in order to increase the reputation of the Sarutobi clan, they made a so-called "documentary" about the first Hokage's establishment of the village. There were many outrageous things in it, such as Uchiha Madara's heinous behavior and Senju Hashirama's finding two wives. , the two wives are usually jealous of each other, and it's basically all "heard" news.

Later, the Uchiha clan couldn't bear it, and they also paid for a documentary about Uchiha Madara. Their view was much more objective, and they did not forcefully clean up the fact that Uchiha Madara controlled the Nine-Tails to attack Konoha, and told the truth. , so if you are interested, you can know this history.

Because of this, almost no one in Youya's village talks about this anymore.

After all, wouldn’t it be better to take out your mobile phone and log into the latest social software Jiujiu to chat with people nearby?

Why waste time on this?

Therefore, Hatake Sakumo was right, he did know something about Uchiha Madara.

"Also, the first Hokage was able to end the war and make the system of one country, one village deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He has already achieved what he can do.

There can be no eternal peace in this world, but we can use multiple checks and balances to achieve a semblance of peace.

You must have never learned the content of the first political lesson in the third grade of Ninja School, right? "

Hatake Sakumo raised his head, his eyes gradually filled with lightning.

Uchiha Madara frowned: "What?!"

Hatake Sakumo held his head high and spoke to Uchiha Madara with a proud look on his face: "I am the captain of the Hokage Shadow Guards. The third Hokage, Yuya-sama, is undoubtedly the most noble and capable person in the entire ninja world. Lord Hokage! Since Lord Hokage came to power, there has been no war in the entire ninja world for more than 20 years. It is hard for you to imagine, but for us, this is a fact!

Don’t do it just because you can’t do it…

Just deny everything to others! "

Hatake Sakumo's body turned into a bolt of lightning, and in just a moment, the lightning penetrated Uchiha Madara's body.

In Uchiha Madara's shocked eyes, the world became dark in the next second.

And Hatake Sakumo's figure completely blended into the darkness.

Just when Uchiha Madara opened his eyes and was about to look for signs of Hatake Sakumo...

His body has been completely torn apart...

When Obito forcibly used the Shinra Tensei to break Hatake Sakumo's Darkness Advent Technique, what he saw was the torn body of Uchiha Madara...

However, the next second, bursts of broken fragments gradually gathered into Uchiha Madara's figure: "Not bad, very good! With such speed, I, Madara, would like to call you the strongest speed ninja in Konoha.

But...that's all.

I'm really sorry. The body reincarnated by the dirty soil can only be dealt with by sealing. "

Uchiha Madara's body recovered, but his two eyes never changed into the Mangekyō Sharingan.

In fact, the two eyes he used were indeed not kaleidoscope eyes.

It's Obito's inventory.

As for his own eyes...

Here at Obito.

But Obito himself originally had a pair of kaleidoscopes.

That was the kaleidoscope obtained from Setsuna Uchiha in Yuya's world.


These eyes... are now in "his" eyes.

For the time being, there is no need for "him" to appear.

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