Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 347 I always make the wrong choice, what can I do?

Uchiha Fugaku was eventually "asked" to leave the house by Obito's parents.

Through the door, listening to the sound of the belt hitting his buttocks and Obito's wailing, Uchiha Fugaku's mouth twitched.

Then he sighed helplessly.

His own security department...

It has come to this point?

Being despised by others like this is simply a slap in the face of Uchiha Fugaku.


Uchiha Fugaku sighed.

What's wrong with being slapped in the face?

Isn't it all the Uchiha's own fault? !

It's not like the Uchiha clan has no chance.

When Hashirama Senju was in power, even Madara Uchiha was willing to cooperate with Hashirama Senju.

If Hashirama Senju had dispersed the Senju clan in Konoha and the Uchiha clan had followed, then the embarrassing problem of the Uchiha clan today would not exist.

But this is impossible.

The Uchiha clan existed as a family during the Warring States Period. Even if they came to the village, could they abandon the family and only care about the village?

This was impossible!

Then Tobirama Senju came to power. He looked around and thought, wow, your Uchiha clan still has such a large territory?

He thought about the battles he had fought with your Uchiha clan before the village was built. He had to support your Uchiha clan both publicly and privately (of course, we all know that there must be more private grudges and individualistic hostility)!

And you guys made a fool of yourself and forced Uchiha Madara away, so don't blame me.

Then, the Uchiha clan was suppressed.

From then on, the Uchiha clan clung to the clan more tightly. After all, if they were suppressed by the Hokage and didn't join the group, wouldn't that be courting death? !


Yuya came to power.

In fact, if the Uchiha clan wanted to join Yuya, there were three best opportunities.

In other words, it was not the three best opportunities, but the five years before and twenty years after the death of Senju Tobirama, which were the best times to surrender to Yuya.

Five years before the death of Senju Tobirama, Yuya was in power. At that time, Senju Tobirama was fighting on the front line, and Yuya supported him from behind. The Uchiha clan did not support him and did not make trouble. They could only live a muddled life.

When Yuya collected supplies, they gave a little symbolically.

Later, Senju Tobirama came back and continued to suppress their Uchiha clan.

However, they did not realize that Yuya did not target their Uchiha clan, or they did not want to think about it after they found out, after all, Senju Tobirama was not dead at this time.

As long as Senju Tobirama was not dead, it was right for them to be careful and beware of the Hokage.

Then, Senju Tobirama died, and Yuya took over.

During this period, Yuya and Shimura Danzo set up a ring. In fact, they had a very good chance to go there at this time, and it could even be said that it was no less than when Yuya was in charge of logistics before.

Unfortunately, they were watching.

After that, Youya officially took over, restructured, and began to distribute dividends at the end of the year.

At this time, you have already received dividends, and Youya's goodwill has been very obvious!

Of course, let's be honest, we can't say that Youya only distributed goodwill to this family.

He distributed it to other families.

Therefore, at this time, if your Uchiha clan came over, Youya would be very happy, after all, didn't you see that other families tacitly took the money but didn't share much for Youya.

After that, it was all kinds of factories built and the interests were divided again.

While increasing the weight of interests, Youya also began to cut off the land of other families.

Coupled with the continuous expansion of buildings, we have the current inner city.

At this time, Uchiha came over and was undoubtedly the first meritorious official under Youya.

But the Uchiha clan still didn't.

Of course, we can't be hindsight. After all, strictly speaking, at this time, no family really approached Youya and did not take the initiative to hand over their land to Youya.

Yuya was not angry, and continued his plan until he drove Orochimaru out of Konoha Village, but built a laboratory in the Land of Grass.

Yuya's attitude towards his younger brothers was to expel them. You guys have nothing to do with Yuya, so why do you think Yuya will not take action against you?

It's just a pity...

For so many years...

Yuya has completely fed the clansmen of these ninja families into fat pigs.

Yuya said he wanted their land, and they were angry! They were furious! They wanted to fight Yuya!

Yuya listed a number by the end of the year.

They looked at the number and put back the weapons they had taken out. Some families also said: "Brother, I was just joking. Don't you know? We love our village the most!"

So, small families such as Inuzuka, Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka gradually gave up their family lands completely.

Even Sarutobi, Hyuga, and Shimura ceded a large part of their family lands.

But only Uchiha...

Only Uchiha.

Youya never took action. Although he built two factories, he also distributed dividends at the end of the year.

The Uchiha clan would rather leave their land in ruins than cut it off, which made Youya remember it deeply.

Why did Youya only release the news of replacing the power plant this year?

There are many reasons. To put it simply, the first one is:

The Uchiha will not cause trouble, or even if they do, they dare only shout, and these guys dare not take the initiative.

The second reason: there was really no need before.

One power plant was enough before, but now we need a second one.

The third reason: That is the external reason.

The biggest reason...

That is that the Hidden Cloud Village has an economic crisis for some reason.

——Nara Shikaku: I don’t know, don’t look at me! I just take our Konoha’s money and carry sacks to the Hidden Cloud Village black market to exchange for their money, and then buy their goods and sell them back. I only make about 20% of the money along the way. This has nothing to do with me, right? !

(Well, one Nara Shikaku definitely has nothing to do with him, but if there are more people...

Akimichi Choza: What? Why are you looking at me? I'm with Nara Shikaku, I do whatever he does!

Yamanaka Inoichi: I'm just joining in the fun, and why not do it if I can make money?

Other businessmen: Yes, yes, yes! We just saw this operation and found it profitable and followed it, it's none of our business!)——

In short, although I don't know why the Hidden Cloud Village is in an economic crisis again, there was an economic crisis there ten years ago, and this time it is probably for the same reason. Yuya is not prepared to pay attention to the situation in the Hidden Cloud Village, and is ready to take the opportunity to deal with Uchiha.

And Uchiha Fugaku is not not understanding these, but he is now...

There is really no way to resist.

Look at this side...

Listening to Obito's wailing in the house: "I just think that if I go to the Security Department, I can help the uncles, aunts, grandparents of Konoha Village more and better, so I want to go, wow..."

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head helplessly.

How could he not know why Obito's parents didn't want Obito to go to the Security Department?

The senior members of the Security Department were held hostage by the guys in the clan. If he were Obito's father, he would never let Obito go.

There is no future there...

Now the ninjas from other families and civilian ninjas in the Security Department have also realized this, and their enthusiasm has been hit hard.

Uchiha Fugaku knows all this.

But he... can't change...

After all... he is not Yuya.

Sighing, Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and turned away.

I'm sorry, Uncle Jing, I disappoint you.

You tried so hard to let me know that the Hokage was going to take action against the Uchiha...

But I didn't want to stop it...

The Uchiha, who have been at ease for too long, and have profited for twenty years, it's time for them to pay for their family fortune.

They, the Uchiha clan...

They make the wrong choice every time, so what else can they do?

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