Jiraiya and Himiko have been traveling in the Ninja World for many years.

The biggest change of the two...

Maybe Himiko has grown long hair, and Jiraiya is not as unkempt as before.

Although this guy wants to go to places like women's bathhouses to "collect materials" from time to time, he is always stopped by Himiko.

When Himiko was pregnant and gave birth, this guy was extremely honest during that period.

Not to mention peeping at other people taking baths, he was very happy running back and forth between the hospital and home every day.

Even after giving birth, Himiko and Jiraiya stayed in Konoha for more than a year before leaving again.

The child of the two was taken care of by Himiko's clansmen in Konoha.

In fact, Yuya asked Jiraiya and Himiko to take care of the child, but Jiraiya felt that Yuya had helped a lot and it would be too much to ask for more, so he refused.

After that, the two continued to travel around the world.

Moreover, this time, the two of them basically went into the deep mountains and forests every day, and went wherever was more remote.

In short, the reason why the two came to the Whirlpool Country this time was purely to travel around the world and come here.

However, I am afraid that neither of them expected that as time passed, people would always grow up.

And Nagato was no longer the little brat who pestered Jiraiya to teach him ninjutsu when he was a child.

Another day passed.

Jiraiya woke up on the bed in the hotel, turned his head and saw that his wife Himiko was still sleeping. Jiraiya stretched his waist and took the air conditioner remote control beside him to turn off the air conditioner.

Air conditioning is indeed a good thing, but the Whirlpool Country is strictly speaking surrounded by the sea, and the temperature difference between day and night is actually quite large.

Therefore, generally speaking, people here usually don’t turn on the air conditioner at night.

Jiraiya just reacted.

However, he and Himiko are both ninjas, and their physical fitness is relatively strong, so they should not catch a cold because of this kind of thing.

"Dongdong" the door was knocked.

"Hello, room service."

Jiraiya walked over and opened the door, then said to the waiter outside: "It's still early, please come back after noon to clean up."

The waiter pushing the dining cart nodded: "Okay sir, do you need breakfast?"

"Oh, of course." Jiraiya thought about it, took a newspaper, and then casually took out a 500 tael coin and handed it to the waiter: "No need to change, thank you."

"Thank you for your generosity." The waiter smiled at Jiraiya and took the money.

A newspaper usually costs 100 taels, and as for breakfast...

That must be brought by the accommodation.

So the extra 400 taels is a tip.

It's not much.

Jiraiya took two breakfasts and woke Himiko up to have breakfast together.

Himiko walked into the bathroom in a daze, brushing her teeth while asking Jiraiya vaguely: "Jiraiya, how long are you going to stay here?"

Jiraiya thought about his plan, and then thought about Nagato whom he saw yesterday...

Jiraiya sighed and said helplessly: "Stay a few more days, that kid... I always feel that he is hiding something from me."

Himiko said "oh" and continued to brush her teeth.

Jiraiya picked up the newspaper and started reading.

And as he read, Jiraiya directly spit out a mouthful of soy milk.

Because the headline on the newspaper clearly showed:

[Breaking News: Uzumaki Nagato, Minister of Construction Department of Whirlpool Country, sincerely invites relevant representatives of the three countries of Earth, Wind and Rain to bid for the first phase of the railway construction of Whirlpool Country]

Even a political idiot like Jiraiya knows that the meaning behind this breaking news must be extraordinary.

But the key to the problem is...

Why did Nagato do this? !

At the same time, why did he think that this kind of thing could succeed? !

The Land of Fire, Konoha Village, Hokage's Office:

"What's going on in the Land of Whirlpools?!" Nara Shikaya looked at Youya angrily with a newspaper in his hand, "I remember that Mito Kado En didn't report this to us!"

Youya waved his hand and said to Nara Shikaya with a smile: "Don't worry, Shikaya, you're old, it's better not to get angry easily, it's easy to get wrinkles."

Nara Shikaya: "..."

Damn it, who am I so angry about? !

"There's something wrong with this matter." Nara Shikaku touched his chin and frowned.

Youya smiled: "What can be wrong? I think you're just thinking too much."

Nara Shikaku frowned and looked at Youya, thinking about it, Nara Shikaku asked: "Could it be... this matter is also within your expectations?"

Nara Shikaku looked at Youya in surprise.

Yuya was speechless: "No, what kind of image do you have of me?

I'm not a god, how can I know what will happen in advance? What I mean is that we don't need to get involved in this matter at all."

Nara Shika was a little puzzled: "Why? It's obvious that the Whirlpool Country is testing whether it can get rid of Konoha's control, right?"

Nara Shika was right.

Since Uzumaki Nagato was able to be promoted in the newspaper, it has already explained a lot of facts.

First, Uzumaki Nagato was promoted.

Why did the newspaper specifically mention Nagato's name?

It's very simple. If something goes wrong in the end, the responsibility will be all Nagato's, and the other people in the Whirlpool Country will be set up as "never having contact with Nagato" and "always being loyal to Konoha".

It would be too easy for these people to just kneel down.

Second, Nagato volunteered.

Don't worry about why Nagato agreed to be the first to come forward, anyway, this has become a fact.

In this case, Yuya needs to look at this matter based on this.

So what is Nagato's ultimate goal in this matter?


To be honest, Yuya really doesn't know what Nagato's ultimate goal is.

On the surface, Nagato's goal is to invite other villages to come to the Whirlpool Country to build a railway, but who really thinks that this is Nagato's ultimate goal?

It's not that simple.

However, Yuya and the current Konoha Village have the ability to respond to changes with the same attitude.

Why could the big country where Yuya was in his previous life ignore the monkeys jumping around?

It's very simple. The strength of both sides is not at the same level at all.

Since the strength of both sides is not at the same level, if you respond to him, or deal with him, what will other countries think?

At that time... will the business still be done?

In other words, they just want to use this wave of defeat to leverage your interests in the whole world.

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