Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 428 No one will accept it

Same night:

Hyuga Hiashi and his brother Hyuga Hiashi are also discussing the plan of integrating the Hyuga branch into Konoha.

The Hyuga branch has been treated like a dog by the Hyuga main family for so many years. Now, taking advantage of Yuya's desire to resign as Hokage, Hyuga Hiashi wants to completely resolve the issue of the branch's dissolution.

In this way, the Hyuga family will no longer have the bullshit caged bird system.

Although this will obviously be opposed.

But compared to Yuya's resignation as Hokage, the Hyuga branch's affairs are indeed too insignificant.

After all, no one knows who the next Hokage will be, and what kind of profit distribution method will be adopted, which makes the Hyuga clan particularly uncomfortable.

"Brother, if the branch's affairs can be completely resolved, Neji's children, your nephews and grandchildren, will no longer be engraved with the caged bird curse!"

Hyuga Hiashi nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

The so-called intergenerational affection is particularly obvious in Hyuga Hiashi.

The high standards for his own daughter Hinata and the funny image for Hinata's son and daughter are two extremes.

And the reason why Hyuga Hiashi wants to change the branch family system is this:

Let his younger generations... not be constrained by caged birds, and be able to fly freely in the sky.

As for the old men of the Hyuga clan who are now barking about the role of the Byakugan on the battlefield...

Now the drone with the longest range can reach 200 kilometers and can also transmit real-time images.

Can your Byakugan see 20 kilometers?

And the role on the battlefield, bullshit!

It's just an excuse to control the branch family!

Hyuga Hiashi now has great ambitions in his heart, and he thinks he is the one who saves the Hyuga clan!

Hyuga Hiashi is naturally very excited.

It's not that there is no such unlucky Cloud Village in this world that comes to Konoha to spy on Hyuga, and troubles Hyuga after the ninja is killed, the Hyuga clan can rest assured.

Someone said it well: Every era has its own mission and crisis, and opportunities and crises always coexist.

The same reasoning applies. In this world, it does not mean that if Youya changes the original plot, there will be no troubles. In fact, there will be more troubles.

For example, when will Konoha Village reach a population of 10 million?

Putting aside the population problem, the economic problem is a big problem.

Youya is playing a gold standard system. In other words, Konoha Village now has tens of thousands of tons of gold reserves in the underground of Konoha, allowing Youya to use them at any time. With these tens of thousands of tons as a guarantee, Konoha's monetary system can be maintained and will not collapse.

The key to the problem is that the economy is not only reflected in currency.

It can even be said that the economy is often linked to people's livelihood and politics.

There are indeed more and more rich people in Konoha now, but it also creates a problem:

The channel for the lower-class people to rise is getting narrower and narrower.

People from other villages are trying their best to come to Konoha Village, and then they will find that they have worked hard all their lives to buy a house and have a Konoha household registration, but they can only enjoy it for a few years.

Unless they take out a 30-year loan early.

But if they have a loan, they can't get a Konoha resident ID card.

So, the cycle begins.

No matter how hard people from other villages try, they can't enter the inner city, and Youya gives the inner city 100 quotas every year.

This policy was tried out in Konoha more than 20 years ago, and it still maintains this number.

It's not that Youya doesn't want to add more.

The problem is still the same problem. If you add too many, the quota will be worthless, and those people from the outer city will not break their heads and rush to the inner city.

Youya is not so stupid as to do such a self-destructive thing.

And this is just a problem of the population structure of the outer city.

There are also people in the inner city.

Now gradually. The structure of the inner city has also begun to solidify slowly.

There is nothing we can do about it.

After a day of classes, rich people have to take other courses, which may be piano, art, or ninjutsu, taijutsu, etc. to improve themselves.

What about ordinary civilians?

If the parents are ninjas, there is no time to teach!

Unless the grandparents are also ninjas.

And over time, the gap is widened.

They have more resources and more connections than you, what can you do?

As for Youya, although he has been supporting the Senju clan to disband some of the outstanding representatives who have mixed into the village, after all, he is still a little worse than these ninja families.

Well, the question is back, so, can all these ninja families be disbanded for me?

This is another question.

And then there is the recent issue of succession.

So, when Youya said he was tired, he was really tired.

The entire Konoha Village was on his shoulders, and the burden was really heavy.

Well, so it’s okay to enjoy and relax occasionally.

Tsunade held a feather duster in her hand, her eyes full of ferocity, coldly staring at the two men kneeling in front of her, and occasionally tapping her palms with the feather duster.

"Go on, keep talking, let me see what excuses you have.

And you, Jiraiya, your elder brother has given so many reasons, he is so tired, it is understandable that you take him to such a romantic place to relax, then what is your reason?"

Jiraiya swallowed his saliva, looked up at Tsunade cautiously, and said with a wry smile: "I, I'll report to my elder brother what I saw and heard in the Land of Whirlpools..."

"Does your elder brother need you to report?! He is the Hokage, doesn't he know more and more detailed than you?! You thought about it for a long time and only came up with such a reason?! I'll beat you to death!"

Jiraiya suddenly felt bad and turned around and ran. Tsunade immediately ran after him. In the end, Jiraiya was punched into the rock wall on the other side of the Hokage Rock by Tsunade...

One day later:

Yuya covered his cheek and came to the Hokage's office.

Nara Shika also looked at Yuya's cheek that had not yet subsided and raised his eyebrows: "Dean Tsunade... is really merciless..."

Yuya sighed: "That's right, you pinched her even when she was swollen."

Then Yuya couldn't help complaining: "I don't tell her that she usually goes to the gambling house secretly..."

Nara Shika was a little speechless. Who doesn't know that Dean Tsunade has only this little hobby?

And Lady Tsunade didn't lose much either - mainly because the gambling house owner didn't dare to win too much. As I said before, who doesn't have a sick person at home? All the doctors in Konoha are Tsunade's students. What if she needs help from them one day?

So for Tsunade, it was often the beautiful dealers who tried every means to make her win money.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Has the matter in the Whirlpool Country been resolved?"

Nara Shikaya sneered as soon as he heard it: "Resolved? How is it possible? Those civilians who want money are willing to accept compensation of 250,000 taels per person, but how can those people from the Uzumaki clan be willing?

This is 4 billion taels becoming 1 billion taels, no one will accept it."

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