How did the Illusion Family survive without fighting for decades?

They also need to eat, use high-end mobile phones, and buy high-end bags.

What to do?

They can indeed get a sum of money at the end of each year, but for the Yuhi Family, they only get 100 million or 200 million taels a year. Thirty years ago, even the head of the Sarutobi Family would be happy to accept this amount of money, but now...

It's really too little.

The main thing is that the clan land was also taken back by Youya. I won't go into details about how it was taken back. The means are nothing more than those.

In the end, the people of the Yuhi Family thought that being an ordinary villager is much more comfortable than being a ninja. As an ordinary villager, you can buy a house, a car, and various large items with subsidies.

What else is there to say? Disband.

Then, when it comes to Yuhi Kurenai, she is already a "real civilian ninja".

But as I said, being a civilian ninja does not mean that you are uncomfortable.

At least the people of the Yuhi Family do live more comfortably after leaving the family.

Of course, the premise is that they can't give up.

Konoha is still in a manpower shortage. If you play badly, others will work hard, and you will be stupid and despised.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had already chosen a partner for his son, but now it seems...

It should be over...

"Dad, I like Hong. Even if you stop me, I can't give up!" Sarutobi Asuma said to his father.



Uchiha Kagami, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Akimichi Tofu, Nara Shikaya, Yamanaka Hikoichi, Kamigane Yua, plus Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En's tablet computer, this hot pot, everyone raised their glasses together.

Hmm? Did some strange people sneak in?

Yes, theoretically Nara Shikaya and Yua should not be here.

How many things did the Hokage have to deal with? How could they come to the dinner?

Well, actually, the two of them were not worried about this, because...

Hokage's office:

"Damn it, why leave me here alone?! I also want to eat hot pot, and I don't want to work!" Nara Shikaku gritted his teeth and looked uncomfortable, but he had to continue to handle government affairs, and the dissatisfaction on his face was already beyond words.

Hot pot restaurant:

"You guys are really interesting. You even set up a computer to video chat with me." The emperor of the Whirlpool Country, Mitomon Yan, who lived a very comfortable life, was the first to speak.

You Ya waved his hand: "If you can video chat, then you are here. Let's not say anything!"

Others raised their glasses again.

"I say, you guys are drinking, why did you call me over too?" Koharu Utainane, the diplomat of Konoha stationed in the Daimyo of the Fire Country, looked dangerous. She should be angry. She thought it was a big deal, but it turned out that You Ya invited people to dinner, and she couldn't even eat!

Yuya continued to wave his hands: "Well, eating doesn't affect the business."

"What business?" Utatane Koharu looked at Yuya dangerously, "If the business you are talking about is extremely boring, then don't look for me in the future."

Yuya smacked his lips: "A woman who was so gentle when she was young, why is she so talkative when she is old?"

"What did you say?!" Utatane Koharu was immediately furious.

Uchiha Kagami held his forehead speechlessly: "Okay, okay, Lord Hokage, you called so many of us here, and I can only think of one thing, you'd better not waste time, lest I go back late and get scolded again."

As soon as Uchiha Kagami said this, most of the people present were slightly stunned, and then many people looked at Yuya.

Yuya curled his lips, drank the wine in the glass again, then sighed and shook his head and said: "Uncle Kagami, you guessed right, I did come to you to discuss the next generation of Hokage."

The expressions of others suddenly became serious.

Even Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu looked serious.

As I said before, the high-rise buildings in Konoha Village are the best proof of what Yuya has done.

With Yuya's prestige in Konoha Village, basically, he can decide who will be the next Hokage with just one word.

And among all the people present, which family doesn't have a family? Which family doesn't have an idea about this position?

Yuya sighed again and continued to pour himself a glass of wine.

Uchiha Jing reached out and took Yuya's glass with dissatisfaction: "Okay, don't drink, don't get drunk before finishing the business."

Yuya curled his lips: "My alcohol tolerance is not that bad...

Forget it, what I want to say is actually very simple.

I'm playing badly."

As soon as Yuya said this, all the people who were waiting for Yuya's next words were stunned at the same time.

"Huh?" XN

Yuya sighed and repeated again: "I'm a jerk. I know you're waiting for me to bring out the next Hokage."

Yuya smacked his lips, then shook his head and said: "But in my opinion, there are no outstanding people in the next generation."

As he said that, Yuya started to serve.

The others looked at each other, and Mitomon En in the video couldn't help but asked first: "The Sarutobi Asuma of the Sarutobi clan, I remember that kid was pretty good."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed drastically, and the others also looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a playful look.

Mitomon En was a card that no one had expected.


Everyone is playing in the village, but you are the only one who is playing outside the village. And you have also pulled Mito Kado Yan, the emperor of the Whirlpool Country, to one side. This force is very strong.

And Mito Kado Yan supports Sarutobi Asuma, so isn't that an alliance between the two sides?

Mito Kado Yan also knows that it is not good for him to jump out and support Sarutobi Asuma openly, but Yuya has said so. If he follows up and says that there are indeed no outstanding people in the next generation, then Sarutobi Asuma will be finished, right?

So he must stand up.

Yuya was stunned and looked at Mito Kado Yan in confusion: "You don't know yet?"

Mito Kado Yan looked confused: "Know what?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen patted his forehead in pain, sighed, and directly told him about the recent quarrel between Sarutobi Asuma and him.

Mito Kado Yan was stunned.

No, what do you think, marrying someone from the Yuhi family?

According to our arrangement, you can marry someone from the Shimura family. Then, with Sarutobi and Shimura inside and Mito Kado En outside, the position of Hokage will be secured, right?

What the hell are you thinking? You want beauty over the kingdom, right?

Youya sighed and patted Sarutobi Hiruzen on the shoulder: "Don't be angry. Whose son is not worrying? My son is the same. He insists on marrying a girl from the Hidden Cloud Village. Tsunade has been so angry about this that she can't sleep all night."

Uchiha Kagami looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and Youya's painful faces and couldn't help it. He shook his head and said: "It's as if everyone is the same. My grandson, that is Shisui, has been very successful in his career recently. After our family lost those factories and shops, the burden is enough for him to be successful in his career. Continue walking on the road.

But his father told him to get married early and have a big fat boy, what's the problem with that?

He's 15 years old this year! Fifteen years old! We used to go to the battlefield at this age!

Now I'm not asking him to have a baby right away, I asked him to find one first, but he didn't want to find one first! Do you think I'm wrong? ! He even quarreled with me! I just want to hold my great-grandson! That's all I think! Is it wrong? ! Is it wrong? ! "

Uchiha Jing became more and more excited, and the others hurriedly tried to calm him down.

After that, everyone at the meal was extremely excited.

It's nothing else, every family has its own problems...

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