Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 302: Reasons and Unopened [Part 1]

Chapter 302 The reason and... not yet opened... [Part 1]

When Yuya saw the news that Jiraiya was getting married, Yuya was very surprised.

But when he saw that the bride was Himiko, Yuya reacted.

In the past three months, Jiraiya had not looked for Yuya.

So Yuya always thought that Jiraiya had left Konoha Village.

Now seeing the news about Jiraiya, Yuya realized that Jiraiya had never left Konoha Village.


So, after letting Hyuga Kazuko leave, Yuya got up and rushed to Jiraiya's residence.

Yuya suddenly realized.

Yuya thought of something and reacted.

Jiraiya saw Yuya's eyes light up: "Brother! That's great!"

Hyuga Kazuko nodded: "Jiraiya's strength should not be underestimated. If we follow too closely, we will be discovered, so we don't know the content of some private words."

Yuya has a clear conscience.

Yuya asked, "What did Jiraiya do in the past three months? Why did he suddenly want to get married?"

After that, he stayed in the outer city most of the time.

What happened? !

Yuya was obviously interested.

In the past ten years since Yuya made it possible for people from the outer city to enter the inner city, only more than a thousand households have entered, with a total of nearly ten thousand people.

I don't know why Jiraiya and Himiko decided to get married after walking around the village, looking at the surrounding scenery, and looking at the Valley of the End.

As for those who married directly to the inner city...

Yuya felt itchy after hearing this.

The prosperity of Konoha Village will naturally attract other villages to settle here, and these surrounding villages also work in Konoha's factories.

And Jiraiya was looking at the phone in his hand and sighing.

People from the outer city are indeed still aiming to enter the inner city.

Yuya touched his chin and didn't know why.

But gossip...

Or, in fact, if the land around Konoha was not turned over and planted by Konoha's Genin every year, they would not be abandoned, but they would definitely not be planted with crops like they are now.


Nara Shikaya is not familiar with Jiraiya.

After that, it is now.

He had seen Jiraiya's itinerary reported to him by the Anbu, which said that Jiraiya had drunk wine in a certain flower house and slept for a night.

So, he pressed the button on his desk and called the Anbu.

Youya looked at Jiraiya with a sidelong look.

Although there is some suspicion of using child labor, it is better to go and catch cats and dogs.

Youya came over and looked at Jiraiya's scene and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiraiya felt a little guilty, and then he seemed to remember something and said, "Himiko didn't object to my collecting materials. She even wanted to go with me to collect materials."

He was actually quite interested...

Damn it, if you listen to gossip without hearing the details, what gossip is there for you? !

The gap between Konoha's inner and outer cities has been impossible to close over the years, but it is just the gap between the inner and outer rings of the capital.

Youya was stunned, and his head was confused, and he shouted: "What did you say?! She went to a brothel with you?!"

There were only one or two.

Youya was stunned, and then asked in confusion: "Why do you want one million?"

Youya laughed angrily: "Where are your royalties?!"

Jiraiya was unreasonable and confident: "I spent it."

Youya looked at Jiraiya with a smirk in front of him, sighed, and said to Jiraiya: "Forget it, I'll give it to you this time, but after we get married...

Jiraiya scratched his cheek: "There's nothing I can do, I need to collect materials. "

Yuya felt that as Jiraiya's elder brother, he should talk to him and let him treat Himiko well.

The reason why Jiraiya and Himiko went to the outer city was actually very simple.

Himiko's tribe, that is, the girls from Nadeshiko Village, most of the girls who married in the past few years are from the outer city.

Can't you ask about this kind of thing in private?

There is wealth, infrastructure, hospitals, schools, supermarkets and other basic configurations.

Then Jiraiya rushed over and stretched out his hand to Yuya: "Brother, lend me one million."

The inner city can easily digest it.

He naturally thought that Jiraiya took a girl and slept with her for a night.

But the outer city is not as prosperous as the inner city.

Yuya was immediately furious: "You spent all your money on drinking and you come to me? !"


Jiraiya: "I don't have money to buy a ring."

Hinata Kazuko, wearing a mask, appeared in the Hokage's office: "Hokage, what do you want? ”

This number of people is child's play for the inner city.

Do you have to ask the Anbu?!

Now it seems...

Jiraiya was a little dissatisfied: "Brother, what's so dirty about those things? I went there to collect materials!"

It is really possible that he just "held" me and slept for a night!

It is even more likely that he didn't even hold me!

After all, this guy doesn't have a good alcohol tolerance and likes to drink. How can he be capable of doing things if he just lies down after drinking? can't be...

Yuya: "...Well, I know, but what does this have to do with your marriage?"

Then Kazuko explained it to him.

Yuya looked at Jiraiya, and after a long silence, he asked Jiraiya: "What happened between you and Himiko?"

Himiko and the two girls also met during those two days, and they were indeed very comfortable.

Jiraiya and Himiko visited and played in the outer city. After more than a month, the two began to leave the outer city and visit the surrounding villages outside Konoha Village.

Jiraiya was stunned, and then his face changed suddenly: "Brother! You are my elder brother, you can't slander me! Who visits such a place! The places where we drink are all clean! How can there be such a thing as you think?!"

Yuya only then knew that Jiraiya had really stayed in Konoha with Himiko for the past three months.

Who doesn't like to hear it?

Hinata Kazuko then told Yuya about it.

Konoha Genin, quality is trustworthy.

Nara Shika, who was busy handling official business on the side, also curled his lips.

Jiraiya: "Get married, you must know that Himiko and I are going to get married soon."

As for the others, basically all of them married in the outer city, or returned to Nadeshiko Village without success.

Jiraiya and Himiko in the past three months...

They only stayed in Konoha Village for two days to stroll around, play in the amusement park, watch a movie, and then went to the university together. After that, the two of them didn't stay in the inner city for much.

Don't do those dirty things again. "

Well, this is actually the first mission of many Genin.


Yuya didn't understand after listening: "That's it?"

Jiraiya was stunned, and subconsciously said: "I asked her if she was willing to travel around the world with me in the future, she said yes, and then I proposed to her. "

Yuya: "..."

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