Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 305 Why didn’t you say so earlier? !

Of course, this must be a joke. After all, Yuya needs Orochimaru, and it is impossible for him to get hurt.

After all, if Orochimaru is injured, Yuya's progress will also be affected.

But there must be at least 10,000 things waiting for him when he comes to Konoha, so what can he do?

Isn't it uncomfortable to be free in the Land of Grass?

Therefore, Orochimaru must be reluctant to return to Konoha.

Tsunade patted Orochimaru on the shoulder: "Anyway, it's enough that you are willing to come back."

Yuya had no choice but to give up the plan to speak at this time.

Later, when Jiraiya came back, he saw Orochimaru and immediately showed a suspicious look. He came over and pinched Orochimaru's cheek and pulled it hard.

Orochimaru was originally happy to see Jiraiya wearing a big red robe today, and the pale long hair that was almost dragging on the ground was also cut.

Even before he noticed it, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

However, he came over and pulled the corners of his mouth.

Jiraiya's relief disappeared instantly, and his zombie face returned.

Tsunade quickly hit Jiraiya's hand: "What are you doing?!"

Jiraiya blinked and looked at Orochimaru, then laughed and said: "I thought you were at most a clone..."

Orochimaru: "..."

Tsunade rolled her eyes and was about to curse, but Jiraiya had already given Orochimaru a bear hug.

Orochimaru: "..."

Forget it, only for today.

After saying this to himself silently in his heart, Orochimaru gently patted Jiraiya's back.

Looking at this scene, Tsunade's eyes were a little wet.

The three of them finally got together again.

After that, Jiraiya brought a few people to the banquet hall. After Jiraiya toasted others, he began to pull Yuya and Orochimaru to drink.

As for Tsunade, although it is strictly better not to drink if you are preparing for pregnancy, Tsunade still drank with Jiraiya in a heroic manner.

In the end, I forgot how much Yuya drank, but he fell anyway.

When he woke up again, he was already sleeping in his bed at home.

Youya sat up from the bed with a start. His clothes had been stripped off and his body had been washed. This was not the point. Youya put on his pajamas and rushed to the living room. Tsunade was preparing meals.

When Youya saw Tsunade, he hurriedly asked anxiously: "How long have I slept?!"

Tsunade looked at Youya with some doubts, but still asked: "It was just one night. Jiraiya's wedding was yesterday."

Youya slapped his forehead. Drinking really messed up things!

"Where's Orochimaru?!"

Although he had a premonition in his heart, when Tsunade said: "He has gone back.", Youya's heart still jumped.

"Ah! Drinking really messed up things!"

Youya couldn't help but complain.

Tsunade frowned: "Mess up things? How did it mess up things? What can Jiraiya's wedding mess up yesterday?"

Youya sighed. Since it has become an established fact, it seems that there is nothing to regret.

So, Yuya said that if Orochimaru came back to Konoha, it would only take a few years to raise the village to a higher level.

Tsunade opened her mouth wide.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, it couldn't be more true."

Tsunade regretted it immediately: "Oh, why didn't you say it earlier?! How could I let him go! I should have let him come back and locked him in a room and not allowed to leave until he got results!"

Yuya: "..."

Looking at his wife with some horror, Yuya never thought that Tsunade wanted to imprison Orochimaru directly...

I just wanted him to come back to work!

Tsunade then looked at Yuya as if she remembered something: "I said why Jiraiya stared at you and drank heavily yesterday, do you think it would be..."

Yuya was stunned, and her heart jumped, it wouldn't be...

The two looked at each other, then immediately cleaned up the house, changed clothes, and rushed to Jiraiya's wedding room.

But after arriving here, I found that the door was locked tightly, and there was no trace of people...

How could Yuya not understand this scene? Jiraiya and Himiko, the newlyweds...

Should have left Konoha Village.

Tsunade put her hands on her hips and pouted, looking unhappy: "Orochimaru and Jiraiya, these two bastards, what's wrong with Konoha Village?! Where in the whole ninja world can be richer and more developed than Konoha Village?!"

Yuya agreed with Tsunade's words in her heart, but her eyes glanced at the mailbox beside her.

Tsunade was stunned by Yuya's actions and asked quickly: "Is it possible that there is..."

Yuya reached out and opened the mailbox under the doorplate.

There was indeed a letter inside...

Yuya took out the letter, looked at Tsunade, nodded to each other, and then opened the envelope.

The letter inside was indeed Jiraiya's farewell letter:

[Big brother, Tsunade, I asked Himiko if she was willing to travel the world with me before, and she said yes...]

Outside Konoha Village, Jiraiya, carrying a large bag, had a rare smile on his face. He held the shoulder strap of the bag with one hand and held Himiko's hand with the other.

Himiko held the map in her other hand and kept saying something, showing Jiraiya the way. The two looked very harmonious...

[...I was very touched, and I think you are right, big brother. She is indeed a very good girl.

Well, because of this, big brother, I don't blame you for using tricks to deceive me and her~]

Youya sneered and cursed: "Stinky boy."

[As for Orochimaru... He and I don't want to stay in the village and be restricted. It's more suitable for the two of us to be free outside. So don't blame us, brother...]

On the train from Konoha to the Land of Grass, looking at the scenery outside the window, the gentleness in Orochimaru's eyes did not match his temperament.

But he was really comfortable at this moment.

[As for Tsunade, just do your best to contribute to Konoha Hospital.

If I have a child in the future, I will definitely return to Konoha. Then I'll trouble you to take care of it. ]

Tsunade looked at it and cursed: "Asshole."

[... There is no need to say more. Anyway, we are not unable to contact each other now. If you have something, just call me or find me on Penguin.

Well... if we have a signal...

In short, as long as you need me, brother...

I will go back immediately.

Oh, if it's an insignificant matter, forget it.

ps: Himiko asked me to say hello to both of you. 】

Yuya and Tsunade looked at each other and both couldn't help laughing.

"This guy... actually dared to join forces with Orochimaru to deal with me...

Sooner or later, you will suffer the consequences!"

Yuya snorted coldly and left with Tsunade.

Sooner or later, this bastard will be taught a lesson.

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