For the major leagues in later generations, there are many things worth complaining about the first so-called Ninja League.

For example, the competitiveness is very low, which can be seen with the naked eye.

Because it is the first session, there has never been anything like this before.

Therefore, many people's competitive level is not very high.

Many professional players in later generations will sneer at the first so-called professional league.

This is not just an e-sports event.

It also includes events such as racing and ninja fighting.

After all, the rules of the first session were not standardized, and there were even drivers who drove directly into the drainage ditch.

Of course, we all know that the other party wanted to use the drainage ditch to turn, but failed.

However, the low level is indeed a fact, and there is nothing to say about this.

This is true for racing, and so is the game.

Maybe because the participants in the first session were really bad, more people participated in the second session.

This is not unexpected.

The prize money for the first place is 100 million taels!

Because they did not come to the scene for various reasons, the so-called "game masters" who learned about this news later would naturally beat their chests and stamp their feet.

However, other villages also confirmed one thing: that is, Yuya actually took out 100 million to reward the champion.

After all, there is no possibility that the large check of 100 million bonus given in front of the whole world on TV will not be given.

Of course, the champion of the racing and the champion of the ninja fighting competition for under 12 years old set by Konoha Village also have 100 million taels.

Although the money given is indeed a lot, the rewards are also generous.

Because of the generous rewards, the live broadcast on TV, and the gimmick of other villages coming to Konoha to compete on the same stage, Yuya can basically be sure that the more than 5 million people in Konoha Village, except for the babies who know nothing, have learned about this event.

And Yuya started preparing for the second competition directly.

Of course, the second competition that all villages in the entire ninja world can participate in will be four years later.

Yes, Yuya is the benchmark of the previous life's Olympics.

Why is the Olympics so popular?

Because it is held only once every four years, this situation directly increases the rarity of the Olympics.

Of course, it takes a lot of energy and time to achieve that level of grandeur.

In the world of Yuya's previous life, the Olympics became a sports carnival for people all over the world, and it took dozens or hundreds of years to achieve that level of grandeur.

Yuya only hopes that he can reach that level before he dies.

That would be perfect.

Of course, although it is not possible to hold it every four years, there must be separate world competitions for each event.

For example, the fighting competition is the Ninja World Championship every year.

Games are the S competitions of each event, etc.

Each has its own world competition.

In this way, it can continue to attract its own audience and consolidate its base.

As for games, events, etc. that are not on the list of world competitions, I'm sorry.

The decision to determine which event will enter the Ninja World League every four years is in Yuya's hands.

Yes, the reason why Yuya spent so much effort is naturally for this "voice".

Yuya doesn't care who the champion is and how much prize money he took.

Being able to make "rules" is what Xiayuya really wants!

Of course, although it was done secretly in the early stage, it would also be suspected by others, so Yuya directly made the rules.

The five major ninja villages take turns to host the event.

I have the project rights in my hands, and as for the hosting rights, I can share the profits with other villages.

In this way, other villages can be tied together.

Of course, this is indeed the case.

After seeing the benefits gained from the first session - mainly reputation - other villages began to want to hold the next session in their own villages one by one.

In this regard, Youya is happy to see it happen.

What's wrong with this? If other villages hold the Ninja World League, Youya can save a sum of money to take care of the athletes.

As for the league's stadiums and so on, they are usually used.

At the end of the year 48 of Konoha, when the year-end review was conducted, Nara Shika also naturally audited it.

In the end, after calculating the audience tickets collected, the advertising fees sold by the broadcasting platform, deducting the bonuses given to other players, and the money spent on taking care of them, it actually made a profit of several hundred million taels.

This is because this is the first year of this year, and many people are waiting and watching, thinking that they have to see how lively the first session is and how much traffic it can attract.

In the second year, there will definitely be more income.

Youya is positive about this judgment.

Indeed, in every year of the future, the stadium here will continue to create value, not to mention the grand event every four years.

At the end of the year, the head of the Nara clan was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

After all, there was such a good treasure pot in his clan land, how could he not be happy?

Although strictly speaking, the bulk of the profits belonged to the Konoha Village Tax Bureau, even if it was just a little share of the ownership of the land, the Nara clan would make a lot of money.

After all, Youya didn't do it too much and directly took back all the clan lands of the ninja families to Konoha, but changed the way and gave a little rent every year. Although it was just a little bit in Youya's heart, it was also more than ten billion in rent.

This made the Nara clan very satisfied.

The GDP of Konoha this year has exceeded 500 billion. To be honest, this number has shocked many people in Konoha Village.

But Youya thinks it is still not enough.

After all, 1 trillion is the standard. In the past life, there were more than 100 billion Japanese people who lived a good life.

There is no reason why Youya can't do this.

In the new year, Youji was thrown into Konoha High School by Youya.

Konoha High School is a school that aims to be admitted to Konoha University.

Yes, the principal is Youya.

Except Youya, no one is suitable or dares to sit in this position.

Of course, that is also because there are few people in Konoha Village now. When the population exceeds 10 million in the future, there will be hundreds of thousands of students who want to take college entrance examinations every year, and one college will not be enough.

As for now...

In fact, most people study in the library, and then apply for the college entrance examination when they are old enough.

To be honest, if there is really a talented kid, this method can be used.

After all, the library of Konoha Village...

It really has everything...

At the end of the 48th year of Konoha, a big event happened in the entire ninja world.

Of course, this big event is only relatively speaking.

It is a big event for Yuya.

But it is actually a very ordinary thing for the Hidden Cloud Village:

The Hidden Cloud Village sent people to take a hot air balloon, flew up to an altitude of more than 1,900 meters, and then came down safely.

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