Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

I am helping a friend move today, so I am taking a day off

This friend is the one who sent his cat to my place. Now he is moving here too. Fortunately, I found his cat a few days ago, otherwise I really don’t know how to explain it to him.

He didn’t live here before but he still shared the rent with me. I was making money from him for free. But he seemed to think that it was a small matter for me to help him raise a cat… Forget it. There is no need to be so clear between brothers. No update today. Brothers, don’t wait.

[ps: I got off work on time today with this reason. When I just joined the company last year, I could enjoy the days of getting off work on time at 9 am and 6 pm. This year, it’s 8 am and 8 pm. But there is no way. I really don’t have performance and I don’t have the confidence to talk to my supervisor about getting off work on time…

Alas, although it’s nice to use the company’s air conditioning, I still want to go home and lie in bed…]

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