Kakashi and Obito each carried two ends of a wooden stick and tied a huge wild boar to it. The wild boar was already dead. Although the mission target only needed the head, the meat of the wild boar was a good thing. Even if they didn't eat it, they could make a lot of money by selling it to restaurants in Konoha Village.

However, plans can't keep up with changes. When the three little guys followed Minato Namikaze into the village, a loud noise suddenly came from the village, and then a puff of black smoke rose from the distant view of the high-rise buildings in the village.

Minato Namikaze's face changed suddenly, and then he immediately looked at Kakashi and Obito on the side: "Use the seal scroll to seal the mission target!"

"Yes!" X3

The three little guys took action immediately, and Minato Namikaze took out a telescope from his ninja backpack, then found a big tree, ran up, and then stood at the highest point and looked at Konoha Village.

"Teacher! What happened?"

Nohara Lin shouted from below. Namikaze Minato looked serious. After getting down from the tree, he looked at the three little guys in front of him with a serious face: "The building is too high, blocking my view."

Three people: "..."

No, you look so serious as if you have seen something...

"Let's go back to the village first."

Namikaze Minato led the three little guys to the village, and was stopped at the entrance of the village.

"Stop! Identification card!"

Namikaze Minato took out a mobile phone from his arms, and then took out his identification card from the phone case.

When a ninja guarding the gate was checking the identification card, Namikaze Minato looked at another person: "What happened in the village?"

The other ninja spread his hands: "Who knows, maybe it's just a firework? Anyway, there is no big thing in the village."

Namikaze Minato thought about it and nodded.

That's true.

The worst case is that some people are just unwilling to be lonely. Such people can't fight against the Hokage.

After checking the ID card, Minato Namikaze entered the village.

Then he realized that he had thought too much.

The village had not changed at all.

Everyone should still do what they should do.

Minato Namikaze looked at Kakashi and the other two behind him and said, "You three should go home quickly, I..."

Obito pulled his forehead protector and said, "Teacher, are you going to the scene?! I want to go too!"

Minato Namikaze: "..."

Kakashi nodded: "I want to go too."

Nohara Rin didn't say anything, but her resolute eyes said it all.

Minato Namikaze had no choice but to take the three little guys to the direction of the loud noise.

When he arrived at the place, Minato Namikaze took a breath of cold air.

Oh, of course he didn't see the specific situation, because the scene had been blocked by the security department with isolation belts.

But this incident was still a bit big. A deep pit appeared on the ground, and the roadbed on the side collapsed a little. Even because of this, the two buildings on both sides of the towing road felt a little tilted.

Of course, the tilt is an illusion.

And because the sewer runs through Konoha Village, the hole in the ground that collapsed for some unknown reason is emitting a foul smell.

Nohara Rin pinched her nose in disgust.

At this moment, an Uchiha ninja on the side came out from the circle surrounded by other Uchiha ninjas and shouted: "Is there a doctor?! Is there a doctor among the villagers nearby?!"

Namikaze Minato looked through the gap in the circle of Uchiha ninjas and saw that the ground over there was bleeding. There was no doubt that someone was injured in the collapse just now.

It might even be...

"I am!"

Namikaze Minato heard a familiar voice, turned his head and looked at Nohara Rin in surprise: "Rin?!"

Kakashi and Obito also looked at Rin in shock.

Obito: "Rin?! You, when did you become a doctor?!"

Rin rolled her eyes: "Tsunade-sama is the idol of all the women in Konoha Village, what's wrong with me learning from Tsunade-sama?!"

Obito was speechless, Kakashi felt that what Lin said made sense.

Tsunade's reputation in Konoha Village is divided by gender.

Among the female group, Tsunade's reputation is undoubtedly higher than Yuyadu.

So Nohara Rin was really right, and the medical books in the library are open. It is not impossible for you to learn to be a miracle doctor from scratch. The only difference is whether you have the talent.

Of course, Nohara Rin definitely does not have this talent, so she squeezed over with Namikaze Minato. Namikaze Minato patted his chest and said seriously: "I am her teacher, and I can take responsibility for all her actions!"

Several Uchiha ninjas looked at each other, and let Namikaze Minato take Nohara Rin into the human wall formed by Uchiha ninjas.

As soon as he entered, he saw more than a dozen Konoha villagers lying on the ground without any life, and the faces of men, women, old and young, including a child who looked like he was not even five years old. Namikaze Minato closed his eyes in pain.

Nohara Rin didn't look at these, she knew that time was very important in the process of treatment.

She walked over and saw that a person had fallen into a coma, and his legs were shriveled.

Yes, shriveled, it was obvious that it was caused by a heavy object hitting his legs.

Nohara Rin took a deep breath, looked at the Uchiha ninja aside and said: "He wants to amputate, but there are no conditions here, take the stretcher and go to the No. 1 Hospital!"

The Uchiha ninja looked confused.

"Go quickly!" Namikaze Minato couldn't help but urge.

"oh oh!"

This person just woke up from a dream, and Nohara Lin had already walked over. Looking at the injured person who was already in a state of shock, she gritted her teeth and took out her ninja weapon. She had to do the preliminary processing first, otherwise it would not be delivered. In the hospital, this person is gone...


Yuya smashed the table with one punch, and then he looked at Nara Shikaya with red eyes: "Okay! Okay! These beasts did a great job!"

The ANBU of Konoha Village are not vegetarians. They immediately went to investigate the incident as soon as it happened. The security department is responsible for maintaining order on the scene, and the ANBU is responsible for investigating the key to the problem.

And they usually have the habit of collecting intelligence in the village, so within half an hour, the whole story of this incident came to Youya.

Of course, the road collapsed for no reason.

But the reasons are many.

When the roads in Konoha Village were being built, it was of course impossible for Yuya to do it himself.

Youya gave money and asked the officials below to be responsible for building roads.

Then the people below went to find the engineering team in the village, and the engineering team started work again.

Generally speaking, the life cycle of a road in Youya is twenty years, but in fact, it must be used for thirty years to provide raw materials for the budget.

The crux of the matter lies here.

That road was probably built in the 31st year of Konoha, that is, eighteen years ago. When it was built, it was naturally impossible for Yuya to do it himself. He gave it to Nara Shikaya, and Nara Shikaya couldn't have personally watched it. Just let the people in your own family keep an eye on it, and then problems start to arise here.

It's not that the Nara family withheld part of the project funds or anything like that, this is a low-level method.

They directly opened a cement factory and gave the order to themselves.

This is actually not a problem. As long as there is no problem with the quality, there is no problem in placing the order for yourself.

The real problem is during construction.

It is impossible for the Nara family to keep an eye on it all day long, so naturally some people will secretly exchange it for some inferior goods.

However, these foremen did not go too far. The inferior parts were mixed into the cement at a ratio of one to ten.

If this is the case, then it will definitely last for 25 years, not just thirty years.

The crux of the matter lies here.

When it came time for construction, the Nara clan didn't know much about management and gave all the power to the construction team. The boss was stingy and unwilling to pay the workers enough. The workers were resentful and didn't take their work seriously. But at that time, You Ya The report received is that there is absolutely no problem in using it for twenty years, and the preliminary prediction even given is that it can be used for twenty-three years.

In this case, Youya didn't bother to care. Anyway, for him, the road must change every twenty years.

What are you afraid of if it can be used for twenty-three years?

But Youya ignored a problem.

Those are the big trucks that Konoha Village uses to transport goods to other villages. Their tonnage is calculated correctly.

But who loads the big truck strictly according to the tonnage?

So, after 18 years of strife, the ground reached its limit, and today it collapsed with a loud bang...

Therefore, it is not surprising that Youya is so angry.

He is angry...

In fact, it’s myself.

Of course, these guys who cut corners and mismanaged Nara deer must also be responsible.


Yuya was just about to deal with the merchants of Konoha Village, and these guys were in trouble.

There are just some...

I feel sorry for the villagers who were killed and injured in this accident...

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