Well, Yuya is not going to the moon.

Even if he is very interested in the moon, the people in Konoha Village will not let him ride on the rocket.

Although in the ninja world, there is more than one way to land safely after falling from a high altitude.

For example, Namikaze Minato can use continuous Flying Thunder God to fall from a high altitude.

Just keep throwing your Flying Thunder God Kunai.

And then there are flying ninjutsu, which is even more convenient.

Yuya naturally thinks there is nothing wrong with this.

After all, strictly speaking, the moon was separated from the earth, and it was separated by fairy arts. Such an outrageous thing has happened, so people can accept any more outrageous things.

Therefore, Yuya is sure to let someone go to the moon on a rocket.

This person is...

It is indeed not easy to choose.

The originally decided Namikaze Minato must stay because his wife is pregnant again.

Yuya is impossible to go.

After thinking about it, Yuya looked at Nara Shikaya on the side.

Of course, he didn't expect Nara Shikaya to go.

He just wanted Nara Shikaya to invite someone for him.


Uchiha Fugaku.

"Uchiha Fugaku?" Nara Shikaya frowned.

Youya nodded: "Uchiha Fugaku is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan. His strength can protect himself in case of an accident."

Nara Shikaya was a little surprised, thought about it and nodded.

For Uchiha Fugaku's strength, Nara Shikaya also followed him to another world.

At that time, they showed each other their strength.

Therefore, many people know about Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Nara Shikaya naturally knew about it at that time.

It was within Nara Shikaya's expectations that Youya asked Nara Shikaya to invite Uchiha Fugaku now.


"I don't think he will agree." Nara Shikaya said to Youya.

Yuya became interested: "Oh? Why do you think so?"

Nara Shikaya explained to Yuya: "Have you been paying attention to the Uchiha clan's recent affairs?"

Yuya was stunned: "I haven't heard of anything special happening in the Uchiha clan."

Nara Shikaya nodded to Yuya: "On the surface, it is true, but how long have you not read the information submitted by the Anbu?"

Yuya felt a little guilty. As a Hokage, he should keep the habit of reading the information reported by the Anbu at least once a week.

But the fact is that he has been a little slack recently. He hasn't read the information collected by the Anbu for more than half a month.

Yuya coughed and said to Nara Shika: "Don't talk about these nonsense, just tell me what happened."

Nara Shika nodded: "Just this month, in the past ten days, three elders of the Uchiha clan died."

Yuya was stunned, and then his expression became serious: "Is Fugaku so brave?"

Nara Shika was stunned, and then looked at Yuya with a smile: "What are you talking about? It's a natural death. One died of old age, and the other two died of illness and recurrence of old injuries. They died too old to undergo surgery."

Nara Shika shook his head and said: "After all, the youngest of these three people is 67 years old. It's no wonder that this happened."

Yuya nodded to show that he understood.

It's easy to live a hundred years. You just need to keep exercising, and then maintain a good mentality and eating habits, and you can basically guarantee that you can live to fifty or sixty.

But the key to the problem is here.

These people were born before Konoha was built.

To be honest, it is already outrageous to be able to live until now.

After all, don’t you see that Tobirama Senju and Hashirama Senju died so early.

These people have lived long enough to live to this age.

The death of these three people naturally gave Uchiha Fugaku hope.

The hope of concentrating power.

Uchiha Fugaku has always wanted to integrate the Uchiha clan with Konoha Village.

He certainly knows that in that case, the so-called Uchiha clan will only have a name, and there is no difference from Konoha Village in other aspects.

But this is what he wants.

The Uchiha clan is no different from ordinary villagers in Konoha Village, which is enough for the Uchiha clan to continue to exist.

There will be no Uchiha clan members who change their names directly after leaving the clan and entering the inner city.

Now these three old immortals are dead, which is not too good for Uchiha Fugaku.

Of course, just like Yuya suspected that Uchiha Fugaku was the first to do it after knowing the news.

There are also such voices within the Uchiha clan.

However, Uchiha Fugaku did not stop or cover up the emergence of such voices. It can even be said that he was eager for such voices to appear.


What is the saying that a person with a clear conscience is not afraid of his own shadow?

Of course, if there is no audience, no matter how straight your back is, no one will know.

Therefore, Uchiha Fugaku needs someone to detonate this public opinion.

Someone needs to guide this voice.

And there is no doubt that the person behind this did not obey Uchiha Fugaku's orders to push the issue...

Haha, of course there was.

Uchiha Fugaku did not really kill these three old men, so he was naturally not afraid.

As for the next step after expanding public opinion, it is natural to ask a doctor to verify the cause of death.

Apart from anything else, the doctors in Konoha Village are still very trustworthy in every village.

Therefore, after finding out the cause of death, Uchiha Fugaku no longer had any obstacles. Even because of the incident that he deliberately made a big deal, he now has great prestige in the Uchiha clan.

It was also because of something like this that required an examination of the cause of death that Uchiha Fugaku did not hold a funeral for these three clan elders with great fanfare.

What is there to do? In order to verify the cause of death, the bodies of the three old men were disemboweled. Naturally, it was impossible to put them into coffins and put them in the high hall.

Youya was amazed after hearing this.

It turns out that something like this actually happened.

So looking at it this way, there is really no way to trick Uchiha Fugaku into going to heaven.

Yuya thought about it and was not discouraged. If Uchiha Fugaku couldn't do it, then there were others.

"How about Akimichi Choza?"

Nara Shika also looked at Yuya with his mouth wide open.

It is clear that what he means is very simple and clear:

You fucking really want him to die.

With Akimichi Teiza's weight, if something happened to him, he might fall faster than a rocket!

Youya was a little embarrassed, coughed and asked, "Can't he fly?"

Nara Shika was even more speechless: "That's what the three of them, Ino Shika Butterfly, get together."

Youya raised his hand: "Then why not let the three of them..."

"Absolutely not!" Nara Shika roared angrily.

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