Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 292 Those who left and those who stayed (Part 1)

"Hmm... So you came to me right after you saw this kid's arm become transparent?" Yuya asked helplessly, looking at Tsunade and the three kids in front of him.

Tsunade was a little embarrassed, but still nodded and said to Yuya: "I don't know what's going on. Although I'm close to the hospital, I don't think this kind of thing is related to the hospital..."

Yuya held Boruto's hand and narrowed his eyes.

This situation of being able to see the floor through the arm is indeed very unusual.

However... Yuya roughly knows what the reason is.

"You... are not from this world, right?" Yuya asked Boruto.

Tsunade was stunned, and then reacted: "You, you mean... these three children are..."

Yuya nodded: "Yes, they are the other..."

"Are they ghosts?!" Tsunade looked horrified.

Yuya: "..."

No, why did you think of going here? !

But after thinking about it carefully...

Okay, my words really have this tendency...

Boruto and the other two were speechless, and squad leader Mizuki said to Tsunade hesitantly: "Well, we are real people..."

Tsunade looked at Boruto: "Then what's wrong with his arm?"

Squad leader Mizuki stopped talking.

Yuya coughed and drew Tsunade's attention back: "I mean... they are not from this world..."

Tsunade reacted: "You mean, they are from another world..."

Yuya nodded.

Tsunade: "Ghosts from another world?"

Yuya: "..."

Five minutes later, Tsunade, who finally came back from the ghost circle, looked at Boruto and the other two, and said in surprise: "The future in twenty years?"

Boruto and the other two were helpless. It would be better to tell the truth directly than to be treated as ghosts.

After all, the space cracks have appeared, and the other world has appeared. There is no reason to be afraid of future people.

And indeed, compared with ghosts and dead souls, the simple future people did not scare Tsunade.

"Hoo~ So you are from... well, for us, the future forty years from now?"

Yuya suddenly thought of something when he said this, and asked Boruto: "Then I want to ask a question, am I still alive in your world?"

Tsunade was stunned and looked at Yuya speechlessly.

Boruto blinked and looked at Yuya inexplicably: "Ah? How do we know whether you are dead or not at that time?"

Yuya was a little confused.

Sarada put her hands in her pockets and looked cool: "We just graduated from school and are not qualified to cross the space crack yet."

Yuya pursed his lips and looked at Sarada's movements. If Sarada was not a girl, if Sasuke was acting cool in front of him, Yuya would definitely use his fist to spin hard on Sasuke's head!

But it seems that it is not impossible if it is Sarada.

Yuya pinched Sarada's cheeks with both hands: "Children should act like children."

Sarada was pinched and tears welled up in her eyes.

Satisfied, Yuya looked at Boruto's transparent arm and smiled: "If so, isn't your current state very simple?"

Boruto was a little confused and didn't understand what he meant.

Yuya raised his index finger: "Very simple, you should be going back now."

Boruto was stunned, then looked at his transparent arm and opened his mouth...

But in the end, no sound came out.

Yuya sighed. If you think about this kind of thing a little more, you can think of it. There is no reason why Boruto and his three children can't think of it.

They have been here for two or three days...

If you really want to say that you can't think of it...

That can only prove that subconsciously...

They don't want to leave...

Boruto suddenly turned around and rushed out of the Hokage's office.

Sarada and the class leader shouted, and then Sarada ran after him.

Mitsurumi was about to catch up, but when he realized something, he turned his head and bowed to Yuya and said: "Thank you very much for your answer."

Then he raised his feet to catch up.

Yuya sighed as she watched this scene: "Girls are really sensible."

Tsunade glanced at Yuya and said softly, "How about... another one?"

Yuya's palm trembled, and he coughed and said softly: "This is the office, let's talk about it when we get back."

Tsunade snorted coldly and left the office.


Boruto was running in Konoha Village, and the people coming and going were quickly left behind him.

How to say it, he hadn't thought about this problem before, but now that Yuya pointed it out, Boruto immediately reacted.

He's going back? !

He's actually going back? !

How can this be!

He hasn't...

He hasn't had a good talk with his father yet...

He hasn't told him not to be too busy with work, not to be too tired, not to...

While running, Boruto slowly put down his pace.

Sarada ran over from behind, looked at Boruto breathlessly and asked, "What, what happened?"

Boruto raised his hand and pointed forward for some reason, then looked at Sarada and said with some stammering, "Then, that person is..."

Sarada also opened her mouth and looked over there in shock.

Naruto was holding a bunch of books while complaining to Sasuke, who had long bangs covering half of his face, "I'm not saying anything, shouldn't you learn these things too?"

Sasuke said coolly, "No, I'm the dark side of Konoha Village. I just need to monitor in the dark and intimidate those villains."

Naruto's eyes were empty: "You don't want to learn these things because they are too difficult to learn, right?"

Sasuke: "Provocation doesn't work on me. I don't need to learn."

"What if I have to leave Konoha Village one day? I don't feel at ease without you watching over the village at that time."

Sasuke sneered: "If the Hokage needs to go to the front line of the battlefield, it means that the village has reached the critical moment of life and death. Are you sure I won't go with you at that time?"

Naruto lowered his head and thought about it, and found that it seemed to be true.

So he simply curled his lips and said with an unhappy face: "Forget it, I can't argue with you. Oh, by the way, I haven't become Hokage yet, don't say these stupid things."

Sasuke's face was calm: "Besides you, who else can become the seventh generation Hokage?

The sixth generation Jiraiya is your master, and the fourth generation Hokage is your father..."

Naruto said with some dissatisfaction: "I don't want to go up for this reason."

Sasuke sighed: "Okay, let's talk about reality. Who can be better than you among our peers?"

Naruto curled his lips: "I may have thought so before, but now...

I think becoming a Hokage should be able to make the people in the village live a good life..."

Boruto, Sarada and the squad leader looked at Naruto and Sasuke who were walking and chatting with a pile of books. When Naruto cast his eyes over, the three of them immediately hid aside.

But Naruto and Sasuke did not come over to catch the three people.

Boruto suddenly seemed to understand something as he watched the two of them continue walking...

It seemed that his father...

was not alone...

What Boruto didn't notice was...

His arm...

became lighter...

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