I don’t know when it started, but in Konoha Village, the younger generation of the major families, especially the four or five-year-old children, have started to stick together since kindergarten.

It’s not appropriate to say that they stick together, but with the help of the elders, a social circle of only the powerful and high-ranking people has been forcibly created for these children.

For example, when a child starts to contact the outside world in kindergarten, he contacts people of the same class as his father, so what is the worst trajectory of his life?

Take Hyuga Neji, who has started kindergarten in the Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Neji attends the Hyuga clan’s own kindergarten.

The tuition of this kindergarten has gone from being affordable for ordinary families to being increasingly expensive and taking an increasingly elite route. Basically, from the age of five until he entered the ninja school at the age of ten, Hyuga Neji was able to contact people of the same level as the Hyuga clan, such as Sarutobi, Shimura and other families, if there were no accidents.

The kindergarten of the Hyuga clan has now expanded into an elementary school.

And it is also a three-year system.


It is because Youya has been promoting the atmosphere of universal mathematics since the civil service examination.

But if you don't know mathematics, you really don't know it, even if you are extremely angry.

Youya knows this, and other family members also understand this.

Everyone is not stupid. Mathematics is so important, so what else can we say? Just learn it.

Therefore, the kindergarten of the Hyuga clan and the elementary school that they directly transferred to later all adopted closed management.

In short, unless there are special circumstances, generally speaking, if you want to enter the Hyuga elementary school, you must have special reasons.

What special reasons?

Either you are particularly outstanding, or... you have to pay enough money.

And where do the students of Hyuga elementary school come from every year...

Kindergarten direct transfer to learn about it.

Yes, in short, basically if you enroll your child in the Hyuga school, Hyuga can take care of your child from the age of five to ten.

Even if you graduate from the ninja school at the age of twelve, there are special schools for Hyuga if you want to continue studying.

If you have excellent grades, you can also go directly to university.

Well, it is the second university of Konoha jointly named by the Hyuga, Sarutobi, Shimura and other families.

Although it is not as good as the first university appointed by Youya, after all, there are only these two universities in a city of several million, which is already very outrageous.

And in this way, his life is actually controlled in places that the children cannot notice.

For example, Hyuga Neji.

It is foreseeable that if there is no accident, Hyuga Neji will meet other rich and powerful children in kindergarten, and the same is true in elementary school.

The only special possibility is the three-year career in ninja school.

This may be the only way for Hyuga Neji to contact ordinary villagers in Konoha before he is twelve years old.

After that, the Hyuga clan can still arrange a promotion path for Hyuga Neji.

Although this also requires Hyuga Neji to be outstanding, and even more requires that the people of the Hyuga clan cannot drag their feet behind him, but with Hyuga Neji's talent, there should be no problem.

Therefore, the younger generations of these families have been tied together in this way.

Youya did not expect this, nor was he unable to stop it, but...

What reason?

Is there not enough such things?

In the prosperous times of the previous life, when did the children of the rich and powerful play with ordinary people?

This is a class issue. Yuya doesn't think he has the ability to solve this problem. If he had this ability...

He would have unified the ninja world long ago.

Yuya is still very confident about his ability. In any case, if Konoha Village continues to develop like this, it will undoubtedly become stronger and stronger. As for other problems...

Yuya can only sigh helplessly.

What can he do? This is a problem that even the great man in the previous life could not completely solve.

Therefore, Yuya is really a bit troubled about which kindergarten Uzumaki Naruto should choose next year.

In theory, it shouldn't be Yuya's business to send children to school.

But Naruto is not an ordinary child...

He has half of the Nine-Tails in his body...

Yuya sighed helplessly. He already had a difficult choice, and now he has to make this decision...

Tsk, not happy.

In the end, Yuya decided to throw this question back to Minato Namikaze and Kushina.

The two of them actually had a headache about how to choose Naruto's kindergarten.

They wanted Naruto to go to the Hyuga family kindergarten. After all, they both knew that the people there were either rich or noble, and it would be good for Naruto if he went there.

But the problem was...

They were not from that circle...

And if you really want to dig deeper...

Kushina and Naruto were the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, so theoretically, this mother and son must be Yuya's people.

But the Hyuga kindergarten was obviously a place for those families to play. If they let Naruto go...

Will there be some...

bad influence?

So they handed the problem to Yuya.

Yuya was also troubled. He didn't want to choose a kindergarten casually. In the end, when Naruto grew up, he recalled his kindergarten life and found it was a mess and hated himself as a third-generation grandfather.

Kindergarten is a very important stage, and Yuya himself knew this very well.

Therefore, he finally decided to let the couple Namikaze Minato and Kushina think about this problem.

Finally, Minato Namikaze and Kushina found Naruto.

And Naruto, as a matter of course, asked a question that only a child would ask:

"Mom, can I not go to kindergarten?"

Looking at Naruto, Kushina's face turned cold, and she looked at Naruto expressionlessly: "Of course, but if you don't go to kindergarten for a day, you are not allowed to go to the room to sleep for a day."

Naruto was a little confused. What was the mind of a four-year-old child?

He agreed immediately.

Three days later, Naruto begged Kushina to send him to kindergarten.

Kushina sneered in her heart: I can't deal with you little thing~

And taking advantage of this time, Kushina told Naruto that you can choose the kindergarten yourself, you can go to any kindergarten you want, but you can't regret it once you choose it.

Little Naruto thought for a long time and finally made a decision:

Go to Konoha Southeast Kindergarten.

Yes, this Southeast Kindergarten is the kindergarten where Yakushi Nono is.

The reason why little Naruto chose this place is very simple...

Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki live in Konoha East City.

It is well known that in addition to a few commercial streets, many civil servants live in the North City of Konoha.

Yuya also lives in the North City, which makes many officials of Konoha Village live in the North City.

West City is the private land of many ninja families, and Namikaze Minato was born in the East City, so his hometown is in the East City District.

And Kushina...

When she was a child, she also lived in the North City, and it was near the Hokage Rock. After getting married, she naturally moved to the East City.

It's still the same problem after all.

Wherever you are, you will come into contact with people of that class.

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