Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 326 Namikaze Minato I'm going to give up

Chapter 326 Namikaze Minato: I want to destroy it

"Oh, Kushina, you don't know..." Mikoto took Kushina and sat on a bench under a big tree in the park, and complained: "After giving birth to a child, there are so many things..." Trouble!"

The look on Kushina's face was extremely serious.

There was no other reason. She was already preparing for pregnancy.

After so many years of development, Yuya's wife Tsunade has long written many medical books and many important precautions for physical health.

Among them, the natural focus is on women’s health.

After all, Tsunade herself is a woman, so she is naturally more experienced.

Tsunade has written about the various insurance measures for girls' birth over the years, and the various preliminary preparations are very clearly written, and even consider various difficult environments.

He even wrote down how to give birth safely in the most difficult situations, such as on the battlefield. Of course, he also noted that the better the conditions, the safer it would be if possible.

In short, Tsunade has basically considered every aspect about women.

And Kushina naturally calculated based on these.

And now Kushina is looking for Uchiha Mikoto to learn from her.

And Mikoto just needs someone to listen to her bitterness.

So, she started complaining to Kushina.

Kushina was already prepared to face what Mikoto told her about the symptoms before pregnancy, the difficulties during pregnancy, the weakness after pregnancy, etc.

As a result, Kushina was dumbfounded as soon as Mikoto opened her mouth...

"Oh, you don't know, Kushina, I haven't had a good night's sleep in two years..." Mikoto said to Kushina.

Kushina nodded, then suddenly reacted and looked at Mikoto: "Huh?!"

Mikoto looked at Kushina with confusion on her face: "What's wrong? I said I haven't slept well in more than two years..."

Kushina suddenly looked embarrassed: "Uh, no, it's nothing, just keep talking."

Mikoto immediately said like she was pouring beans, "This damn brat, when I was pregnant with him, this brat kept making troubles, kicking me in the stomach and so on.

Now that he is out, he always cries a lot every night, and then I either feed him or change his diaper, ugh..."

Speaking of this, Mikoto complained: "When we were little, we used to wear diapers, milk powder, and clothes with open ends, and then wash them the next day. All we drank was rice soup and so on. It didn't matter at all. There aren’t as many weird things as there are now.”

Kushina nodded when she heard this. This is indeed true. Where did they get so many things for them to use when they were young?

Nowadays, there are more of these things, and as a result, it becomes increasingly difficult for children to take care of them.

Mikoto and Kushina chatted for several hours, and finally, Mikoto added Kushina's penguin friend.

Although Uchiha Mikoto is technically a ninja in Konoha Village, Uchiha Fugaku has no problem raising a family by himself.

So now Uchiha Mikoto is actually a housewife now.

Of course, for housewives, many people in Konoha Village now think that being a housewife is good.

After all, Konoha Village has become wealthy, and a housewife can live a good life at home.

It's just that Uchiha Mikoto doesn't want to be a housewife. She still wants to find a job that she likes. It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. She is actually not short of money anyway.

Even if you don't count Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Mikoto's family has a lot of money.

And strictly speaking, Uchiha Mikoto is also a chuunin. If nothing else, a chuunin can support a large family.

Therefore, Uchiha Mikoto was unwilling to be an ordinary housewife.

When she received a flyer mentioning the kindergarten, Uchiha Mikoto was very happy.

It turns out there is an age requirement...

Yes, the age requirement is just the age requirement. Let me tell you, what kind of content can be learned in your kindergarten?

Don't think I don't know. The reason why many people send their children to that southeast kindergarten is purely because they want to find a place to take care of their children.

Of course, Uchiha Mikoto also had this idea, so she didn't say anything. If the eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother, everyone is the same as the other.

Kushina felt a little helpless after saying goodbye to Mikoto. Although it was good to have another best friend, Mikoto really didn't even mention the things she wanted to know to her...

Back at her home, Kushina sighed, packed up and prepared to cook.

In the evening, Minato Namikaze returned.

Kushina beckoned Minato Namikaze to wash her hands and prepare to eat.

At the dinner table, Namikaze Minato wanted to laugh a little after hearing what Kushina had experienced today.

But seeing Kushina's expression, he wisely closed his mouth.

In the end, Namikaze Minato just comforted: "It's okay. If it doesn't work, just go find Tsunade-sama."

Kushina was a little confused: "Tsunade-sama?! Isn't she also there recently..."

Namikaze Minato put his finger on his lips: "Shh, Hokage-sama told me about this."

Kushina became even more confused: "What do you mean?"

Namikaze Minato sighed, Hokage-sama is older, even forty, so his physical fitness will naturally decline.

But Tsunade-sama, let alone now, even if she reaches forty, she will definitely be energetic.

To put it simply...

Yuya, the Hokage, couldn't stand it anymore.

But it was definitely impossible for Namikaze Minato to say this directly.

So he changed the topic directly: "Let's not mention this for now. Regarding children, there is actually another problem that is more troublesome."

"What?" Kushina asked.

Namikaze Minato: "Kyuubi."

Kushina reacted, and immediately puffed up her cheeks, picked up a piece of steak with a fork, and stuffed it into her mouth: "Really... I have never thought of such a thing before..."

Namikaze Minato sighed: "If you want to give birth, the seal of the Nine-Tails may be loosened, and then many people will be involved."

Kushina pursed her lips and hesitated.

Although she wanted a child, she didn't know the basics.

Namikaze Minato's career is now on the right track, and it has been determined that he will select a team of students graduating this year as mentors.

Only jounin who have reached a certain level can be qualified for this kind of thing.

In other words, since Namikaze Minato has been selected, he will definitely become the mainstay of Konoha Village in the future.

To put it bluntly, senior chuunin, promotion and salary increase will all be available.

Now Minato Namikaze's monthly fixed salary is 800,000 yuan, and he also gets commissions for completing some bounty tasks, but most of those tasks require leaving the village, and for one reason or another, he doesn't want to take on those tasks.

He can do it badly, so why do he have to work so hard? !

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