Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 363 Business is not shabby

In Konoha 53, Yua invited the Five Kages from other villages to come to Konoha for a meeting.

The goal is very simple.

You Ya said that the rocket I have prepared for manned landing on the moon is set to be relatively large and can carry a larger number of people.

Not to mention anything else, there must be ten or eight people.

The Kage from other villages understood immediately that you, the stupid Hokage, haven't changed at all after all these years!

We still stare at the little money in our pockets all day long.

But there is no way, there are people on the moon, so who knows if they have civilization?

Who knows if there are minerals on the moon?

And again, the Otsutsuki Toneri on the moon made the four shadows of thunder, wind, earth, and water understand the same truth.

They should not limit their sights to the world below them.

There are so many worlds out there. God knows if there are more abundant resources and more advanced technology out there?

If they could leave here early to mine other planets, wouldn't they have a first-mover advantage? !

Anyway, those science fiction movies nowadays are shot like this.

Therefore, they really have to give this money!

But it's one thing to give, and it's another thing to be cheated by you.

It’s okay to give money, but what if you send someone to the moon and then lock their people on the rocket and prevent them from landing?

In response to the question asked by Raikage, Yuya dodged his eyes, waved his hands and smiled guiltily: "How could it be? How could we in Konoha do such a thing?"

In fact, Yu Ya has already scolded all the eighteen generations of Raikage's ancestors in his heart.

This guy Tamade wasn't that smart before!

What's going on now?

In fact, Raikage just said it casually.

But what didn't he understand when he saw Youya's expression?

"His grandma's fault! Naruto, you really fucking think so, right?!" Raikage hammered the table.

You Ya curled his lips: "Hey! Don't talk nonsense! I just set three price points! If you only buy the first price point, you will definitely have to stay in the rocket!"

Raikage looked at Yuya and his face suddenly turned red.

Is Tamad so shameless? !

Three more price points? !

Are you planning to take the opportunity to kill us again? !

The third-generation Kazekage Chiyo's mother-in-law, who was also older and showed her age, spoke at this time: "I don't know which three price ranges are there, and what is the specific price?"

You Ya smiled: "Look, look at his appearance, this is his attitude towards business."

Raikage's face twitched, how damn dare you say that!

He found out why there was an economic crisis in our Yunyin Village!

The source is you, Konoha Village!

Take your Konoha Village money and buy our products! Then exchange it into Yunyin Village money, and then exchange it into Konoha Village banknotes! After a few turns, the damn cost will be recouped, and it won’t take half a year!

Damn it, if I hadn't found out earlier, it would have been too late.

And the source is the Nara family in your village!

Who doesn’t know that someone from the Nara clan is working as a secretary next to you, wouldn’t you know that? !

Only a ghost can believe it!

However, there is nothing to say about this kind of thing. Since people can catch your loopholes, you have to admit it.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time to avoid the same economic crisis that happened more than 20 years ago in Yunyin Village.

That time the price of his food increased more than ten times, and he had to kill a group of people to finally stabilize it.

But it was also because of that time that basically, except for the businessmen from their own village, other merchants were unwilling to establish a chamber of commerce base in Yunyin Village. They would rather travel thousands of miles to Konoha Village than stay in Yunyin Village. It was because of this times impact.

Therefore, Raikage didn't take Yu Ya's ridicule seriously and instead said: "Don't talk about whether these are available or not, what is the price?!"

You Ya slapped the table: "That's cool! Then I won't talk nonsense!

The first-class VIP price is 100 million, the high-level VIP price is 1 billion, and the supreme VIP price is 2 billion taels! Of course, it must be calculated based on the price of our Konoha Village, but if you don't want to give money, you can give resources or something. If you give resources, I can give you a 20% discount. "

"Pah!" Lei Ying looked at Yuya blowing his beard and glared: "Are you fucking robbing money?!"

On the side, Goji Yagura also said angrily: "Robbing money? How can robbing money come as fast as this?!"

Onoki couldn't help but said: "These three levels are so expensive, you can't just rely on this one time to earn back all the research and development expenses, right?"

Youya immediately waved his hand after hearing this: "Hey, what are you talking about? No, no, no, but if you all buy the highest-level supreme service, it is indeed equivalent to half of the research and development expenses."

The expressions of the other four shadows suddenly darkened.

"What kind of... services do these three levels correspond to?" Granny Chiyo asked Youya.

Youya immediately looked at Granny Chiyo with bright eyes: "Good question!

This level of service is naturally what I just said, and I won’t care about sending you to the moon.

As for this high-end service, it naturally allows you to follow us. But if you are just following us, we will not take you with us on any lunar exploration mission.

And this supreme service is incredible! "Youya looked at the four people in front of him excitedly:

"Not only will he teach you step by step how to complete various tasks, but if relevant data is available later, he will also make a copy and share it with you. It can be said that he is a childlike person and the price is fair!"

The other four people looked unhappy.

Of course they knew what the so-called data meant.

For so many years, Yuya has been in the research department of Konoha Village. Who among these four villages has not plagiarized... um, who has not copied?

Of course, they also know the various terms in the research department.

Then who doesn't know that data is definitely the most important thing in any scientific research?

Who would choose the first two items if you say so? !

"Two billion is too expensive! Cut it in half!" Raikage looked at Yuya and slapped the table and said.

Yuya looked at Raikage and his mouth twitched: "Why are you so shameless? Cut it in half? Don't even think about it!"

"Then, 20% off?" Chiyo said, "I see you often give 20% off."

Yuya rolled his eyes: "This time is different. If you want to develop rocket aviation or something by yourself, don't think about it for less than 20 years.

Using 2 billion to buy 20 years, you will make money no matter how you look at it, right?"

Yuya is talking nonsense. These villages are all five major villages. In other words, their capabilities are different from Konoha Village, but they can't be 20 years apart.

But since Yuya has the mouth, he would naturally talk about the distant past.

Anyway, they are not developing rockets now.

Ohnoki frowned, then he thought about it carefully, and suddenly said to Yuya: "Two billion, no problem, but I have a condition."

Yuya looked at Ohnoki in surprise: "What condition?"

Ohnoki said expressionlessly: "You Konoha wants to buy two billion grains from our Iwagakure Village."

As he said that, Ohnoki comforted Yuya: "Don't worry, I promise it is new grain within a year."

Well, last year's grain is also within the scope of one year.

How to say it, since Yuya came to power for more than 30 years, there has been no war in the entire ninja world. Naturally, Iwagakure Village, or the Land of Earth, a large agricultural country, does not say that it has a good harvest every year, but it does have a large amount of grain to store every year.

And in recent years, they have used tens of billions of grains and fruits, anyway, as long as they can't sell them, they have used them to make wine.

You know what, basically among the five major ninja villages that sell cigarettes and alcohol, their alcohol sells the most and the best.

After all, it's cheap and tastes good.

But the fact is that they do have too much food stored.

Yuya thought about it, okay, Konoha Village's food reserves are enough to deal with three years, and the newly purchased 2 billion grains can be stored in the warehouse until the time comes to pull them out to feed pigs or make wine by themselves.

It's not a loss after all.

So Yuya nodded: "Okay, but it can't be all food, we have to have some other things."

Ohnoki nodded, anyway, they have a lot of fruits and other crops.

And this also made other Kage follow up immediately.

Doing business, not shabby.

So, the manned moon landing scheduled for Konoha 55 years at the earliest was established.

But if we want to wait for the specific implementation, we may have to wait a few more years...

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