Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 328 The First World Finals

In August of the 49th year of Konoha, it was the end of summer again. Yuya was sitting in the Hokage's office, looking at the cost budget that Nara Shikaya handed him about Konoha Village's preparation for the first Ninja League World Finals. He didn't pay much attention to the eight-digit budget. Yuya looked at Nara Shikaya: "Those ninjas are still not moving?"

Nara Shikaya shook his head: "Still no movement."

Yuya hissed and frowned at Nara Shikaya: "It shouldn't be... It's okay that there was no movement last year, but there is no movement now?"

Last year, Yuya actually had another meaning for bringing so few people to the Hidden Cloud Village.

That is to lure out some insects in the dark.

The typical representative of them is a certain Shimura clan.

But the key to the problem is here.

The Shimura clan did not move at all.

There was not even any news that Shimura Danzo had convened a family meeting.

This made Yuya very embarrassed.

You are so obedient, how can I target you?

Whether it is the past life or this life, well, okay, strictly speaking, Yuya and Shimura Danzo had no hatred in the past life, it was just that when Yuya watched Naruto, he felt that Danzo was not worthy of being a human being.

But in this life, Yuya does have hatred with Danzo!

Whether it is from Yuya's personal perspective or from the position of Hokage, it is the same.

And all this is because of one thing.

Shimura Danzo wants to be Hokage.

The key to the problem is here!

It is impossible that Danzo wanted to be in the anime, and this guy wanted to be twenty years ago, but now he doesn't want to be, right?

Yuya doesn't think this guy will change his ways.

Yuya even thinks that this guy may be holding back something bad.

Of course, with Yuya's current identity, there are other reasons why he specifically targets Danzo.

That is, Yuya wants to use Danzo's identity to suppress the various ninja clans.

But the problem is stuck here with Danzo again.

Why doesn't this guy jump? !

Yuya is very annoyed.

In fact, Danzo is also very annoyed now.

Of course, he couldn't give up the idea of ​​becoming Hokage.

It's just...

The Shimura clan doesn't want to fight with Yuya anymore.

In fact, the Shimura clan needs Yuya now.


The small factories of farm tools, tableware, etc. owned by the Shimura clan didn't have much technical content. After the merchants from Kumogakure and Sandagakure came to Konoha, their profits became even thinner.

Especially the Kumogakure, since it bought some glass products from Konoha and developed the technology of burning glass through reverse research and development, Sandagakure has opened up its Ren and Du meridians.

Sandagakure has nothing else, but it definitely has a lot of sand!

So, now the largest glass factory in the ninja world is in Sandagakure.

Although they don't have much technology, they only have logistics costs when selling glass products to other villages, and the cost of raw materials is almost negligible.

Then who can beat them? !

Yuya is also happy to see it happen. If Sandagakure has money, he can harvest their leeks better.

But the Shimura clan and other villages are miserable.

Now, the choice made by Shimura Danzo seems stupid.

More than 20 years ago, Yuya was not yet firmly established, and all the families in the village were not tied together by interests like now.

At that time, Shimura Danzo had no idea how to compete with Yuya, so Senju Tobirama asked him to manage a factory.

However, Shimura Danzo did not manage a factory, and Senju Tobirama was furious. From then on, he no longer thought that Shimura Danzo had management skills.

Because of this, Shimura Danzo lost the qualification to compete with Yuya for the position of Hokage.

But later, Yuya paid attention to appease the Shimura clan, appease the Shimura clan! Not appease Shimura Danzo!

For Yuya, he didn't care where Shimura Danzo died, as long as he didn't get in his way.

In order to appease the Shimura clan, Yuya asked the Shimura clan to select some factories as compensation for them.

Then the clan leader Shimura Danzo, with a serious face, chose the factory that did make money at that time, but is now almost unable to operate.

Even if the Shimura clan holds a meeting now, the final topic will definitely be about where the money comes from.

In fact, if Yuya looks at the naturalization list of the villagers in the inner city of Konoha Village, he will find it.

Many people from the Shimura clan don’t want to stay in the clan land, but live in the inner city of Konoha.

Many have even bought houses in the inner city, but because they are from the ninja clan, they will have a half-price discount for the first house.

These current situations have already shown that the Shimura clan is on the decline.

So it is impossible for Yuya to expect Shimura Danzo to trouble him now.

Even if Shimura Danzo himself wants to, it is impossible.

The current situation is probably:

Shimura Danzo: I want to be a fire...

Shimura clan: Do you think you are, get back here!

The so-called patriarch of a family is responsible for the entire family.

For example, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

Why did the previous Uchiha clan leader refuse to speak out about Uchiha Setsuna until his death? Why is the head of the Hyuga clan so low-key in front of Yuya? !

Isn't it all for the family?

Unfortunately, Shimura Danzo doesn't understand.

People like him only care about their own family.

That naturally falls into the lower class.

However, it is precisely because of this character that it is unrealistic for Yuya to expect him to jump out now.

He is just selfish, not stupid.

It is not the right time yet.

Well, that is the case for Shimura Danzo himself.

What a pity...

Yuya sighed.

If Shimura Danzo does not jump out, how can he target other ninja clans?

Why does Yuya still target ninja clans when he has been targeting ninja clans for so long?

Well, the reason is very simple.

These ninja clans threaten the position of Hokage.

Oh, don't misunderstand that they threaten the position of the next and later Hokage.

After all, the ninjas of these ninja clans have a ninja identity compared to ordinary people.

This identity gives them a unique advantage since birth.

Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that no matter how long ordinary people work hard, it is difficult to cultivate a ninja.

But what about a ninja clan?

Bloodline is really a good thing...

Yuya used to target the ninja clan as a whole.

And now, he has to target these ninjas individually.

In short, as long as I don't come out of your damn clan land, I will target the ninjas of your clan.


Yuya finally decided to force it.

But this kind of thing can't be done too obviously...


In November of the 49th year of Konoha, the year-end review began, and Konoha Village also ushered in the first World Championship of the Ninja League, which was later called the first S-League.

Although the scale of this session was much smaller than last year's Ninja World League, the competition was more intense, more beautiful, and more professional.

In the end, the Sand Village representative team led by Sand Village Scorpion won the championship.

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