Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 380 Misunderstanding

Namikaze Minato's trip to the moon was broadcast live in the entire ninja world.

This time he was indeed famous.

He can be seen anywhere in the ninja world where TV can be watched.

It’s just that…

Although his identity this time is that of an astronaut, his mission is not.

Namikaze Minato was called over by Yuya alone.

Yuya asked Namikaze Minato to find Otsutsuki Toneri alone. If he could convince him to come to the ninja world from the moon, that would definitely be the best.

If you can't be convinced, then try your best to make friends with Toner, and try your best to ask Toner for information about their moon.

In response to this, Namikaze Minato patted his chest and promised to complete the mission.

In the past few years, Namikaze Minato has been entering the ANBU under Yua's arrangement, so that he has enough time and information to understand the character of the child Toneri Otsutsuki.

Ever since Otsutsuki Toneri asked Yuya for those DVDs related to the Masked Rider and various other entertainment works from the Leaf Village, Yuya knew that Otsutsuki Toneri could win for him. side.

After all, what is known is that the Otsutsuki clan is not the only one that is still sealed, and theoretically it should be impossible for Kaguya and this Toneri to come out in this life.

But there are others.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Yuya to try to get Toneri to stand on his side.

And now, with Yuya's expectations, Namikaze Minato landed on the moon.

Minato Namikaze shut down the live broadcast due to transmission problems with the live broadcast signal.

Of course, this is a pure excuse.

In the past, when the rocket landed on the moon, the whole process could be broadcast live. How could it not be possible now?

Yuya doesn't think that the Konoha Village under his control will become one of those forces that could manned people to the moon sixty years ago, but will not be able to do so sixty years later.

However, this reason is undoubtedly understandable by the villagers of Konoha Village.

after all……

As long as you can go to heaven, they can accept any reason.

Immediately after Namikaze Minato landed on the moon, he vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

He always felt like someone was watching him.

And this feeling gradually deepened as Namikaze Minato walked towards the direction of Otsutsuki Toneri.

Originally, Namikaze Minato thought that he was being watched by Otsutsuki Toneri.

But after seeing Otsutsuki Toneri, he still felt a vague gaze looking at him.

After thinking about it, Namikaze Minato thought that there might be some technology on Yuya's side that he didn't know about that was watching him, that's why he was like this.

In this case, he can't embarrass Youya.

So, Namikaze Minato showed a very friendly smile, smiled at Otsutsuki Toneri, who was about ten years old now, and said: "Hello, I am the Konoha Village ninja Namikaze Minato who is responsible for connecting with you this time. You You should know me, right?”

Otsutsuki Toneri looked at Namikaze Minato and nodded, then took out a communicator that Yuya had sent up with a rocket before and said, "He told me."

Namikaze Minato nodded: "That's it. I came here this time to invite you to go to the ninja world with us. How about it? Do you want to go with us?"

It must be very lonely for you to be alone on the moon. Come with us to the ninja world. We have many fun things for you to play there. "

Toneri's eyes clearly showed his intention, but after thinking about it, he asked a question to Minato Namikaze: "Then I want to ask, what if I don't want to go?"

Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, and then said matter-of-factly: "If you don't want to go, just don't go. We won't force you."

Otsutsuki Toneri nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and then said to Namikaze Minato: "I think so. It seems that he is overthinking."

Namikaze Minato had a question mark on his face.

Who is the old man?

Before Minato Namikaze could ask a question, Otsutsuki Toneri looked at him and asked: "Um, I want to ask, are there really those masked supermen on TV in Konoha Village?!"

Namikaze Minato was a little confused. After thinking for a while, he showed a forced smile and said to Otsutsuki Toneri: "Well, um, actually those are all fake..."

A sad look suddenly appeared on Otsutsuki Toneri's face.

It can only be said that he is getting older now. If he were younger and Namikaze Minato told him that there has never been "light" in this world, then he might cry on the spot.

Just being a little sad now is enough to prove that Otsutsuki Toneri has become somewhat mature.

"Then I want to ask, are the weapons in those movies real?!" Otsutsuki Toneri opened his big eyes.

It should be mentioned here that Minato Namikaze has little interest in movies.

As for the movies Otsutsuki Toneri watches, of course they are mainly cartoons.

Others are some movies carefully selected by Youya.

Among them are science fiction movies.

For Toneri Otsutsuki, although he didn't want to admit the cartoon and the Masked Rider, they were definitely fake.

But science fiction movies...

That's some cognitive impairment.

After all, Otsutsuki Toneri has never been to the Ninja Continent, so he has no clear understanding of the current strength of the Ninja Continent.

Therefore, he inevitably regarded the weapons in science fiction movies as those in the ninja world today.

For example, the various laser weapons such as lightsabers in the Ninja World War, and the weapons such as nuclear bombs that evaporated a city with one shot, of course, Otsutsuki Toneri thought these were real.

But in fact...

The latest generation of artillery shells can only guarantee an explosion radius of ten kilometers. Although it is already large, it is definitely very small compared to nuclear bombs.

But Otsutsuki Toneri didn't know.

So, a misunderstanding arose.

Minato Namikaze didn't know about those in science fiction movies. He just took it for granted and said: "Ah, you mean the cannons and other weapons in those movies? Well, our village does have them.

Other villages also have them."

Then Otsutsuki Toneri looked horrified.

It made Minato Namikaze look full of question marks.

So, after that, Otsutsuki Toneri took Minato Namikaze and headed towards his residence.

Minato Namikaze felt that he was trusted by Otsutsuki Toneri.

Until Otsutsuki Toneri brought Minato Namikaze to the residence of an old man, Minato Namikaze was relieved the moment he saw the old man.

What was he relieved for?

Of course, he was relieved that he did not play tricks, did not deceive Otsutsuki Toneri, did not deceive or force Otsutsuki Toneri to go to the Ninja Continent.

The strength of this old man...

Just one glance, Minato Namikaze felt a sharp pain in his mind.

The eyes of this old man are different from ordinary Byakugan, as if there is some kind of light flowing in them...

This is a powerful ninja who is about to die, and his strength cannot break through the shackles of life and evolve the Byakugan because the deadline is approaching.

Even so, his strength is still not to be underestimated...

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