Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 298 Jiraiya and Himiko [Part 1]

Chapter 298 Jiraiya and Himiko... [Part 1]

In Nadeshiko Village:

Nadeshiko Himiko slowly removed the white silk on her forehead, and then took off the plain clothes wrapped around her body.

It has been a year since her mother passed away. She was already sad and had finished her vigil.

Now Himiko is a little confused.

She doesn't know what she should do in the future.

In the past, for her mother, she tried her best to make money every month. Although her burden was greatly reduced by the medicinal materials sent by Konoha Village every month, she still wanted to save more money in case of complications.

As a result, her mother died without any medicine. These goals disappeared in an instant, and she naturally felt confused.

"Little Himiko?"

The voice of the village chief of Nadeshiko Village came, and Himiko hurriedly stood up to greet him: "Village chief?"

The village chief staggered to the door of Himiko's house, and said to Himiko with a smile: "Little Himiko, good news, good news!"

The village chief has been getting older recently, but his spirit is getting better day by day.

Everyone in Nadeshiko Village knows that this village chief should not have much time left.

The current situation is just a last gasp.

Himiko asked the old village chief to sit down. The old village chief patted the back of Himiko's hand and said with a smile: "Little Himiko, good news! The Hokage of Konoha Village! He asked you to go to Konoha Village!"

For these women in Nadeshiko Village, being able to settle in Konoha Village is indeed the best news for them.

In recent years, since the cooperation between Nadeshiko Village and Konoha Village began, Konoha Village has provided Nadeshiko Village with study-abroad quotas and sent Nadeshiko Village those medicinal herbs that are not precious but not small in quantity, which has made the girls of Nadeshiko Village have a good impression of Konoha Village.

Himiko naturally has a good impression of Konoha Village.

Apart from other things, if it weren't for the medicinal herbs supported by Konoha Village, her mother would have died long ago.

She was able to survive for a few more years because of those precious medicinal herbs.

It's a pity that her mother was already in the late stage of the disease when she was diagnosed. If she were a ninja, she could find a way to prolong her life. Unfortunately...

It was a war era decades ago. During the war, unless you rely on a big power or a big family, it would be useless for someone like Himiko's mother, no matter how good her talent is.

"Hokage-sama..." Nadeshiko Himiko couldn't help showing a yearning expression on her face.

Speaking of which, Nadeshiko Himiko had never met Yuya at all.

Yes, not once.

But for this Hokage, Himiko Nadeshiko is undoubtedly full of respect in her heart.

After all, the other party's help to Nadeshiko Village is real, and Himiko Nadeshiko is not the kind of person who knows how to repay a favor, so for Yuya, Himiko Nadeshiko always feels that she owes him a lot.

It's just that she has never had the opportunity to repay him.

But now...

Why did the Hokage ask her to go over?

Himiko Nadeshiko looked at Himiko Nadeshiko with some curiosity: "Hokage... Why did you ask me to go over?"

The old village chief smiled and patted Himiko Nadeshiko's hand and said: "It's about your lifelong event! The Hokage values ​​you very much! He will personally inquire about your affairs! This is an incredible gift!"

Himiko Nadeshiko was stunned, and then her heart suddenly panicked.

She did have great respect for the current Third Hokage of Konoha Village, but that definitely didn't mean she felt that she should entrust her life to him...

For some reason, the first thing that came to Nadeshiko Himiko's mind when she heard the news was a white-haired boy...

Almost ten years ago, she and the boy named Jiraiya...

Both sides made a promise about apprentices...

But to be honest...

Compared to apprentices...

Himiko shook her head.

What was she thinking about? The other party had clearly rejected her...

Calming down, Himiko fell into doubt: "I remember that Hokage-sama should have been... married, right?"

The old village chief waved his hand: "Hey, not Hokage-sama, what are you thinking about? You are not worthy of Hokage-sama."

This is true. With Yuya's current status, except for the daughters of daimyo from other countries or the daughters of Kage from other villages, if they really want to marry and the target is Yuya's child, except for the above identities, everything else is considered to be marrying up.


Of course, if the target is Yuya, the above is also considered to be too high.

Some people can make everyone in the world admire them.

For example, the teacher that Yuya admires the most in his heart.

Of course, Yuya knows that compared with that person, he is just a firefly compared to the bright moon. This is not a metaphor, but a fact.

The reason why some people say this is just because they don’t know whether they are too full or really have a brain disease.

The whole world admires that person, but he has to be clever and say such nonsense. If such a person is in front of Yuya, Yuya will let him eat the big move of the Golden City.

Hmm, I’ve gone too far. Let’s get back to the point.

Nadeko Himiko was relieved when she heard the village chief’s words.

It’s not that she rejected the Hokage of Konoha Village, but...

After all, she and the Hokage have never met once, so she shouldn’t be so careless.

Of course, if the other party asked her to repay the favor, she would have to bite her teeth and admit it.

Fortunately, the other party was not interested in her.

But if that's the case, she was even more confused: "Since you're not asking me to go... go... that, why do you say it's related to my lifelong event?"

The old village chief smiled and said: "Of course, the Hokage wants to arrange a talented person for you to spend the rest of your life with!"

The old village chief looked excited, but Himiko's face turned ugly.


That's what he meant?


Himiko suppressed the figure that suddenly appeared in her mind, and sighed to the old village chief: "Can I not go?"

The old village chief was stunned, looked at Himiko in disbelief, and then suddenly said angrily: "Little Himiko, what's wrong with you?! What a good opportunity!! And it was the Hokage who personally appointed you! You, you, if you don't go, will you be worthy of the Hokage?!"

Himiko's expression became tangled.

Indeed, being able to go to Konoha Village is undoubtedly a great opportunity for the people of their Nadeshiko Village.


Himiko thought of the favors she had received over the years and sighed: "Okay, I know, I will go."

The old village chief nodded with satisfaction.

Himiko sighed as she looked at the old village chief's back.

If possible...she really didn't want to go...


She is really confused about the future now.

So, when she came to Konoha Village and came to the Hokage's office, she heard Yuya say to her:

"Jiraiya still remembers clearly what happened between you and Jiraiya nine years ago.

How about, if he is willing to stay with you forever...are you willing to travel around the Ninja Continent with him?"

Himiko was stunned...

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